"The patriarch didn't show up, it would get better and better."

"Now that the team leader has appeared, it may not be necessary."

"How should Lord Jin deal with himself, Lord Jin's measures are very good for us low-level ninja civilians."

"But there are also a lot of people who oppose Lord Jin, and those diehards are looking forward to the patriarch coming out to support them."

"What then? If all of Kim-sama's measures are lifted, what will we do? "

"What else can I do, the affairs of the big guys are not something that we little miscellaneous fish can manage."

"I don't know what kind of attitude the patriarch has..."

Madara Uchiha hid in the shadows and eavesdropped on all this news, and gradually grasped the general context of the matter.

In the past three months, Kim has come up with a lot of new measures to mobilize the vitality of the members at the bottom.

The family is clearly getting better and better.

Merit Pavilion, Merit System, Ascending Path.

Madara Uchiha sighed, feeling that Kim was more suitable to be a patriarch than himself.

However, it is not wise to stand on the opposite side of the family's combat power, and it will lead to a split in the family.

"Nissan, Kim's ambitions are too great!"

"He wants to be the patriarch and replace you."

Madara Uchiha shook his head: "If you want to replace me, just take you and me directly from the kaleidoscope during the operation." "

"It doesn't need to be so much trouble!"

"He has given you and me an eternal kaleidoscope, eternal light."

"Isn't all that enough?"

"Aren't these two pairs of eternal kaleidoscopes worth more than your and my family status?"

Izuna Uchiha was speechless, and Madara's words really made him unable to refute.

Izuna: "What Najin is doing now..."

Madara: "It's all for the family!" "

Izuna: "..."

"Izumi, the Sharingan is the eye of the soul, and he reflects the inner essence of a person."

"Izuna, your eyes are in my sockets."

"I can sense what kind of personality you had before."

"My eyes are in your sockets."

"You should also be able to feel what kind of personality I used to have."

"Now that you and I are connected, you should be able to understand what I am thinking."

Izuna: "I understand, but..."

Madara: "Don't cling to the power of one family, we have bigger goals to achieve." "

Izuna's eyes sparkled: "Yes, we have bigger goals!" "

"Great unification! Build a great Uchiha empire! "

Madara: "Now, let's see if Kim has what it takes for me to entrust the clan to him." "

Madara and Izuna came to the patriarch's office, and the two brothers looked at the new patriarch's office, and they both had a refreshing feeling.

The clerk walked into the office with papers, and went out with a large number of command scrolls, ready to be distributed.

People come and go, and it's quite busy.

Madara also wondered why he wasn't so busy when he was the patriarch.

Pushing open the office, Aoki buried his head in the paperwork, and then began to annotate.

One by one, quite busy.

Madara was not in a hurry, and after waiting for an hour, Uchiha Kaneki looked up at the two of them.

"You two finally gave up!"

"It stands to reason that in a month and a half at most, the two of you will be able to complete the eternal kaleidoscope."

"If you don't show up again, I'm going to be forced to slaughter all those idiots."

Madara frowned, "I think..."

"No, you don't want anything." Aoki directly interrupted Madara Uchiha's words, "Come here, you do it here." "

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