"It is estimated that the Demon Rain has become part of the ecological cycle of the Demon Realm."

"Those who can adapt will evolve, those who can't adapt will be distorted, and those who are not infected can only survive in the cracks."

Manla looked dazed: "Is this so?"

"Is this suffering from the traverser?"

"Still a dead traverser."

Manla's body shook, and she collapsed to the ground.

Aoki held Manla and let her cry in her arms.


, it's not appropriate for you to fire a map cannon like this."

I'm also a time-traveler, although I'm not a good person.

Forget it, the whole family has been plagued by neon traversers, and it's pretty miserable.

Wait for the lady of Manla to finish crying, and her mood will stabilize.

"Manla, is there anything else to do?"

"No, I don't want to go back to this place again."

"Aoki, let's go back."

"But, Aoki, are you going to go back with this head?"

"Woo woo woo~"

When Long Niang heard this, she suddenly became emotional.

The damn human finally remembered her.

Aoki looked at the head on the table, and Aoki pulled the balls out of her mouth, bringing out a large amount of saliva.

"The source of the conflict between the two of us is a misunderstanding."

"You go to the palace to hunt for treasure, and I go to the palace to fight the boss."

"You think I'm here to kill the dragon and grab the treasure, take the lead in attacking, and drive the dragon car to kill me."

"Suddenly attacked by you, I thought you were an old monster at the bottom of the pass, just defending yourself and beheading you."

"I'm not a good person, you're not a good dragon."

"Things have reached this irreconcilable point, and there are two solutions."

"First, if you are a lackey under my crotch, I will spare your life."

"Second, if you are wrong, you will be wrong, I will dust you away."

"I choose the third item, you let me go, I thank you for eight lifetimes!"

The dragon lady chose the third item that did not exist.

"I think we can reconcile."

"Misunderstandings, just solve them, Ben Long doesn't care about these misunderstandings... Hahahaha... Ha... Woo... Woo woo woo woo ..."

Long Niang laughed and cried as Aoki pulled out the knife.

Aoki pulled out another piece of parchment, on which were fine fly-headed small characters and a graceful violet pattern.

This is a contract, a contract of sale.

Aoki holds a knife in one hand and a contract in the other.

"Dignity or life, which one do you choose?"

Long Niang would rather die than give in: "The immortal black magic dragon will never be a slave!" Aoki

raised his hand on the table, and a large number of life coins and soul coins fell.

"This is a baby!"

The dragon lady's eyes widened.

"It's life force and soul power, it's so fragrant!"

The dragon lady stuck out her tongue to lick the coin, but she couldn't do anything with only her head left.

Aoki slammed the contract into her tongue, and the light on the contract flashed, and the contract was completed.

Then in front of Long Niang, Aoki rubbed the parchment and instantly broke down ten contracts.

Not only that, but Aoki also showed the entire content to the dragon girl one by one.

The more Long Niang looked at it, the more shocked she became, and finally she lost the highlight in her eyes.

Where is this slave contract, this horse is a beast contract!

Killing a dragon has to punish the heart, so cruel!

The corners of Manla's mouth twitched, she didn't expect Aoki to be able to make so many tricks on the contract.

As Aoki's Demon Contract teacher, Manra has been far surpassed.

And Aoki's desire to have fun was greatly satisfied.

"Pinch hahahaha~

" "I'm so mean!"

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