Sucked and collapsed to the ground, and his whole body strength was scattered by Aoki.

"What is this Pava!?"

"This is my evil Aoki's Pava!"

"Son-in-law, please teach me, I want to use this trick on her!"

As soon as you hear it, you know that your father wants to do something bad.

If you can't catch up with the aunt in the village, you're ready to do bad things, right?

Yoyo stepped forward and kicked his father.

"Don't do bad things!"

As a result, there was a scream, and the whole person flew out, like a football that had been volleyed out.


: "..."Yuna & Daknis: "..."

Yoyo was stunned, he didn't use his strength!

Aoki: "Yoyo, your Dragon and Tiger Breathing Technique is progressing very quickly, and you need to practice controlling your strength. "

Daddy!" Yoyo screamed, chased after him, and picked up and sucked, "Dad, don't die!" Aoki

stretched out his hand and pressed it on Suyo Bang's body, instilling the life Yuan Qi in his body into the old man's body.

In less than ten seconds, the old man's eyes opened and he stood up.

I felt my body crackle and my body was filled with strength.

"Powerful and powerful!!"

"I love it so much!"

"Magicians are my profession, but melee combat is my hobby."

"Good son-in-law, can you teach me?"

"It's the dragon and tiger spitting technique you taught you!"

Yoyo once mentioned this to Suck Yoo, but he didn't care about it at the time, but now he finds that this thing is so hanging.

can actually let Yoyo, a beautiful girl, have such power.

Suck Bang's attitude changed drastically, and he patted Aoki on the shoulder.

"Your business, I agreed, as long as your good son-in-law can teach me the dragon and tiger spitting technique, I will give you the greatest blessing!"

Aoki smiled and shook hands with Suoyo.


Yoyo's face blushed, and her expression twisted.

"You two bad guys!"

The three of them were happy and harmonious.

Daknis and Yuna rolled their eyes.

Aoki is really a scumbag in the world!

Playing with the father and daughter in the palm of their hands.

If it weren't for Aoki's opening of the soundproofing barrier every time he did something bad, Yoyo would have discovered Aoki's shameful behavior a long time ago.

Evil Aoki, extremely evil!

Several people were taken home by the Suck Bang Patriarch.

A few people sat on the sofa and took out the previous two pieces of paper.

"Before I returned to the Red Devils, I carefully read the prophecy that was given to me."

"I found that the handwriting on the two pieces of paper was different, one was my father's, and the other was good enough."

"But inexplicably, the content of the two pieces of paper can just be connected and spliced together into a complete story, or prophecy."

He smiled and touched the back of his head.

"Well, the mailing fee is very expensive, and if you hear that I am going to mail a letter to you, please ask me to sandwich her novel in my letter and mail it to you together."

"As a result, you just came back, and I thought that the letter I just wrote couldn't be wasted, so I'll show you, after all, there are enough novels."

"What I didn't expect was that Yoyo you suddenly left again, I thought you were in a hurry."

Now it's clear.

Yoyo nodded, flipped out the letter written by the Suck Bang Patriarch separately, and began to read.

"What does it mean to 'I must have been out of this world by the time you receive this letter'?"

"Haven't you learned the greeting that the Red Devils are used to? Oh, I forgot, you and Megumi graduated too early and probably didn't learn.

"What is the demon military base that can't be successfully destroyed?"

"This, the military base built by the demons is very grand, and everyone is discussing whether to destroy it or transform it into a tourist attraction, but there is no conclusion so far."

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