Today, for the first time, Aoki took on the mission with the newly formed sand sculpture group of six.

"Urgent Mission! Urgent Mission! All adventurers in the town, please gather at the Adventurers' Guild immediately!" "Repeat, Urgent Mission! Urgent Mission!" All adventurers in the town, please gather at the Adventurers' Guild immediately!" A

loud announcement resounded throughout Axel Town.

Daknis was a little surprised: "At this time, it should be to harvest cabbage."

Kazuma was a little dazed: "What? Cabbage? Is there some kind of monster named Cabbage?"

Megumi and Daknis looked at Kazuma with a look at a stupid roe deer, making Kazuma feel like he was illiterate.

The good girl explained: "Cabbage is a green, round vegetable. "

It tastes crisp and is a delicious vegetable.

Kazuma: "I know it's a vegetable, just listen to the name, is the guild planning to organize us to go to farming and harvest vegetables?"

Aoki patted Kazuma on the shoulder: "You just treat the cabbage of this world as a vegetable and become a monster." And

Zhen suddenly realized: "Vegetables have become monsters, then I understand"

Many of the neon gods are monsters who have become spirits, but they can understand.

"Will it be dangerous?"

Aoki: "Ordinary mobs, not dangerous, but a bit of a large number, in groups."

"Swarms like locusts.

Kazuma's scalp suddenly tingled, this hellish otherworld.

Frogs can grow bigger than cows, and he can't imagine what the cabbage will look like!

Akuya covered her mouth and laughed: "Kuci! Kuci! Waste wood squatting at home, actually afraid of cabbage!" and

the real Akua guild clerk held the horn and explained loudly to all the (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)


"I'm sorry for calling you all of a sudden

!" "I think someone already knows, it's

cabbage!" "The cabbage harvest is coming this year!" "This year's

cabbage is growing well, and you can get 10,000 Eris if you harvest one!" "

We've asked all the residents of the town to go home and evacuate." "

Then, please grab as many cabbages as you can and return them here

!" "Please pay attention to your own safety and don't get injured by the cabbage's counterattack!"

"In addition, due to the large number of people and the amount of money, the reward will be distributed to you in the future!" The

adventurers immediately cheered, and the arrival of the cabbage meant that they were about to receive a large reward.

The cabbages of this world can fly, and the whole town is full of cabbages flying by, flying extremely fast.

If you hit an ordinary person, you will directly break the bones and tendons of the person, and you will die on the spot.

It is said that once the cabbage begins to ripen, it will start a great migration because they are unwilling to be eaten easily.

Galloping through towns and grasslands, across continents and oceans.

In the end, he quietly died in the unknown secret territory and was not eaten by anything.

Aoki waved his arms: "I'll tell you a secret, I'm good at cooking vegetables."

Everyone's eyes lit up, the last time the pot chicken made them have an endless aftertaste, and they are quite looking forward to Aoki's craftsmanship.

Daknis bore the brunt of the attack, raising his knight's sword and slashing at the flying cabbage.

But it's a pity that Daknis has a halo of "can't cut people".

As a knight, Daknis has the ultimate in the merits of a meat shield.

Not only that, but Daknis also deliberately hit the cabbage.

The strength of the cabbage's impact was very high, shattering Daknis's armor, but not Daknis's body.

Daknis stood in front of the lower-ranking adventurers, shielding them from the impact of the cabbage.

That miserable appearance won the gratitude of many adventurers.

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