"Not only did you rob Jin's reincarnation eye, but you also robbed Chiba's Shura Dao

!" "Evil Aoki, you really damn if you stepped on a horse!" Evil Aoki

: "You can scold well!"

Insulting me will only make me more ruthless

!" "Shura Dao: Death Entanglement!" Madara: "

500,000 Horses of Strength: Shinra Celestial Expedition!" The

furious repulsion lined up the Shura Tree that had been entangled, and Senju Pillar and Madara Uchiha took the opportunity to break away.

I wanted to get out of the coverage of the Shura Tree, but I found that all I saw was the Shura Tree.

The two glanced at each other, and instantly broke away from Mars and went to outer space, only to find that the red Mars had turned green.

Madara's face was solemn: "What a terrible

Shura tree!" Naturally, it was terrifying, and Aoki understood the secret of the growth of the sacred tree, so he added this mystery to his Shura Dao.

Created this extremely erosive and aggressive [Shura Tree].

As long as there is enough time, the entire planet will be devoured and absorbed by the [Shura Tree] and turned into the Shura Tree Planet.

And now, Aoki's eyes are full of gold.

The sacred tree far away on the earth quickly shrank and deformed, turning into a green dragon, a wooden green dragon.

"Psychic Magic!" the

Divine Tree Blue Dragon disappeared and appeared on Mars.

The Shura tree grows like crazy, and then wraps around the green dragon.

In space, Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha watched in horror.

One-tenth of the sparks turned into green vines and were absorbed by the green dragon.

The green dragon, which was originally only two hundred meters, turned into a huge dragon of hundreds of kilometers.


stood on the head of the Shura dragon and flew towards the two of them with the star swallowing Shura dragon.

"Don't try to escape

!" "Your only option is to fight me

!" "You don't want the great Mother Earth to be devoured by the Star Swallowing Asura Dragon!" Madara

and the pillars looked at the planet behind them, which was their home, and the people they cared about were behind them.

"You're almost exhausted of your strength, aren't you?"

Branches and leaves quickly grew on the horns of the Star-Swallowing Shura Dragon, blossoming and bearing fruit.

Three red Divine Tree Fruits appear.

Toss two of them to Pillar and Madara, and Evil Aoki eats one of them.

Tsuruma and Madara hesitated for a moment, but finally swallowed the Divine Tree Fruit.

When the three of them opened their eyes again, it was the three pairs of nine hook jade reincarnation writing wheel eyes.

One pair of gold, one pair of purple, one pair of cyan.

This is the first and last time in the world that such a grand scene has occurred.


!" "Hmph

!" "Huh!"

The three of them continued to fight together, this time using the body of the Star-Swallowing Shura Dragon as the battlefield ring.

I don't know how long this battle lasted, and the powerful aftermath of the battle destroyed the body of the Star-Swallowing Shura Dragon.

Evil Aoki finally touched that threshold, and 600,000 horses broke through.

Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha also broke through to this realm, with a strength of 600,000 horses.

But he still couldn't defeat Aoki.

Alone, Aoki won't exert much effort.

But the two have the same mind and cooperate tacitly, achieving the effect of 1+1"3.

A thought came to Aoki's mind, devouring the Star-Swallowing Shura Dragon and increasing his strength.

But he was quickly vetoed by Aoki!

If it was just to defeat the two, he didn't need to train the two at all, and he didn't need to teach the two of them to rotate the magnetic field.

Everything is for the sake of sharpening myself

! I, Aoki, enjoy fighting and fighting!

The Star Swallowing Shura Dragon carries the three of them around the solar system, wandering to other planets every once in a while, spreading the Shura tree, and then recovering it to fill the consumption and repair the damage.

I don't know how long this battle lasted, but I only knew that except for the earth, several other planets were stripped of a layer of ground by the Star Devouring Shura Dragon.

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