How to open the Reincarnated Eye!Reincarnated

Eye, one of the higher-order evolutions of the White Eye.

It is known that the list of skills of the Reincarnation Eye is all offensive skills, and it is not as fancy as the Reincarnation Eye.

If Madara has a pair of eyes, combined with his combat wisdom and ability, he can completely destroy the ninja world.

The premise is that Aoki's ninja world demon reform has not begun.

The first opener of the Reincarnation Eye was Otsuki Yuro, the brother of the Six Dao Immortals.

He has pure white-eyed bloodline and Divine Tree Yang attribute power.

He developed the Reincarnation Eye.

If you really want Aoki to toss around blindly, it's really hard to say what the eyes are.

Instead of killing them all, Aoki placed the giant reincarnation eye inside the moon as a control center.

This giant reincarnation eye is something that is aggregated from a large number of white eyes, similar to a magic artifact or something like that.

It's too big to fit into an eye socket.

This creation is supposed to have been designed by Otsuki Hamura.

He is the only one who knows the Reincarnation Eye best, and he is the first one to open the Reincarnation Eye.

The reincarnation eye is an artificial light source for the inner environment of the moon, and without the reincarnation eye, the internal ecological environment of the moon will soon become dead and silent.

The Giant Reincarnation Eye doesn't have much value to Aoki.

I really want to reincarnate the eye, deduct the writing wheel eye, and fuse the blood of the white eye.

The cell reorganizes to grow a pair of white eyes, and it is enough to start evolving the reincarnated eye.

The interior of the moon is nice and can be used as a base.

The old and weak women and children left behind are all absorbed, and I don't know what wonderful changes will occur in the fusion of bloodlines when this group of big barrels and Uchiha intermarry.

Aoki found the Outer Path Golem, but did not take it with him, and his reincarnation eye was about to open.

Wait for the reincarnation eye to open, and then deal with the outer path golem.

The Moon is too far away from Earth to teleport.

Pulling out the Enma Knife and slashing out of the space gate, Aoki returned to Earth.

Aoki is thinking about what to do with the Hinata.

This group of people is also unwilling to be lonely, and wants to use the support of the daimyo of various countries to become the top family in the ninja world in one fell swoop.

But alas, they didn't have reincarnation.

Low-level white eyes can't improve much combat effectiveness at all.

Not to mention the soft fist, the low-level point is like a joke, if you have the ability to point to the point, it is better to insert the enemy with a knife.

The advanced Baguazhang is not yet qualified for all Hyuga clansmen.

The amount of chakra of the Hyuga clan is also average.

It is estimated that they also realized their own shortcomings, so they began to take refuge in the daimyo and learn ninja sword techniques.

Seek new breakthroughs.

Then I will add a fire to you! The

caged bird has restrained your creativity, and I will liberate you.

But it's up to you whether you want to step out of the cage and face the harsh reality.

On that day, a large amount of paper flew from the sky on the Hyuga clan.

The paper had a spell mark on it, and a small piece of print.

"Enter Chakra, release the caged bird. "

Someone tried, and when they typed in the chakra, the spell mark on the paper would be reproduced and climbed onto their body, and then the caged bird would be lifted.

"Hahaha, the caged bird is lifted

!" "I'm no longer a slave!" "I

can't untie it! I can't untie it!"

"This is what our ancestors created to protect us

" "It's our mission to serve my clan!" "

Get out of the way, damn old thing, you want to go as a dog, no one will stop you." "

The clan members are very flustered and want to stop the clansmen.

But the guards around them looked at them more and more wrongly.

When the first guard untied the caged bird in front of the patriarch, Hyuga knew that it was over!


all over! The clan is over

! Hinata is finished!

That night, Hinata's emotions brewed and fermented, and all the members of the clan died tragically that night.

Hinata is no longer divided into clans and families, and a new family patriarch is elected.

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