"Madara! You don't want to die! Holding

Madara in his arms, he knelt on the ground and begged him not to die.

Madara had a large hole in his chest, which had been pierced by a punch from the pillars.

The Yang Seal is capable of storing massive amounts of chakra, providing an instant burst of chakra.

With the [Great Power Fist], Tsuruma can defeat Madara Uchiha with one punch.

The effect is extremely strong, beyond the imagination of the columns.

But that's not what Tsuruma wants, he just wants to defeat Madara and let Madara go with him to build the village.

I didn't want to kill Madara!

Madara stared blankly at the pillars....

How so...

Eternal kaleidoscope, strong and powerful body, Uchiha Punch, immortal body....

I already feel like I'm invincible....

Why was he defeated by one punch....

What Uchiha Emperor....

What emperor spots....

In front of this man, it is all things that can be broken with a punch.

Is my ideal just a dream?

Something dripping on his face....

Ah, the tears of Hasiramah.

This guy still loves to cry as always.

It turns out that in addition to his younger brother Izumi, there are people who care about themselves.

My dear friend, my lifelong enemy.

Why is it so hard to win you once?


Madara raised his right hand tremblingly.

"Hasirama, I... I can still salvage it..."

"Send me to... Looking for Uchiha Kim... Uhh

"Madara! I'm not going to let you die!

Tsuruma rushed towards the Uchiha's clan land with Madara in his arms, and the speed was so fast that no one could stop him.

But Madara's behavior caught the attention of quite a few Sangotama Uchiha.

I saw that my mascot patriarch was drenched in blood, and he was held in his arms by the good man's thousand-handed patriarch.

"Big things are not good! The patriarch was pouted! "

Come on!"

"Copy the guy, save the patriarch!"

"Hurry up and report to Lord Kim and Lord Izumi!"

The Thousand Hands Pillar found Jin through the super perception of the immortal mode.

"Uchiha Kim, save Madara!"

When did I, "Uchiha Kim", become so familiar with you Senju Pillar.


Uchiha Gold took Madara Uchiha and kicked the Thousand Hands Pillar into the air with one kick.

Fifty or sixty Uchiha clansmen surrounded the Thousand Hands Pillar, waiting for Uchiha Gold to give an order.

"Don't do it without my orders!"

"Yes! Lord Kim!

Uchiha Kim left with Madara in his arms, leaving behind a Thousand Hands Pillar surrounded by a group of men.

The Thousand Hands Pillar is two heads taller than these Uchihas, and it feels like it stands out from the crowd.

The Thousand Hands Pillar was a little frightened, did the Uchiha clan start to become so strong?

If it weren't for the fact that Chiba has been deploying and developing Thousand Hands, so that Thousand Hands will also become full of talents, I'm afraid that it won't be long before Thousand Hands will be completely crushed.

In the laboratory, Madara Uchiha was soaked in a jar.

Aoki carefully examines the changes in Madara Uchiha's body.

Everything is the same as I guessed.

The power of the sacred tree is condensed in the fruit, and if you eat it, you can obtain the highest level of the Eye of the Moon and the Immortal Body.

Of course, the eye of the moon is also the eye of reincarnation, an advanced step of the eye of reincarnation, with the eye of reincarnation.

This is how the Otsuki Kaguya has gained great power.

She has two blood offspring.

One is a large wooden feather coat, which inherits the complete power of the sacred tree, the fairy eye and the immortal body.

One is the village of Otsuki Muyu, which has inherited the pure white-eyed bloodline and immortal body.

The big barrel of wood feather coat, that is, the Six Dao Immortals, he has two bloodline heirs.

Indra inherited the degenerate form of the immortal eye, the chakra, and the asura inherited the immortal body.

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