In this chaotic moment, the succubus store manager walked out.

"Why are you all gathered here

?" "Don't you need to entertain guests?"

"Everyone is so disrespectful..."The

proprietress 's voice was lazy and charming, and her speed of speech was unhurried, and she was a succubus when she heard it.

As soon as this group of warblers heard the voice of the proprietress, they immediately dispersed and continued to serve the original customers.

Aoki looked at the proprietress who was different from other succubi.

The other succubi are all three-point styles, but this proprietress wears the most.

The proprietress wore a dress of excellent material, similar to a cheongsam, which was embroidered with gold patterns.

The skirt slit on both sides of the thighs is slit above the span, and the chest exposes the southern hemisphere.

Except for the arms and the southern hemisphere, the rest of the upper body is tightly wrapped.

The butt is over the shoulder, and it looks good.

What a domineering figure!Aoki

examined the figure of the proprietress and then looked at the face of the proprietress .

The proprietress wears a half-elegant mask that covers half of her face and eyes.

The exposed eye is a charming peach blossom eye with a mole at the corner of the eye.

This long black jade hair, this small mouth, this upturned nose, and the two horns that feel great at first glance...

Aoki doesn't have much culture, so he can only say....


proprietress twisted her waist and walked towards Aoki with a cigarette.

Walking around Aoki, the proprietress took a deep breath.

"What a delicious vitality! Even I can't help it...""

If you let those little ones weave sweet dreams for you, they will—"

The proprietress paused, and Aoki raised an eyebrow.

"Will you suck me dry?"

"You're going to kill you!"

the proprietress spat a smoke ring in Aoki's face, and Aoki fanned the smoke away in disgust.

Aoki doesn't usually smoke or drink, so it's better.

"As soon as the guests entered the succubus shop, I felt it.

"When I look closer now, I realize that the guests are not only delicious in life, but also have great power in their flesh.

"Those little succubi can't grasp it

...""When the time comes, what should you do if you suck too much, you are angry, and you crush their brains?"

"My clerks here are all treasures, I still need them to help me work..."Aoki

raised his eyebrows, this is not ready to serve himself.

Aoki: "So..."

The hostess: "I'll serve the guests... I hope that the guests will not dislike the concubine..."Aoki

: "I can't ask

for it!" But Aoki is wary of it, interests and desires are the main driving forces for the actions of living beings.

These succubi are so hungry for Aoki's vitality that they can't wait to suck themselves dry, and this more restrained proprietress may just want to eat alone.


There are no regrets, come here, rush again...

The proprietress

led Aoki to the hostess's office and invited Aoki to sit down, and she took a pen and paper and handed it to Aoki.

"Please fill in your personal information and home address so that we can come to your door. "

Here are the requirements of the dream, the detailed appearance and plot of the heroine of the dream. "

It is also possible to adjust the guest's own body appearance, the guest's body is perfect, and there should be no need to modify it.

"Of course, if you have special needs, that's fine. The

proprietress sat at the table, her plump buttocks squeezing out an exaggerated arc.

Aoki listened to the proprietress as he watched vigilantly at this huge evil force.

Aoki held up a finger, and the proprietress suddenly attracted her gaze to this finger.

"First question!"

"Every time a virgin has a spring dream, he wakes up at the last step and goes to the shower to change his pants.

"Because they haven't experienced real guns, they can't imagine this feeling.

"How do you solve this problem?"

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