Since the Thousand Hands were addicted to physical training, the management of family affairs has become more and more negligent.

Finally one day, I found out that "Chiju Chiba" had management talents, so he directly handed over all the family affairs to Chiba.

I ran to train my muscles wholeheartedly.

When Aoki found out that all his two vests had succeeded in usurping power, he himself was a little confused.

And then Aoki is welcome!

began to integrate thousands of hands, those who were not convinced were beaten down, and those who were served were beaten twice.

Then the entire Senju became the bag of "Chiba".

At this point, Senju and Uchiha are in the hands of my Aoki!

That's interesting!

The patriarch and the assistant to the patriarch on the bright side of the two families are fighting each other and fighting every day.

The actual principal, Chiba Senju and Uchiha Kim had a friendly meeting and exchange.

He also used the battle between Madara and the pillar of the day as a gambling game, and let the members of the entourage participate in gambling.

Doglegs naturally bet on their own mascot to win.

The thousand-handed Chiba pressed the Uchiha Madara to win, and the Uchiha gold pressed the thousand-hand pillar to win.

All give the right face!

This peaceful tone was set directly, and Izuna and Kazuma, who knew the truth, suddenly came to their senses.

"What is this guy doing with Kim?"

"What the hell is Chiba!"

"Big brother! We are usurped! *2

Thousand Hands Pillar is happy to see this happen, ignoring the jumping up and down between the doors.

Madara Uchiha was silent, he felt that Kim must have done something deep.

Kazuma and Izumi are anxious like ants on a hot pot.

The two men want to rein in their subordinates and prepare to fight back against Aoki's seizure of power.

As a result, he found himself alone.

"Why did Izumi-sama rebel?"

"Why did Lord Kazuma rebel?"

In the face of everyone's questioning, Izumi and the people in the door were numb.

"Damn Kim!"

"Evil Chiba!"

The two were angry, but they were helpless.

The clansmen don't support it, my brother is too lazy to care, and they can't beat it.

How good is that!

So the two took all their anger out on each other.

This hit the head, but you won't keep your hands!

Fly Thunder God Slash!

Extreme speed, sharp blade, slashing towards Uchiha Izuna.

Izuna Uchiha's scalp is numb, and her hairs stand on end.

Pick up your arms and smash them crossed, breaking the blade between the doors.

"Between the doors! Swords can't kill us anymore!

"Then I'll bang you with my fist!"

The two fought against each other, wrestling wildly, and they didn't win or lose for a long time.

Kazuma decided to take out a hole card and use the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan to develop a technique.

The Sun Seal is on!

Great Power Punch Open!

"Izuna! You can die here for me today! "

Thousand-Handed Buddha Killing Fist!"

A punch pierced Izuna's chest, and Izuna spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I... I... I actually lost..."

Madara Uchiha felt that there was a crisis in Izuna, but the incident happened suddenly, and there was no time to rescue.

"Izumi !!"

"Uchiha Punch !!!"

Madara Uchiha directly brushed aside the Thousand Hands Pillar and slammed a hegemonic fist into Kazuma's head.

The punch was so fast and sharp that there was no time to dodge.

Senju slammed into Madara Uchiha, deflecting Madara's fist a bit, but still hitting a little of Kazuma's body.

A piece of the waist between the pillars was shattered, and Madara grabbed the pillars with his backhand, severely injuring the pillars.

Knocking the two back, Madara hugged Izuna, and at this moment Izuna's life was passing rapidly.

"Izuna! I'm not going to let you die!

Madara hugged Izumi's body, stepped on his feet, and left quickly.

"Izumi, hold on, Kim must have a way to save you!"

Tsuruma watched Madara leave, and he hugged the wounded Kazuma and returned to the Thousand Hands Clan.

Uchiha clan land

"gold! Gold! Gold! "

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