Aoki disappears and infiltrates the interior of the Golem Fortress.

The Golem's power source is very useful, it is a corona stone that constantly emits light and heat.

"Look, Aoki has destroyed the spider's legs."

"It's Aoki, and it's easy to do things that we can't do."

"Let's go back and celebrate!"

"I'm going home and I'm going to marry Mary!"

"It's great to come home alive, I thought I was going to die in this battle."

"Confess to your crush when you go back!"

This group of adventurers set up flags like crazy, and the scalp of the real hearing was numb.

"Warning! Warn! Warn!

"The machine has been discontinued."

"The cooling system is faulty and the heat cannot be discharged."

"All operators are requested to leave the machine immediately and evacuate immediately."

Kazuma: "What a joke! "

What a joke!"

"All of them are full of chess pieces on themselves!"

"If you don't die, you have to die!"

Adventurers wondered about the voice alert.

"What's going on with this alarm?"

"It doesn't feel right."

Hezhen: "It's wrong, it's going to explode!"

Hearing this, the adventurers' expressions froze.

An explosion of such a large fortress would definitely turn the entire town of Axel into ruins.

"Cutting off the power source might be able to stop the explosion."

"But where's the power source?"


"Let's look for those who ride horses!"

"If it explodes, the shop that brought me comfort and peace will be in ruins!"

"Why am I still staying in this novice town after my level is over level thirty?"

"I don't want to smoke or drink, just for that little bit of peace of mind."

"That store has always taken care of us at a low price, and if we don't repay the favor now, there will be no future!"

It's a secret shared by the male adventurers of Axel.

Even in such a moment of crisis, everyone remained tight-lipped and did not mention the name of "Succubus Dream Shop".

Many level 30 adventurers stayed in Axel Town to mess around, just for the succubus dream shop.

"I'm going!"

So said one adventurer.

"I'm on it too, even if I'm as strong as Aoki, I'm willing to stay in Axel Town, isn't it just for that store?"

"Now that Aoki has done the most important work, it's our turn."

"Look, Daknis has already rushed forward first!"

"It may be rude to say that, but I want to say it anyway... A man can't be compared to a woman! "

Up, !!"

The adventurers rushed forward, and the female adventurers looked at each other, unable to understand what the group of male adventurers was saying.

But now in this situation, there is no time to think about such a thing.

Everyone rushed forward, except for the non-combatants, who watched from inside the city.

Adventurers use their own methods to enter the spider fortress and destroy the visible machinery.

A rumbling explosion was recalled, and puffs of dust fell from the roof.

Aoki looked at the corona stone in front of him, a spherical gem that emitted light and heat all the time.

At this moment, the coronastone is suspended in a large transparent glass column, and inside the glass beads is an unknown liquid.

"Os, come out and work."

[Commander, Oss is here for you!]

"Can you recover the Corona Stone?"

"It's best to make it into an alchemy furnace to provide energy for alchemy and provide high temperatures."

"The Alchemy Workshop upgrade is indispensable for high-level energy and furnaces."

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