The ambiguity with Aoki in the past is gone, and Manla knows that she can't refuse Aoki's request at this moment.

Manla's face showed ecstasy: "Aoki-san, I'm more than happy to serve you. "

Three hundred kilometers to the east, there's a very large demonic colony there."

"The demons there are the most chaotic and disorderly, which is very suitable for Mr. Aoki's killing."

Aoki's body shook, and all the blood and dust disappeared.

Aoki's figure flashed next to Manla, and Aoki grabbed Manla.

Aoki worked lightly and quickly headed east.

Aoki observed the terrain along the way, which was very barren, with occasional black-red thorn vines growing on the ground.

This is the only plant left.

With such a barren land, it is simply impossible to grow edible crops.

The air was filled with a rich element of darkness, and the sky was gray.

How were these demons born?

What do they feed on except humans.

Similar? Dark elemental energy? Eating dirt?

It seems that there are really strange creatures eating soil, and those stout worms hundreds of meters long are really eating soil.

"Those are the Dark Worms, the lowest, most numerous, and most unpalatable food in the Demon Realm."

Manla saw Aoki's behavior and intimately popularized the situation of the demon world for Aoki.

"The vast majority of demons feed on dark worms."

"Dark worms are capable of devouring soil, minerals, dark elements, and then grow fat meat rich in various nutrients."

"High-level demons feed on lower-level demons, while lower-level demons feed on dark worms."

"In the Demon Realm, cannibalism is a common thing."

"I hate it here!"

"Aoki, stop at that hillside!"

Manla pointed to a hillside, and Aoki landed on the hillside, lowering Manla.

Manla condescendedly and pointed to a sprawling ruin of the city below.

"It used to be a very prosperous country, but it was later swept away by the Dark Tide."

"The people die and those who flee flee."

"The land left behind is the ruins of the city, and the tide of demons that are entrenched here."

Aoki: "What's the Demon Tide?" Manla

: "Runaway demon."

"There is a natural disaster in the Demon Realm, called Demon Rain."

"The specific reason for the formation is unknown, as long as you are wet by the magic rain, you will be distorted by the power of the demon rain, and become a monster who only knows how to kill and devour."

"The magic rain will strengthen their bodies and distort their spirits."

"Even our demons, known for their cruelty, cunning, and greed, are very jealous of these monsters."

"The demons here are very powerful, twisted and chaotic, powerful, and extremely difficult to kill."

"If Mr. Aoki, you only have the ability you showed before, I'm afraid you need to be very careful."

"There will only be monsters in there that are stronger, stronger, and more domineering than you!"

Aoki didn't speak, he silently turned on the magnetic field detection.

There are indeed many powerful demons in the ruins of the city.

"Manla, what does this city have to do with you?"

Manla: "..."

, "Aoki, didn't you say you wouldn't ask me questions?"

Aoki: "..."

, Aoki got the information about the city, and jumped and glided towards the ruins of the city below.

Aoki descended from the sky and stepped on the head of a majestic demon.

The magnetic field rotates 50,000 horses, and the dragon and tiger are heavy-core legs!

Aoki directly crushed the demon's head, and his eyeballs splattered against the stone wall, and the juice stuck on the wall.

Aoki removed his feet and realized that the bear-type demon was not dead.

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