"Moxi Moxi~" "Moxi Moxi~

" "

Is Aoki-san at home?"

In the early morning, a beautiful female voice came into the ears of Aoki in the attic.

Aoki opened his eyes and pushed away the female ghost beside him.

The female ghost is still asleep, and she was really tired last night.

Aoki walked to the window and looked down.

It was a petite girl with a gentle and lovely face and a butterfly headband tied around the back of her head.

Loose clothes can't hide beautiful curves.

She looks like a delicate girl.

“emmm...... Who's outside the door, and why is there any noise?" Aoki

stood by the window, the windowsill covering his crotch.

The entire upper body was reflected in the girl's eyes, and the girl couldn't help but squint.

"Is it Aoki-san?"

Seeing Aoki nodding, the girl continued to speak: "Cry you seven babies, I am a butterfly ninja, and the ghost killing team insect pillar."

"I wonder if Sansuke Aoki doesn't mind me coming?" Aoki

: "You're very welcome!" Aoki

snapped his fingers, and the door to the first floor opened.

"Please wait a moment in the living room!" Aoki

turned to leave, closing the window.

It's early in the morning, and the sun doesn't shine into the room.

When the sun rises, it will burn the sleeping female ghost to ashes.

Seeing Aoki's figure disappear, Butterfly Shinobu walked into the house.

The room is very simple and neatly furnished, and there are wind chimes hanging by the window, which make a crisp sound when the wind blows.

Within five minutes, Aoki was dressed and downstairs.

Aoki performed a set of tea art in front of Butterfly Shinobi, putting a cup of good tea in front of Butterfly Shinobi.

"Taste it!"

"By the way, I've got some delicious snacks, I'll get you some..."Aoki got

up and walked to the kitchen, bringing out a plate of cake that the King of the Void had just made.

After all, the stand-in is still inevitably the end of being a nanny.

Lord of the Void: emo... Sadness....

"It's delicious! I didn't think Aoki-san's craftsmanship was so good!" Butterfly

Shinobu experienced a rare deliciousness, and the feeling of sweetness to the heart was so wonderful.

Aoki accompanies the butterfly to chat with him, from cooking skills, to postpartum care for sows, to how to brew green tea.

Quickly take the butterfly shinobi to the ditch.

Butterfly Shinobu sorted out her thoughts and began to get straight to the point.

"Our Ghost Slayer has invited Aoki-san to join the Ghost Slayer Team many times, but Aoki-san has refused.

"Since Aoki-san has learned the breath of water, he should know about the grudge between the ghost killing team and the demons. "

The lord once guessed that Aoki-san is not from this country, I don't know if it?" Aoki

put down the teacup, a little excited.

"I'm not from this country!"

"Honestly, the battle between your ghost slayer and the demons is admirable. "

You're fighting to protect your family and friends!"

"But... What does this have to do with me?"

"The joys and sorrows of people are not connected. When

I first watched the anime, Aoki also felt that their golden spirit was singing and crying.

But really came into the world.

Aoki saw something

more! Enlarge the pattern a little more!

During the Neon Taisho period, not long after the end of the First World War.

It won't be long before the country develops, and then the Second World War begins.

The country will invade everywhere, and they will yearn for a bigger land because of their small land.

They are going crazy for the land they are gluttonous for planting flowers!

It won't be long before they will support foreign aggression with the whole country.

Aoki intends to do something on this land before leaving this world.

As for making things happen on the land of the flower planter, don't think about it, the Harmony Divine Beast is watching the author.

As soon as he was not careful, the author was cut.

That's the end of this book!

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