"This must be an evil Uchiha ploy!"

"They must be plotting something!"

"Three months later, what you're waiting for is not peace, but Uchiha's blade!"

"They're definitely sharpening their blades right now!"

Senju Tsuruma firmly vetoed, he believed in Madara Uchiha.

"Madara Uchiha wouldn't be so mean!"

The Thousand Hands couldn't convince the Thousand Hands Pillars at all, and they only felt that the Thousand Hands Pillars had been tricked by Uchiha's illusion.

Could it be....

A flash of inspiration flashed in his brain, and he seemed to have discovered a possibility.

Beautiful men!

It must be a beautiful man!

Recently, something has been wrong within the clan, and some clansmen have openly shown their differences in sexual orientation.

At first, Kazuma thought it was rumors that had changed them, but then Kazuma figured it out.

It was rumors that liberated them!

Could it be that the eldest brother has also liberated his mind!?

It's horrible!

It's horrible!

In any case, this can't be allowed to happen!

It's simply a shame for the thousand-handed clan, and if the patriarch takes the lead in being a good man, wouldn't it be a trend.

With the worship of the eldest brother by the clansmen, it may form a trend.

Absolutely not!

A thousand hands rushed through his crazy brain, and he thought of a terrible conspiracy.

The rumor of a thousand-armed good man is a conspiracy of the Uchiha.

The purpose is to liberate the mind of the Thousand Hands Pillar so that the evil Madara Uchiha can succeed.

It's horrible!

It's horrible!

It turned out that in addition to the killing, there was such a terrible rumor offensive.

Rumors spread, and even the Thousand-Hand Clan accepted the premise.

The setting of a thousand hands and a good man's style.

Thousands of hands were terrified, and said that they had learned!

How to fight back?

The evil Uchiha? No! Attack power is not good!

Attack and induce them from the aspect of moral integrity!

And abolish them!

Pink eye? Not really!

Uchiha is a good prostitute? This is perverted enough!

The Uchiha is rich in handsome guys and beautiful women, and the children are all cute.

It would be great if they were induced to destroy the fresh blood of their own family.

A title is not enough!

The Uchiha also has ninja cats... Bestiality!

Club! That's great!

Maybe it can make the ninja cat clan and the Uchiha separate!

All kinds of vicious public opinion counterattack plans have been formulated in a thousand hands.

The eldest brother is not allowed to cause conflicts, start wars, then conduct a war of public opinion!

This war is led by me with a thousand hands!

Aoki, who is in charge of the overall situation, only thinks it is a little strange, and there have been more rumors about the Uchiha recently.

What [Boy Uchiha] [Uchiha People Cat Love] or something.

I'm not that kind of rumor-mongering, it's weird.

Forget it, it's just a rumor, and Aoki doesn't care.

Besides, the Uchiha was rumored, what happened to me Zhang Aoki Gu Qingcheng Thousand Hands and Chiba?

Aoki sorted out the Uchiha's family structure.

With the bloodline of the writing wheel eye as the link, the clansmen who open the writing wheel eye are the highest class.

The people who have not opened the writing wheel are the middle class.

The retail ninjas who joined the Uchiha as a dogleg were of a lower class.

The Uchiha is quite xenophobic!

This is not a bad thing, it is good for family unity.

This is a bad thing, and it is not conducive to the Uchiha gaining allies.

Uchiha strength and arrogance are things engraved in the blood, and no one can change them.

Even Aoki can't change it.

However, Aoki can change something else.

Re-plan the power structure of the Uchiha, and gather the distribution of the family.

First of all, to provide an upward channel for the middle and lower Uchiha.

The upward channel has always been in the hands of the various elders and patriarchs.

Now Aoki wants to start a new stove and build a [Meritorious Pavilion] with all of Uchiha's ninjutsu collection.

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