It's been a month, so let's go back and report that I'm safe.

After going back, Aoki was really complained by Daknis and others.

Aoki disappeared without saying a word, and it was his own fault.

Aoki also laughed with him first, and then slept with him, which solved the problem.

In addition to Yoyo, Yoyo's emotions should be delicate and sensitive.

Treat Yoyo Aoki with care and gentleness, and will not be as simple and rude as he is with Daknis.

Yoyo is a good girl, and Aoki prepares a gift for her, and the girl easily forgives Aoki.

In front of the dragon and tiger's coffin, Aoki looked at Daknis.

"Daknis, give me your adventurer enhancement card."

With the card in hand, Aoki stuffed the card into a socket that appeared on the surface of the dragon tiger's coffin.

It's like inserting a bank card into an ATM.

After a loud sound, the adventurer's card was spit out.

Giving the card to Daknis, who took one look at it and exclaimed.

I saw that her adventurer card skill bar became +999

"What's going on?" Daknis looked at Aoki incredulously.

Aoki raised his eyebrows, quite proud.

"I have analyzed the essence of skill points, and I have completely analyzed the adventurer enhancement system."

"I made the Dragon Tiger Coffin, through which I can fill up the skill points stored in the adventurer's card."

Daknis looked ecstatic, and then frantically strengthened his body.

Seeing the light flicker, Daknis pointed his body enhancement skill to the full level.

"Aoki, come to fight, you will fall to the ground today!"

For a long time, Aoki put on his pants, not bad.

As for Daknis, he was beaten by Aoki and became delirious.

He collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down his face.

This ability is like challenging his own family throne, which is really whimsical.

Aoki fills the girls with skill points and allows them to achieve skill point freedom.

and asked them to keep it confidential.

The girls experienced the excitement of unlimited skill points, and they wanted to learn something.

Wiz is naturally stupid and very easy to be talked about.

Aoki only gave her skill points, not to mention the source, and she didn't ask, she just thought it was amazing.

Luna is a clever woman, or she wouldn't be able to run an entire adventurer's guild.

She knew the seriousness of the matter, and once it was exposed, it would bring a lot of trouble, so she covered her adventurer card tightly.

How tightly is it covered?

Put it into the other dimensional space on the chest.

Aoki fumbled for a long time, but he didn't find out where the adventurer's card was hidden.

Sometimes, amazing wisdom is not very useful.

Leaving behind the muddy mess, Aoki begins to plan the next leg of her journey.

Where to?

Embarking on your next world trip?

Or explore the other four planets of this galaxy?

Or do you want to advance the mad king's plans?

In an instant, there were too many choices, which made Aoki a little difficult to choose.

The Mad Demon King's plan is not in a hurry, he can directly run to kill the Demon King.

But the Demon King's army will fall into chaos, and Aoki plans to dig out the Demon King's loyal subordinates one by one first.

Then logically complete the alternation of rights and add a name to his career as a traverser.

Last time, the Red Demon Clan's soothsayer trapped himself in the future he predicted, and Aoki wanted to rebel, but I didn't want to start a large-scale war.

Directly be the mastermind behind the scenes.,Quietly complete the control of the demons.。

See if the future will change because of your own thoughts.

Aoki stood in front of the window in deep thought, and Luna, who had just come to her senses, rolled over.

"Aoki, are you going to leave now?"

Luna lay on her side and looked at Aoki with a lazy expression and a charming expression.

"Don't go, let's continue!"

"Okay, use some force~"

What other world to explore, what mad demon king, isn't she fragrant girl?

There's a new clerk in the Wizz prop shop

lately, Barnier.

Barnier is in hell, and the spirit resides on a mask, using clay to construct a host body for himself.

What He loves most is the negative emotions of human beings, which are his favorite food.

Barnier is also one of the cadres of the Demon King's Army, but Barnier fired the Demon King's squid.

The Demon King has special permissions, and when he becomes a subordinate of the Demon King, he will have a strange connection with the Demon King.

In order to break away from this connection, Barnier sought out Akuya.

With the help of Akua's powers, he destroyed the mask of his last hostel.

Completely get rid of the connection with the Demon King!

Then He found his old friend Wiz and stayed with Wiz for the time being.

As a result, Wiz found a man, still a human.

It's strange that a witch has found a male human.

This male human is really stupid, there is no way that a human male can withstand the sucking of a lich.

Sooner or later, he's going to turn into a human!

It's like leftover bread crumbs!

Barnier listened to the movement upstairs, a little speechless.

"Human mating brings pleasure...""

I hate this emotion!"

"I like the negative emotions of sadness, pain, anger, and that's what makes it delicious."

"Otherwise, I'd better go and open a store by myself..."

"Being harassed by this nasty emotion every day really makes the devil unhappy."

Soon, Wiz found out that her free clerk had fired her, the natural store manager.

Barnier found another place to set up shop.

The crying Wiz found Aoki, and after Aoki got to know it, he was quite speechless.

Without Barnier, Wiz's shop was deserted again.

Wiz is not a woman who knows how to run, she sells equipment that only high-level adventurers can use in the adventurer's novice village.

Naturally, it can't be sold.

Wiz was reminded by others to add low-level items, but they were all strange and dangerous.

Megumi's father, Pisaburo, is one of Wiz's suppliers, and Pizaburo is particularly good at making equipment and props for the Pit Man.

Originally, Yuna was also one of Wiz's suppliers, but after being taken care of by Aoki, she stopped selling her labor.

Finally, Barnier's arrival made Wiz's business gradually improve, and now that the free clerk has run away, Wiz panics.

Aoki found Yuna, and a few people combined to make a few useful novice potion equipment.

Aoki provided the funds to purchase the raw materials for pricing, Yuna set up a production line to automate manufacturing, and Wiz was in charge of the brainless sales.

For the money earned, Aoki took four layers, and they were divided into three layers.

Very good!

It can not only unite the two women, reduce the contradictions in the harem, but also make money to support women.

How nice!

But in fact, there is no contradiction between these two women.

Because of Aoki's strategy of building more homes, if they don't come together, there will be no conflicts for various reasons.

As long as Aoki does a good job of time management, there will be no problems.

As for Daknis, Yuna, and Yoyo, who live together.

Daknis is a perverted shake M, Yuna is a little perverted, and Yoyo is a kind girl who lacks love and companionship.

These three people together basically have no contradictions.

Living a pleasant life in the world of Suqing, Aoki feels more and more goldfishy.

I don't have the idea of doing big things at all!


Big things have to be done!

Gotta live!

What's the point of being alive if you don't live a whole thing!

Before going to the next world to live, it is better to go to the Heavenly Master.

Master, the apprentice is here to give you the golden finger!

Engrave the dragon and tiger mark on the old heavenly master, and then implant the dragon and tiger coffin No. 3.

The Heavenly Master is physically aging, his potential is insufficient, and he has a lot of worries in this life.

Aoki intends to adopt the same strategy as he did with the nameless teacher.

When the old heavenly master ended this life, the Dragon and Tiger Mark sent him to travel to a higher world to reincarnate and continue his awesome career of "one person at a time".

After that, Aoki ran to accompany the two girls he hadn't seen for a long time and train well.

Of course, for these two girls, Aoki only disappeared for a few days.

Next, it's time to get to work... Bah... It's a big deal!

(Two chapters in one, one chapter is too short, and it's also troublesome to send chapters and copy titles!) )

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