The raven brings a message.

The lord of the demon killing team, Yaoya Sanyashiki, sent it to Aoki.

The content of the letter was roughly to invite Aoki to visit the Ghost Slayer station.

Aoki felt that he had nothing to talk about with them, so he directly refused.

All members of the Demon Slayer Team have a golden spirit!

With the human body, they fight against the powerful demons that eat people.

The main characters of the Demon Slayer are all warriors who sacrifice their lives to protect ordinary people against evil spirits.

Even ordinary swordsmen, most of them have the consciousness of sacrificing their lives to protect others.

But... What do these things have to do with

Aoki? Aoki wrote a letter, stuffed it into the letterbox, and then fed the crows who carried the message.

The crow thanked him with satisfaction: "Aligadu Aoki-san!"

The crow flapped its wings and flew away, and Aoki watched the crow's back disappear.

"What an interesting crow!" These

crows can speak, and their IQ is not low, no worse than humans.

I don't know how they raised this kind of crow, and they want to raise two.

Yorya Shiki, the resident of the Demon Slayer Squad

, opened the letter and folded it up after reading it.

"Xingming, it's a pity that Aoki refused my invitation..."Aoming Yu Xingming clasped his hands together: "Why did Aoki refuse?"

"Aoki said that there is no need for more intersections with us

...""I can understand his words, I looked at Purgatory Kyojuro's new saber..."

"The shape and specification of that saber comes from a big country in the East, Datang!" "

Aoki, it

should be from that country." "

Grief Mingyu Xingming:

"Datang?" "No, Datang is dead, and now the dynasty has changed."

"In our view, our battle with demons is an existential battle between humans and demons.

"In Aoki's opinion, it's probably a feud within our neon.

"He should be able to understand our cause, but won't join us.

"Different perspectives and different positions will lead to different attitudes towards ghosts. "

Grief Mingyu Xingming: "I see, Amitabha... I thought I could get what I thought was a powerful boost..."

"No, he is indeed our help. Yaoya didn't think so, "Okay, you know. "

The members of the Sanyashiki family have special abilities that allow us to foresee the future.

"With the help of this ability, we have accumulated a lot of wealth, which can be used by the ghost slayer team to carry out the ghost extermination business.

"Some time ago, I predicted that there would be great progress in the cause of exterminating ghosts, but I don't know exactly what it is.

"A few days ago, I saw another scene. "

There was a man who killed a ghost!" "

Just looking at the picture, that ghost is not weak, it should be one of the twelve ghost months."

"And that man is Aoki. "

I compared the portrait from the Forging Knife Village, and it was exactly the same as the one I had predicted.

"Based on that picture, I sent someone to find the place of the battle. "

It is the residence of the Eternal Bliss Sect, and it has been destroyed..."Amitabha,

that is to say... Twelve ghost moons have been killed..."

Yaoya Sanyashiki: "That's right, it should be a winding ghost moon.

"Unfortunately, we don't know exactly which one of the Winding Ghost Moons it is. "

It's too dark to see the numbers in the eyes of the winding ghost.

"Wai Mingyu Xingming: "Lord, then what should we do next?"

Yaoya was silent for a while, and then said: "Let it be..."

"Don't do too much of the rest, just wait for it to blossom and bear fruit." "

Sadness Mingyu Xingming:" Listening to Yiyong, that Aoki seems to have taken a fancy to the honey glass of Ganlu Temple

...", "...", "It's really bad news..."

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