Today is the lucky day of Kazure, he was decapitated.

It was the King of the Snow Spirits who beheaded him

! If it weren't for Akuya's presence, Kazuma would have been completely hanged! But Kazuma

is a person with a high luck value, and he will not be in danger of death.

Then the pot is coming, Akuya's pot.

Kazuma originally took the script of the protagonist of the royal road, and his original fate trajectory was not so sand sculpture.

If he doesn't bring Akua to the Nether, he will meet the goddess Eris, Megumi, and the princess of the kingdom to form a team and open the path to the protagonist of the royal harem.

This is the setting of the original author!

But Kazuma chose Akuya...

Full of author's malice!

, and true resurrection, but with excessive blood loss.

For a short time, you can't continue to take risks, and you can't even do strenuous exercise.

Aoki puts down his teacup and prepares to meet the incarnation of the Snow Spirit King, General Winter.

Aoki traveled alone to the plains far from the town.

The ground here is covered with snow, and it is a snowfield.

Elsewhere, although it was also cold, it had not yet started to snow.

The climate here is very different, and it is thought that the snow spirits gathered here, which changed the climate and landform.

Snow spirits, disembodied spirits.

They are elemental bodies, and the norm is a small snowball with eyes, harmless to humans and animals.

But their king, the Winter Elves, has special abilities.

They can receive the imagination of the humans who are confronted with him.

Then there is a neon traveler who meets the winter elves and thinks of the winter general.

The Winter Elves absorb the imagination of the Neon Travelers and become the Winter General.

"You're the Winter Shogun!" Shogun

Winter didn't answer, he stood quietly in front of Aoki, surrounded by a large number of snow elves.

General Winter, the embodiment of the Lord of the Snow Spirits.

The Lord of the Snow Spirits is embodied as a samurai wearing Japanese armor.

Dressed in heavy Japanese armor, he is wearing a katana.

General Winter just stood like this, and did not attack Aoki.

If you don't attack me, how can I fight back??

Aoki wants to play a set of Virgil subject 1, but the first point at the beginning of subject 1 is that the enemy takes the initiative to provoke and attack.

You're so quiet and honest, I'm embarrassed to do it.

Forget it, if you don't fight, you won't fight!

Aoki closed his eyes and began to meditate in his mind to construct the image of the dragon.

Antlers, crocodile mouths, fish scales, snake bodies...

The image constructed by oneself is transmitted with spiritual power.

General Winter's body began to tremble, and his form collapsed, revealing a rounded white sphere.

This white orb with eyes is the Winter Elf itself.

The wind and snow converge, and the cold wind howled.

The white sphere pulls a large amount of elemental energy to converge to form an illusory white dragon.

It's not enough!Aoki

raised his hand, and a huge magic array expanded.


large amount of elemental energy gathered over, and the elemental energy in this area instantly became abundant.

The white illusory dragon shadow swam around Aoki, swallowing the elemental energy.

Aoki Void sat cross-legged, running the Qi in his body.

The golden life Yuan Qi turned into lightning and flew out, striking the white illusory dragon shadow.

With each electric shock, the white dragon shadow let out a strange scream.

For two days, the originally illusory white dragon shadow had become a reality.

A white ice dragon, golden round pupils, a beautiful body, and smart eyes.

Aoki reached out and touched the white ice dragon, and the ice dragon stretched out his head and arched Aoki's palm.


ice dragon circled around Aoki a few times, and finally put Aoki on his head, and Aoki grabbed two dragon horns to stabilize his body.

After a loud dragon roar, the white dragon flew into the sky.

Take Aoki to soar to the world! Aoki's

heart was agitated, he couldn't suppress his heart, and cheered.

The "————————"

achievement has been achieved!!!!!

Dragon Knight

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