"Speaking of business, have you found the exact location of the second chord child?"

Mei: "The approximate range has been determined. "

Previously, Onimai Tsuji Muru did not allow the members of our Twelve Oni Moons to gather together. "

Even his name, we can't mention it outside, and we don't know what he's afraid of?"

"Obviously he's already invincible!" "

Hmm~ Human food is still so delicious, I didn't expect my sense of taste to recover." "

Na Na Na ~ Master Sama ~ What am I now?Definitely not a human being, nor [ghost]!" Aoki

: "It's a vampire!" "It's

still a ghost~" Mei's face instantly collapsed, quite unhappy, "Yes, after all, I still need to hide from the sun now." "

Is it true or an excuse that the master said that I have the smell of rotten flesh in my mouth

?" "Is it true...""

Is there a way to freshen my breath?"

"Yes, but there is no need to teach you." "

How is this so~ Master Sama~ Teach me~ Wait for me to clear my breath~ You can do whatever you want~"

Mei stood up, hugged Aoki's arm, and put the huge soft on Aoki's arm.

Aoki closes his eyes and takes a closer look....

Well, the ball is good!

Aoki stretched out his hands to uphold justice.

Justice is big, it's soft, it's also bullet.

After a while, Aoki decided to preach and teach, pass on her Liuku Immortal Thief, and then preach and teach liquid.

The temptation of red-eyed and white-haired Danai is still very great, and it can still be used to remove excess smell and wash it clean.

"When Tong Mo is slaughtered, I will pass on a magic skill to you.

"It can help you get rid of all the rotten smell on your body!" Mei

Daxi was about to kiss Aoki's face, but Aoki raised his hand to block it.

"Don't mess around, don't you know if you have a bad mouth?"

"Aoki's master is so bad!"

After eating and drinking, Mei took Aoki to a tall building.

This is the site of the Cult of Elysium, where Aoki turns on magnetic field detection.

Environmental information within a radius of 20 miles is collected into the brain, and a 3D stereoscopic projection is constructed.

"I've found Tong Mo!" "

Mei, do you have the confidence to defeat him?"

"No confidence... Although my strength has increased several times, I still don't have the confidence to fight against the top three, not to mention that I was just a fake top six.

Aoki looked at Mei in surprise: "You actually have self-knowledge?" Mei

glanced at Aoki: "I hate it~

" "Since becoming a vampire, my brain is much easier to use, and many things that I couldn't understand before have gradually become clearer." "

For example, the body of my master who I used to be greedy for is different from the body of my master now~

" Aoki: "Heh, don't talk nonsense!"

"I contacted your brother, and he has already rushed over, let me see how your strength is progressing..."

"It's a pity that the white ghost is too far away, and he can't catch up." "

Taro, a prostitute in a high-rise building

, had just finished a friendly match when he received a communication from Aoki.

Putting on his pants, the prostitute Taro was ready to jump out of the window and leave.

"Taro, are you going to leave just after the first game?"

"Kyoko, when I come back and continue, I have something urgent to do!"

The prostitute Taro turned into a bloody shadow and flew out, and came to Aoki's side in half a minute.

"Master, brother-in-law, I'm here, what do you have to order!" Aoki

looked at the prostitute Taro, who at the moment was majestic, tall, strong, handsome and graceful.

Probably because things are extreme, when the prostitute Taro was ugly before, no woman paid attention to him, but now that he is handsome, he indulges wantonly.

The smell of this body made Aoki wave his hand in disgust, and pointed to the Eternal Bliss Sect below.

"The second wind is in there!".

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