Two figures descended from the sky, a black figure and a white figure.

All wore classic high-necked tights and wide-legged trousers.

This is a style of dressing that has been handed down from the Warring States period, and it is a clothing that only the upper class of imperial warriors is qualified to wear.

"Naru, I didn't expect us to come to this day

!" "I really didn't expect it, help, today you and I will be completely separated!" "

There can only be one emperor

!" "Ha !!

" "!!

" "Let's fight

!" "Uchiha Ba Fist!" "

Thousand Hands Buddha Killing Fist!".

Two pairs of gorgeous reincarnation eyes appeared in the eyes of the two, and both of them possessed a complete Writing Wheel Eye bloodline and an immortal body bloodline.

Of course, this is Aoki's handiwork.

The two opened the eye of reincarnation at a young age, and they are known as peerless geniuses who are not weaker than the six gods of the Warring States.

But their fighting still does not rely on the reincarnation eye, the reincarnation eye is just a flying tool, for them, the fist is the most powerful weapon to bombard the enemy.

The two can be said to be a replica of the battle between Pillar and Madara, and they can't tell the winner at all in a short period of time.

Just then, a whirlpool appeared in the sky.

Two white-robed figures emerged from the whirlpool, a large wooden peach style and a large wooden gold style.

The appearance of the two made Senju Naru and Uchiha suke stop.

Naruto: "Oh, it seems to be very much in line with what Chiba-sensei said, the Otsuki clan, a subordinate of the evil Aoki. Suke

: "They came to resurrect the evil Aoki who was sealed by the first two emperors. Ming

: "It seems that the battle between you and me needs to be suspended." "

Help:" It doesn't matter, kill foreign enemies first and then fight internally, this is the emperor's tradition. The

two of them were breezy and light-hearted, and they ignored the big wooden peach style and the gold style.

The big barrel of Mu Tao Shi frowned slightly, feeling that these two natives did not respect him.


"Uchiha Punch!

" "Thousand-Handed Buddha Killing Fist!"

Before Momo finished speaking, two fists slammed into Momo.

"Momo-sama, be careful!" The

large barrel of wood Jin blocked in front of Momoshiki, and the chakra weapon in his hand blocked in front of him, but it was smashed and pierced through the chest.

The strength of the two fists did not decrease, and it slammed into the peach body behind him.

Momoshi was hit hard, spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew sideways.

Naruto and Suke shook hard, shattering the large barrel of wood into pieces.

"Chiba-sensei and Mr. Jin guessed that the big barrel wood is here, and more big barrels will arrive next. "

Help, you and I need to pause for a long time in the infighting..."

"Ming, don't worry about this, maybe you and I have a chance to reproduce the history of the two emperors.

"Next move, I'll attack, you defend

!" "Okay!"

When the attack came, Momo found that this was not the case at all, and the two switched offensive and defensive positions.

"You damn worms, I'm going to kill you all!" "

Uchiha Punch!" "Thousand-Armed Buddha Killing Fist!" From

an observation deck, Uchiha

Gold and Thousand-Armed Chiba watched the battle between the three.

At the moment, they look old and frail, after all, they are over 100 years old.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

"These two children are mature enough to take over the reins of the Empire. "

I'm evil Aoki and I can let it go.

When the authority was smoothly transferred from the hands of the second emperor to the hands of the two, the "dying old" gods of war Chiba and Kingdee gods of war passed away.

In fact, Madara Uchiha and Senju Tsuruma had arranged their own fake animations earlier, as did Senju Kazuma and Izuna.

Only the two doppelgangers of the evil Aoki are left to take care of the aftermath and complete the transfer of imperial authority.

The two left a biography, which is a biography of the six gods of war of the Warring States period, the history of the founding of the empire.

There is also Chiba's Shura Dao, and Jin's Jindee Dao.

Evil Aoki has left his own legend in this world in one way.

[Hokage: Demon Reform of the History of the Warring States, the whole article is over].

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