If these two consciousnesses do not develop into the Hell God of War, then there is a second possibility.

They will become unique individuals, and when Aoki can create flesh out of thin air, the two of them will be able to break away from Aoki and become two separate entities.

Or, look for an opportunity to seize Aoki's body.

However, when Aoki used the insect arrow to awaken the stand-in, the power of the insect arrow turned these two consciousnesses into a stand-in.

Positive consciousness has become the king of the void, and negative consciousness has become a dark ruin. Before the transformation, they and Aoki were at the same level. After the transformation, they were downgraded by one level and became beings that could be manipulated by Aoki.

The King of the Void is full of all good golden spirits, and he chooses to fight alongside Aoki to protect him.

And Dark Ruins is an ordinary office worker with a dark will, and he feels that Aoki has the potential to become a madman, which will hinder him from pursuing a rotten life, and he can't choose to hide.

As consciousness, he and Aoki are mixed together.

As a stand-in, the ruins and Aoki have a strong connection. But the King of the Void and the Dark Ruins are not just stand-ins, they can choose to hide and rebel against themselves before Aoki takes the initiative to complete control.

If the stand-in is injured, the body will also be injured. If the body is in poor condition, the stand-in will also become weak.

If the ruins don't come out, Aoki can't find him.

But now, the ruins took the initiative to escape, and then he couldn't help it.

"King of the Void!" "Smash his face!"

"Are you crazy?I'm your stand-in now!!" You will take all the damage I take!"

The King of the Void

appeared, and he smiled heartily and swung his fists into the face of the ruin.

Dark Ruins wanted to directly urge the separation function of the Enma Knife and forcibly cut off the connection between the three consciousnesses completely.

However, Aoki's self-consciousness and the dark ruins collided with each other, and the separation skill of the Enma Sword was activated and canceled, and so on and so forth, the ultimate pull was made.

And at this time, the Void King's fist had already hit the face of the Dark Ruins.

Aoki controlled the ruins, and the King of the Void attacked with all his might.

Two to one, the flying dragon riding face, how to lose!!

the king of the void quickly bombarded the face of the dark ruins, and Aoki's face began to become distorted, and blood splattered.

The skull began to shatter little by little

!Dark Ruins: "You madman!Damn magnetic field madman!

" Aoki: "Hahahahaha


ha My life is up to me, not God!!!"

The Dark Ruins suddenly burst out of power to break free from Aoki's control and began to fight against the King of the Void.

The power of the ruins is limited, as Aoki stops transmitting his power.

Aoki gives his full power to the King of the Void and fills Pava with the King of the Void.

It stands to reason that it was only a matter of time before the ruins were defeated.

But how could !!

Aoki let such a boring thing happen

! Aoki divided his power in half and supplied it to the Dark Ruins and the Void King at equal speed!

The two doubles quickly exchanged fists, and the air let out a burst of explosions, knocking over all the surrounding trees and dirt.

"Eula, Oura, Ora, Ola!",

"Wood Big Wood Big Wood

Big T

Lu Linglong came back to her senses and immediately picked up the orange Jinhua lying on the ground and left this place of right and wrong.

And the remaining few people have been weak in their legs, and then they were killed by the aftermath of the battle that escaped, and there were no corpses, no bones, and there was a reason to destroy people's desires...

Lu Linglong carried the citrus flower and ran for a long distance, then put down the citrus flower and watched the battle in the distance.

Huang Jinhua wiped her tears, she was by Aoki's side before, and she was not drenched in blood.

But he was carried by the bloody man Lu Linglong, and his body was also stained with a lot of blood.

Fang Jinhua: "What's the matter, what's wrong with Aoki?" Lu

Linglong: "I don't know, it seems to be a demon, and this situation can only be dealt with by Grandpa Tai and the Heavenly Master."

"If we lean in, not only will it not work, but we will also hold back.

Lu Linglong touched her back buttocks and found that the phone had fallen off.

"Flowers, is your phone still there?" "It's still there


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