After several skirmishes, Aoki regained his appearance and followed the party back to the Uchiha family.

"Uchiha Gold" was awarded.

Not only did he get a lot of family inheritance ninjutsu, but he also won a seat in the family clan council.

Today, the patriarch held a rare clan meeting.

Patriarch, Uchiha Tajima, Madara Uchiha's father.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have summoned you here today because I have something to announce."

"Everyone knows that in the last battle, I lost both the Thousand Armed Buddhas."

"Although my injuries have recovered, my vitality has been greatly damaged, and my combat strength is not as good as before."

"As the head of a clan, you can't be so incompetent."

"So, I have elected my son Madara Uchiha as my heir."

Madara Uchiha stood up and walked to the center.

"I, Madara Uchiha, will take over the position of patriarch, who is for it and who is against!"

Izuna Uchiha next to him also stood up.

"I support my brother to become the new patriarch!"

Uchiha Tajima did not inform anyone else about this clan meeting, except for his two sons.

The purpose was to catch some elders off guard, so that they would not have time to win over other family members to oppose them.

The effect is remarkable, and many family members are talking to each other.

There are for this, there is silence, there is opposition.

Without waiting for the clan elder to object, "Uchiha Gold" was the first to speak.

"The patriarch bears the responsibility of leading the clan to make the family business bigger and stronger and create brilliance."

"If you don't have enough strength and wisdom, you are not qualified to lead your people."

"Wisdom aside..."

"Young Master Madara, do you have the strength and courage of the patriarch?"

"Uchiha Kim" said sharply, directly tearing open face.

Madara Uchiha looked at this man of his age, and directly opened the three hook jade, which was immediately transformed into a kaleidoscope.

Sen's cold aura emanated, and a powerful momentum oppressed everyone present.

Everyone was shocked and sweated coldly.

"Uchiha Gold" smiled, "In this way, the young patriarch is qualified to become the new patriarch. "

Uchiha Gold is willing to serve the young patriarch!"

Madara Uchiha also looked at Uchiha Gold in surprise, under the oppressive force of his own kaleidoscope, this guy actually didn't react.

You can also talk and laugh!

Interesting, this man caught my attention.

"Uchiha Gold" looked at Izuna Uchiha, Madara Uchiha's younger brother.

Izuna Uchiha somehow understood what Aoki meant.

He also opened the kaleidoscope, a very magnificent kaleidoscope.

There was silence for a while, and then there was a frenzied cheer.

"It's a kaleidoscope! Legendary power!

"I haven't seen these eyes in years!"

"It's still two pairs!"

"Our Uchiha will definitely be able to sweep away the thousand hands of the clan!"

The cheers of the crowd confirmed one thing, Madara Uchiha officially became the new patriarch.

Aoki got up, the kaleidoscope in his eyes flashing away, but Madara Izumi saw the kaleidoscope that flickered away.

I couldn't help but be shocked.

The clan meeting is over, and Madara Uchiha comes to visit.

Madara: "And thank you Kim for your help in making it easy for me to obtain the position of the Uchiha Patriarch." Aoki

: "It's just the icing on the cake, even if I don't say anything to guide me, the patriarch will be able to ascend the throne smoothly."

"After all, the power of the kaleidoscope itself represents the greatest right to speak."

"It's still a double kaleidoscope!"

Madara: "It's not a double kaleidoscope, it's a Uchiha a thirty-kaleidoscope!"

"I didn't expect that in addition to me and Izumi, someone else opened the kaleidoscope."

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