Aoki is not bad for money, but he can't be wronged.

So... Aoki wants to charge some benefits.

"Sister Luna, I understand your situation...""I

believe you!" If

it weren't for Aoki's use of polygraphs, Aoki's appearance would have been quite sincere.

But unfortunately, Miss Luna didn't see Aoki's operation, and she was so moved.

Luna hugged Aoki and cried bitterly, Aoki was originally a little uneasy, but when she saw Miss Luna inadvertently wipe her snot and tears on herself, Aoki became uncomfortable.

Forget it, it's the right thing to lend the broad chest to the young lady to rely on.

When Luna finishes crying, Aoki prepares to strike while the iron is hot.

"Don't worry, Luna, I don't blame you.

"I'll pay the bills, I'll touch zero, I'll pay 120 million.

"The extra will be regarded as if I lent it to you, and I will pay it back when you are financially prosperous in the future, so you don't have to worry." "

A girl like Luna can't be conquered with money.

If Aoki had said that she would have given her money directly, Luna would have felt uncomfortable and would have rejected Aoki's kindness.

But if Aoki said that she would lend it to her temporarily, she would still accept it after hesitating due to the embarrassment of life.

Luna wiped her tears and looked at Aoki gratefully.

She had always thought that Aoki was not a good person, and now it seems that her thoughts were wrong.

What a gentle and considerate man....

"Luna, you said you were homeless, my house is pretty big, and there are cats who can do backflips.

Luna's face froze, and sure enough, she was not wrong.

She could tell at a glance that Aoki wasn't a good guy!

"Bad guy!"

Luna thumped Aoki's chest and turned to leave.

"I'll settle the task and pay you!" Aoki

looked at Luna's departing back, the sand sculpture was so wonderful.

Too much, Aoki didn't continue to tease Luna.

But the members of the Adventurers' Guild knew about Aoki's greedy Luna body, and they did not hesitate to admit the sky-high bill.

This move made the other female employees of the adventurer's union cry.

Wait a minute

!Will this be treated as a licking dog


!Absolutely not

!"Luna!Is your first kiss still there?"Still there, why do you suddenly ask someone?


Your first kiss is my Aoki Da!!"After

settling the quest pay, Aoki went to the market and bought a lot of supplies.

I went to the Chamber of Commerce again to buy magic materials.

Aoki began to build the Alchemy Workshop.

For Aoki, "Liuku Immortal Thief" and "Double Full Hand" are not difficult to cultivate, and it doesn't even take much time.

"Divine Refinement" is the most time-consuming thing, and Divine Refining is an engineering subject in metaphysics.

It is the most practical and requires a lot of time to study and ponder.

Fortunately, Aoki was born in science and engineering, and he has his own methodology for learning.

It's not all of them, it's just one direction.

Learn the general basic content first, and there is a very important skill in the basic content.


Qi to refine dead things into something you can control.

This method is not only useful for refiners, but also for anyone who learns it.

For example, if you take troops in battle and make a short contact, you can refine the enemy's weapons and seize the right to use them.

Fight in close quarters with people, directly refine the enemy's clothing and armor, and control the enemy's clothing to harden and pierce the enemy's heart.

Another example....


sat cross-legged on the lawn, with a long sword on his lap and his hands attached to the sword.

Golden Qi poured into the sword from the palm of his hand, and Aoki gradually felt the presence of the long sword.

Aoki used the means of chemical to refine this long sword, and the process that could be refined in just a few seconds was forcibly extended to one minute.

Aoki repeatedly used Qi to refine the long sword until he felt that he could wield it like his arm.

"Get up!" the

sword floated slowly, swimming like a flying fish under Aoki's mind control.


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