"My husband was born between heaven and earth, how can I live under Aoki for a long time

!" "I, Kazuma Sato, have a dream

!" "I want to buy a mansion of my own

!" "Live a peaceful life of eating and waiting for death!"

"So, let's go on a mission

!" "Save up money and buy a mansion!" Kazuma

Sato stood on a stone and spoke impassionedly to Akuya and Megumi.

But winter arrived, the wind was bitter, and Akua was frozen like a dog.

Megumi was also shivering, not listening to what Hezhen said at all.

Akuya: "It's too cold, it's too windy, don't take any chances, next time!" "

Go back, there's still a lot of spicy soup left in the morning, I'll go and heat it up."

Megumi: "That's right, with such a cold wind, even the enthusiasm for bursting magic will be extinguished. The

two turned around and left, and Kazuma was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Can't go!"

"Akuya, don't you want to have your own mansion?" Akuya

: "No, it's good to stay here, even if I'm asked to use it as a thermal weapon."

"Anyway, if you men get close to me, the evil thoughts in your heart will be purified, and there is no risk of being defiled at all. "

It turns out that Akuya has been corrupted by the rich material life?Kazuma

was grief-stricken: "Don't

you want to defeat the Demon King?" Akuya: "You can wait until this winter is over and then work hard

!" "Escape is not defeat, escape is victory!"

Kazuma looked at Megumi: "Megumi, don't you want to release a burst of magic?"

Don't you want to go to the Adventurers' Guild and order a children's menu?"

"I'm in for a treat!"

Megumi hesitated for a moment, struggling for a long time before speaking.

"Can I keep the bill first?"

"Remember the children's package first

!" Kazuma: "I refuse! If you don't take risks, there will be no children's menus!"

Megumi: "Forget it, I still prefer to huddle in a warm cabin rather than take risks." The

two continued to turn and leave, their steps firm.

Kazuma had to make a big move: "I've wrapped your winter cotton clothes!" The

two quickly turned around and came to Kazuma.

"The captain is magnificent!The captain lives a long life

!" "I have a crush on several very beautiful

warm clothes!" "Me too!

" and Zhen: "I think of beauty, one set of warm clothes per person, and my savings are not very large."

Kazuma, who was blackmailed by the two, finally took the risk to take the task as he wished.

And Aoki practiced Bajiquan in the training room.

This time it was different, Aoki put the stand-in King of the Void on himself.

It is worthy of precision A growth force A, and he actually directly corrected the mistakes and omissions in his boxing method and trimmed his movements.

The Eight Extremes Fist unleashed by the King of the Void was more than a hundred times more powerful than himself, not only in terms of power, but also in terms of indomitable momentum.

This kind of momentum of advancing without retreat and moving forward bravely is the soul of Bajiquan, without this soul, it will always be a half-hanger.

It is worthy of my positive consciousness, and this high fighting spirit is far from being comparable to the squatting waste wood in the dark ruins.

The ruins are a stand-in for his own negative consciousness, and he is passive and slacking off.

After the first failed attempt to break away from the body, he began to rot.

Aoki wanted to spit on this scrap twice!

However, Aoki wouldn't force him, there was no need.

Aoki won't allow him to leave himself, but Aoki won't force him to do anything else.

The reason why you are not allowed to leave is because [Self Consciousness Aoki], [Positive Consciousness Void King], and [Negative Consciousness Ruins] are one.

The integration of the three is the real Aoki.

Now it is schizophrenia at best, and if the three are completely separated, it is a lack of spirit.

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