Recently, everyone has been busy with their own affairs, and the reopening of the entertainment hall has been forgotten by everyone.

Kazuma has been working very hard lately and going out to do tasks every day.

Aoki didn't bother to care about them, he wasn't done yet.

How do you feel that your daily life is busier than in other worlds?

Aoki suddenly wanted to go to another world to relax.

Study magic, exchange feelings with harem members...

Aoki felt that his research on time management was not deep enough.

The most important thing is that he has not yet cultivated the Five Thunder Fa.

As a disciple of the Heavenly Master, the master has passed on the skills, but he has not practiced for a long time, which is really a bit inappropriate.

Aoki is abundant in the Five Qi, and he can directly cultivate the second half of the Five Thunder Fa.

But Aoki has never been a person who follows the rules, Aoki first cultivated the Yang Five Thunders, and then according to the "Yin and Yang Five Thunders Alternate Transformation", the Yin Five Thunders also came out.

And finally....

"Five Thunder Rectification: Down", start practicing!

Aoki mobilized the Qi of his whole body and began to practice "Five Thunder Rectification: Down".

On that day, the town of Axel was sunny.

At that moment, the wind was fierce, the clouds were thick, and the thunder was surging.

Luna walked out of the Adventurer's Guild and looked at the sky with a solemn face.

"It's weird, didn't the meteorologist's forecast say that the weather has been sunny for the last few days?"

"The weather is changing,"

Luna announced to the guild as she returned to the guild.

"All of a sudden, the weather is bad, and there is a high probability that it will be stormy.

"In case of special circumstances, the time limit of everyone's task can be increased by one day.

"You can wait until the thunderstorm is over before you go on a mission.

"Now, before the thunderstorm starts, everyone can go back to their homes to take shelter from the wind and rain.

"You can also stay in the Adventurers' Guild to shelter from the wind and rain!" Boom


A huge thunderclap resounded through Axel Town, startling everyone.

The sky was completely dark, and everyone was worried.

Except for Aoki....

Aoki somewhat regretted cultivating the Five Thunder Fa in this world.

If you are in a world under one person, you can still ask the master for help and guidance when you cultivate the Five Thunder Fa.

Now, there is something that Aoki can't understand, at least not now.

When was the first time the life magnetic field was activated?

It was when Aoki fused the Golden Light Mantra and integrated the exercises for the third time.

Since then, Aoki has not continued to study the magnetic field of life.

Because there is no research direction!Coupled

with more options, there is no need to stumble on the magnetic field martial arts.

Now, the Five Thunder Orthodox Method activates Aoki's life magnetic field for the second time.

Aoki was a little confused, whether he was now controlling the Five Thunder Orthodox Method or the magnetic field generating electricity.

But Aoki can clearly feel it....

The magnetic field turned! Aoki's

body levitated, and the golden current surged.

The entire practice room where Aoki was located disintegrated and shattered, and the broken stone and bricks were suspended under the influence of the magnetic field.

Aoki opened his eyes, and his eyes glowed with gold.

A blue-gold dot appeared between Aoki's forehead, and as this blue-gold dot emerged, two rings appeared with this dot as the center of the circle.

Starting from the left and right sides of the ring, the blue-gold lines on the left and right sides of the face are extended.


opening of the war paint represents the beginning of the path to godhood for a magnetic warrior!

Aoki's clothes were burned by the scorching thunder, leaving Aoki naked.

This is the body of a big guy in Hong Kong!

Broad shoulders and thick arms, male dog waist, smooth and full muscles, slender and powerful thighs, indescribably strong and powerful...

The only thing that is not beautiful is Aoki's hideous face!

Aoki gritted his teeth, revealing his white teeth, and his eyes were wide with anger!

The blue-gold war pattern and golden eyes were full of intimidation.

Aoki's fire is so big! Aoki

wants to find a few unlucky eggs to vent his anger!

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