The current level of affairs is only a contradiction in the Inhuman world, and if it rises to the national level of anti-terrorist operations.

These strangers in Biyou Village have to be abrupt.

In this world, the age of Inhumans has begun to decline.

The planet is beginning to move towards the end of the law.

The power of technology is booming, and in a few hundred years, there may be a big explosion of technology.

Mankind began to move towards the starry universe.

The more advanced the technology, the more extensive and powerful the power that [magnetic field rotation] can exert.

With the help of powerful technology, it is possible to create props that can assist the cultivation of magnetic field warriors.

There are few strong people in the Sea Tiger World who have not cultivated with the help of the power of science and technology.

Late at night, the employees of Nadutong began to act.

Feng Baobao knocked people everywhere, and when he was discovered, he began to set fires.

Xiao Zizi went to meet his patients, and Lao Meng went to clean up Fu Rong, who owed a lot of debts.

Wang Zhenqiu made horses and chickens everywhere, and the hands facing Wang Zhenqiu, both men and women, were so happy that they were paralyzed.

Batch after batch of people were knocked unconscious and tied up, and they were sent down the mountain.

The trucks of Nadutong loaded people one by one, and when they were finished, they went down the mountain.

All professionals.

Zhang Chulan was delaying Ma Xianhong, but Ma Xianhong's reaction was quite strange, which made Zhang Chulan scratch his head.

Ma Xianhong stared blankly at the dilapidated self-cultivation furnace, ignoring Zhang Chulan behind him.

"Village Chief Ma~

" "This stove is dilapidated like this, don't you repair it?"

Ma Xianhong shook his head.

"There's no need, it's not what I want.

Zhang Chulan: "If the village chief of Ma Da wants to engage in education and non-class, doesn't he have to rely on this thing?" Ma

Xianhong shook his head again: "No! No!" "

It's not that I want to engage in education without class.

"That's not my ideal... Not something I want to do.

"That was the idea that a woman named Qu Tong implanted in my head. "

I'd love to ask that woman something.

"It's a pity that she's missing and missing.

Zhang Chulan secretly remembered this name, and only felt that this name seemed to be seen somewhere.

Zhang Chulan: "The company is good at recruiting people."

"I can go through the company's channels to help you find someone."

"The company is still looking forward to cooperating with Mr. Ma.

Ma Xianhong: "Thank you..."

"However, it is a lie that the company wants to cooperate with me. "

Your people have already started to do it, right?"

Zhang Chulan

: "..."Ma Xianhong: "Everything is going according to Aoki's prediction."

"The news leaks, attracts bees and butterflies, and everything leads to the door." "

If you can't take me, the next time you will come will be the anti-terrorism police and the army..."

Zhang Chulan's cold sweat came down in an instant, because Ma Xianhong had already opened the magic weapon.

Zhang Chulan could feel that Ma Xianhong's strength far exceeded his own, plus the magic weapon.

If there is a conflict, I am afraid that I will die on the spot.

"Zhang Chulan, your purpose is not Chen Duo.

"Arresting Chen Duo is a disguise, and the self-cultivation furnace is your goal. "

"Slim furnace you can destroy it, after I'm gone..."

I can't destroy my own hard work with my own hands.

"But I will not allow you to harm my fellows. "

Next, I'm going to save them..."

I'll kill you first..."

"You and I have a relationship with our ancestors, and I don't want cannibalism to happen.

After Ma Xianhong finished speaking, he rushed down the mountain, leaving Zhang Chulan alone in a messy manner.

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