It's okay, there's no circle that I can't blend into.

"It turned out to be Miss Lu Linglong!"

"Miss Linglong is still quite famous in the Inhuman circle."

"The two of you who can be with Miss Linglong must also be powerful figures in the Inhuman World."

Aoki waved his hand: "It's not worth mentioning, little man." "

At present, he is an unemployed vagrant, and he is a professional kneeling and licking the jade feet of the eldest lady."

"Profession eats soft rice!"

The corners of Wang Zhenqiu's mouth twitched, this person is so perverted.

Wang Zhenqiu looked at Gao Erzhuang, and Gao Erzhuang's eyes rolled.

"I'm Miss Linglong's dog, Wangwang!"

Lu Linglong took a deep breath and covered her face with her hands, only to feel that the two teammates were too nonsensical and perverted.

Wang Zhenqiu was defeated and retreated, and social terrorists could not integrate into the perverted zone after all.

He returned to his place dejected.

Xiao Zizi was very interested, and he heard the conversation just now.

"Are young people so good at playing nowadays?"

"Boss, there's already a generation gap with you young people."

"It's not like that!" Wang Zhenqiu resolutely objected, "Young people are not so perverted. "

I think I'm in the Inhuman World, and I'm actually planted here."

"I still need to practice more!"

"Gotta study the gameplay of the perverted zone!"

Xiao Zizai: "...""Ball, you have to listen to persuasion

...""Studying everything will only hurt you..."

Hum ~

Xiao Zizai

picked up the phone.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Liao Zhong, the person in charge of South China, is still alive, what about the mission?"

"The mission remains the same... Understood..."

"Bring back Chen Duo, live or die... Understood..."Waiting

for Xiao Zizi to hang up the phone, Wang Zhenqiu asked.

"Brother Xiao, what's wrong?"

"Ball, you'll get a message soon, too."

"Liao Zhong in South China is not dead, but Chen Duo, a temporary worker, still has to be brought back, whether he lives or dies."

"It's really

...""It's really ruthless and cold-blooded..."Wang Zhenqiu picked up what Xiao Zizi was not about to say, "A hound that is out of control is not a good hunting dog, it is a wild dog that needs to be hunted."

Xiao Zizi cupped his eyes and looked at Wang Zhenqiu.

"Ball, I'm not that familiar with you."

"These words are not appropriate to say in front of me."

Wang Zhenqiu: "Hey, everyone is a temporary worker, and the situation is still the same.

"I don't want to do this job..."

"We've all read the information, the little girl's life is quite miserable."

"Is it wrong for such a little girl to pursue freedom?"

Aoki also heard the conversation, and Erzhuang also sent a copy of the information he had obtained to Aoki.

First of all, Chen Duo is out of control, Chen Duo himself is extremely dangerous, and the company's senior management decided to kill Chen Duo directly.

Liao Zhong seized the opportunity to pull Chen Duo back to the company.

Chen Duo was unwilling and killed Liao Zhong by mistake.

At least that's what the senior management of Nadutong, who has been in touch with Liao Zhong, thinks.

immediately set up a plan overnight, arranged manpower, and prepared to kill Chen Duo.

As a result, Liao Zhong was rescued and returned to the company to fight for the next opportunity.

The company's top management finally decided to kill Chen Duo, who was out of control.

Liao Zhong was derelict in his duties and was directly dismissed from his post by the high-level and placed under house arrest.

It is estimated that it is to prevent Liao Zhong from sending away the head again.

How do you feel that saving Liao Zhong is the same as not saving?

That's not good, Aoki is not good at dealing with little girls with mental illness.

Aoki himself has a bit of a mental illness.

Liao Zhong is the guardian of the little girl Chen Duo, and if there is a problem with his girl, it is naturally up to him to solve the problem.

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