Susa Nenghu drew his knife and slashed at the mimic black hole in the sky, instantly breaking up all the miniature mimic black holes.

The sword continued unabated, splitting the air and slashing towards the evil Aoki.


" "Huh!" The

evil Aoki held the blade of the blade, turned over the blade, and stepped on the blade to rush towards Madara Uchiha in Susanoo.

Kick your feet

! The blue magnetic field pierces the clouds arrow! The

evil Aoki turns into a drill and kicks at Madara Uchiha, Susanohu is directly kicked to pieces, and Madara Uchiha is kicked out.

Madara Uchiha was hit hard and spat out a mouthful of blood

Madara Uchiha flew out, and a wooden dragon flew out from behind Madara Uchiha, bypassing Madara Uchiha and biting the evil Aoki.

The wooden dragon quickly shot to the ground, making a thud that hit the ground.

"Wooden Man, Thousand-Handed Buddha Killing Fist!" a

huge wooden figure appeared, swinging its fist at the evil Aoki.

"Madara!Come and help, I can't suppress him anymore

!" "Shut up!I know what to do

!" "Heavenly Hindrance!"

A huge round meteorite was summoned and smashed into the evil Aoki.

Evil Aoki reincarnation glared.


huge golden man appeared, holding the huge meteorite with both hands.

The dragon and tiger god of war bent his legs slightly, and the ground under his feet cracked, supporting the meteorite.

"Heavenly Hindrance Quake!*2"

was pressed down by two more meteorites.

"Dragon and Tiger God of War!*2"

Two tall men appeared, one black and one silver, and these two did not go to catch the meteorite, but began to swing their fists.

"Ora Oula, Ora, Ora, Ola, Oura

!" "Wood big wood!"

The meteorite cracked, and all three meteorites were smashed into rubble.

Along with the wooden figures, they were also shattered.

"Pillars!Susatao Buddha


"Wood Escape: Super Wooden Man's Technique!" "

Susa Battle Armor!" The

two-hundred-meter-tall wooden figure rose from the ground, and the purple Susa turned into armor and covered the wooden man's body.

Straddling two long knives across his waist, Susaki pulled out his long knives and slashed at the three dragon and tiger war gods.

Aoki sealed, and the three dragon and tiger gods of war quickly merged, turning into a two-hundred-meter-tall ultimate dragon lake god of war.

This god of war is an equally enlarged Aoki, and a blue-gold sun war pattern appears on his forehead.

The Ultimate Dragon and Tiger God of War came first, and his fists slammed into the blade near the hilt, directly shattering the long knife.

In the face of the furious punch of the Dragon and Tiger God of War, Susaki = also blasted out with one punch.

The two

fists bombarded together, and the violent hurricane blew away the clouds in the sky, the earth shattered, and the jungle under his feet turned into a basin.

The two gods of war fought from the ground to the sky, changing the celestial phenomena and destroying the terrain.

The people of the unified land saw this magnificent battle, and all this completely crushed the ambitions of those who were unwilling to be unified.

Hei Jue lay on the top of a mountain peak, watching the amazing battle in the sky, full of shock.

"The battle between my mother and those two rebels back then was not as exaggerated as the battle between these three people.

"Times are changing so fast, when did it become like this?

"The strength of these three people has far surpassed that of the six rebels and their mothers.

Black Jedi looked at the towering sacred tree in the distance.

"The Ten Tails have turned into a sacred tree, mother should be there, I will definitely save you. The

Black Absolute sank down and began to head in the direction of the Sacred Tree.

When he reached the vicinity of the sacred tree, he looked up and saw Kaguya, a large barrel of wood that had been lifted.

"Oh, my mom yes!"

and there were others heading towards the sacred tree, Izuna Uchiha and Senju Kazuma.

The two people, who originally hated each other, are now working together to prepare for rescue activities.

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