Aoki spat out a mouthful of blood, urging the magnetic field to rotate to reorganize the cells, and operate the Dragon and Tiger Spirit Devouring Dao to speed up healing.

Before Aoki could recover, a figure appeared in front of Aoki.

The claws stabbed at Aoki's chest, and Aoki dodged sideways urgently.

But this is not over, Long Niang waved her claws, and several sharp forces cut horizontally.

Aoki slapped the rock wall and rolled over to dodge the slash.

The strong claw force made a deep mark tens of meters long on the rock wall.

Aoki stood on a vertical rock wall, speeding up his recovery.

Seeing this, Long Niang also stood on the rock wall and attacked Aoki.

Aoki knew that he was injured now, and he would need a few breaths to heal, and the speed and strength of the dragon girl were not below him.

didn't have to punch her violently, but used Baguazhang to fight with her.

As for where the gossip palm came from, it can only be said that it was inadvertently picked up in the one-person world.

After some grappling, Aoki's injuries healed and he was able to fight again.

Aoki also discovered a problem, this dragon lady is imitating her own fighting techniques.

Learn very quickly, in a short fight, Long Niang is a similar white ape peach hit Aoki's jaw.

Aoki only felt that his jaw was broken, and he threw his head up.

Aoki fell into a lake and made a big splash.

The magnetic field turns, and Aoki stabilizes his body, suspended on the surface of the lake.

"We can't go on like this, the other party has a strong learning ability."

"If you continue like this, you will definitely lose!"

Aoki pressed his jaw and forcibly reset, and the cells reorganized.

"Lord of the Void, use the power of the magnetic field to turn!"

"Next blow, I'll defend, you attack!"


The King of the Void resurfaced and appeared beside Aoki!

Aoki began to adjust his strength and push his physical state to the peak.

Waiting for the arrival of the dragon lady.

A black lightning-like figure rushed quickly, still familiar claws piercing through the chest.

"Even if your learning ability is very strong, I can completely understand your fighting routine!"

"Catch your flaw!"

Aoki reached out with both hands and grabbed the dragon lady's claws.

Leaning back, his right foot is pointed at the armpit of the dragon lady like an awl.

The weak point was attacked, Long Niang screamed in pain, and the strength of her upper body was loose, and the flaws were wide open.

The King of the Void let out a roar of rage and slammed his fist into the head of the dragon lady.

King of the Void, Magnetic Rotation, 120,000 Horsepower! + I love you!

As a consciousness split from Aoki's soul, the King of the Void naturally also rotates with a magnetic field.

The King of the Void can exert 40,000 more magnetic field rotations than Aoki.

This blow was the most lethal the King of the Void could do.

The furious fist slammed into Long Niang's head, and the surging fist power poured into the skull.

The strength surged and burst, and the dragon lady's facial features burst, gushing out red and white tofu.

It stands to reason that with this level of injury, ordinary people will surely die.

However, the demon infected by the magic rain has a super self-healing ability, and even if it is trampled into mud by Aoki, it can heal into strange things.

Aoki took out the immortal slash from the system space, and he wanted to completely cut off the immortality of the dragon lady.

Magnetic field rotation, 80,000 horses, one sword!

Aoki drew his sword and slashed, slashing the neck of the dragon lady.

The headless corpse did not fall, staggering and clutching itself to the ground and falling to the ground.

By this time, the brain has completely healed.

It's just that the corpse is separated, and it can't be picked up.

The headless corpse tried several times, but could not get its head back.

Finally sit on your knees on the ground.

"I think I can still save it..."The

dragon lady opened her head to speak, and she didn't know how she controlled her vocal cords to make sounds.

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