Aoki held the palm of the multi-matching hand, and the ripples of the multi-matching ground and the ripples of Aoki resonated violently as soon as they came into contact.

In the eyes of Duo Daiji, Aoki's figure loses its color and turns into black lines.

Behind Aoki, two left and right stitching paintings with different styles are formed.

On the left is a black figure with his back to the ground, and it is impossible to see the specific face.

But what is certain is that this figure is full of evil aura, eerie and dark.

On the right is a tall and sturdy silver man with curly silver hair flowing in the wind.

There is only one influence on the silver man, invincible.

Strong physique, swift speed, heroic strength.

I don't know what this picture represents, because it's not a concrete picture of reality.

But half dark and evil, half bright and righteous.

What does this

mean? Are there two different destinies

? Or is it something else

? If it represents fate, does it mean that he could be two different people, two extreme people?

Either evil or good.

But what is certain is that it is absolutely powerful! The

evil and justice of the weak have little influence and are dispensable.

The evil and justice of the strong have a huge impact, and that can really affect the fate of many people.

We must guide him to the right path!

Duobei made up his mind that after this trip to eliminate vampires, he was invited to go to Tibet to practice.

Aoki: "Master Duodi, what do

you see?" Duoduodi sorted out the language: "I see that you have two life trajectories, one is bright and the other is dark.

"After destroying the vampires, I would like to invite you to Tibet to practice and guide you on the right path.

Aoki frowned, this old guy shouldn't want to be against him.

What does it mean that one light and one darkness means,

that he may go astray, so he plans to trick him into imprisoning him?

Aoki's expression is cold: "Don't bother to be a master of the land!" Qi

Beilin saw that the atmosphere was not right, and hurriedly played a round: "Master, I believe that Aoki will not go astray, he has a precious golden spirit in him." "

This time to hunt vampires, Aoki helped a lot!"

clasped his hands together, and he also noticed that there was some ambiguity in his words just now.

"I am waiting for your arrival in Tibet, and I believe that you should be very interested in the practice of ripples, and we have a higher and deeper meaning of ripples there. Aoki

still looked cold, he had a bad stomach and didn't eat hard rice.

"Thank you for the invitation, I will definitely go when I have time. Seeing

that Uncle Zibelin was trying to ease the atmosphere, Aoki also cooperated, trying not to make the atmosphere too embarrassing.


"This is how we greet each other...",

JOJO and Spieterwagen also made a Buddhist salute.

Now with the addition of Duo Paidi, Danya, and Strley, their group has a total of 7 ripple warriors.

Including the little kids, there are 8 of them in total.

The eight of them continued to the town of Wind Knight.

Wind Knight Town, Church.

Dio sat back on a chair and smashed the sumptuous golden cross.

Kneeling in front of Dio sat a woman holding a child, and the woman was crying in a low voice.

"Woo... Please... "

Don't hurt my child..."


!" "Let this child go!"

Dior picked up the rose on the table next to him, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it.

"Hmm... Do you want me to let him go?

" "You want to trade your life for the life of this child?"

Woman: "Yes... Please... Don't hurt him..."

Dior: "OK! Don't cry

!" "No one here will do anything to this kid, I swear!"

"But... The people here are dedicated to me because they are afraid of death.

"If you become our companion like them, then all your troubles and pains will disappear. The

woman was very afraid of the man in front of her, but she kept pleading with Dio for the sake of the child.

"As long as you don't hurt this child!"

"OK! OK!"

The woman could not see the sheer malice of Dio, and they did not harm the child.

But the woman who is about to become a corpse loses her reason and emotions and devours her own child.

The amount of blood and food for a child is far less pleasant than the tragedy of his mother devouring his child.

Dio stood up and pointed his finger at the woman's head.

Just as Dio was about to insert his finger into the woman's head and transform her into a corpse...

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