Burst magic, currently known only to Wiz and Megumi to wipe.

Armed with the Communication Ring, Aoki relays the information he has gathered to Luna.

Aoki gave each harem member a communication ring so that they could communicate with Aoki.

Adventurer's Guild.

Luna is discussing a countermeasure with the adventurers she has gathered.

Luna is overjoyed to receive the news from Aoki.

They were just having a headache over how to deal with the Destroyer Golem.

Mobile Fortress has a powerful magical enchantment.

Without destroying the Mana Enchantment, you can't damage the Destroyer Mobile Fortress at all.

It has a spider-like body and is super mobile.

Even if the Mobile Fortress falls into a huge deep pit, it can jump out directly.

Mobile Fortresses are surrounded by ranged fire, as well as combat golems inside.

"Word has come from Mr. Aoki that he has the ability to destroy the Mobile Fortress."

The adventurers cheered up.

"It's Aoki, and we can easily do what we can't do!"

Luna is interrupted and quickly signals for everyone to be quiet.

"I'm not done yet!"

Seeing Luna say this, the crowd fell silent.

Luna continues with the previous topic.

"Aoki has a way to destroy a Mobile Fortress, but he needs help."

"Aoki needs someone to destroy the magic barrier first."

"Or attract firepower to give Aoki time to destroy the barrier."

"Is there a way for everyone to break the magical barrier?"

"Or, would you like to take the risk of attracting firepower to create an opportunity for Aoki to attack?"

There was silence.

Destroying the magical barrier is not an easy task, and ordinary adventurers simply have the knowledge and ability to do so.

As for attracting fire, that's a very dangerous thing.

Let's not talk about how powerful the artillery fire is.

Besides, if you are casually stepped on by the huge body of the Mobile Fortress, the adventurer will be trampled into flesh.

Even if many of them are adventurers above level 30.

Not all people's bodies are fleshy like Daknis.

Daknis stood up.

"I'll take the lead!"

The spirits of the adventurers were shocked, and they deserved to be the knight Daknis.

"I'll do it too!"

"Add me one!"

"I'm the same!"

Daknis was greatly moved by the gestures of these people in their clothes as if they were at home.

Even so, more than half of the adventurers were silent.

Attracting firepower is a dangerous thing to do no matter how you look at it.

If you decide to organize people to attract firepower, there is a high probability that it will cause the team to split.

The clever Luna sees this, and she can't let the party break.

If the team is divided, there is a high probability that the people who are willing to attract firepower will die cleanly.

And those who don't want to go will most likely choose to run away.

The decision to send people to attract firepower simply could not be achieved.

After all, adventurers are nothing more than a loose group, without any discipline.

Luna changes the subject.

"Attracting fire is an extremely dangerous thing, and we should not choose this method until the end."

"After all, the Fortress of Destruction is still some way away, and we still have time."

"Let's think of a way, is there a way to destroy the magical barrier of the Fortress of Destruction?"

The adventurers were still silent.

Akuya, who was sitting next to her, took the water from the cup and drew on the table to pass the time.

She didn't seem to be worried at all.

Kazuma is attracted to Akua's actions?

Akuya's water paintings are works of art.

But in such a serious atmosphere, is it appropriate for you to do such a thing?

"Akuya, do you have a way to solve that barrier?"

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