Poor Aoki became a drifter in the town of Axel.

No house, no land, no car, and a lot of food

! There is an empty pair of skins to attract beautiful young ladies!

But when the beautiful young ladies found out, Aoki, a promising magician, actually chose to learn warrior skills, and suddenly lost interest.

The most important thing is that magicians can't learn warrior skills through adventurer cards.

If you don't study more, can you rely on self-study?

Aoki also feels quite strange these days, and there are many young ladies who used to revolve around him one by one who suddenly lose interest in him.

But there are a few warriors with strong muscles who seem to be quite interested in Aoki, and Aoki has learned one-handed sword skills and two-handed swords from them, as well as warriors' unique flesh strengthening skills.

Confiscate the money! confiscate the money! confiscate the money!

Say the important thing three times!

He is worthy of being a bold warrior, unlike the magicians and little ladies before him, who would have to charge him five thousand Eris for learning meditation and illumination.

The reason why those old men who practice blocks teach Aoki skills is entirely because Aoki's thoughts are very much in line with their ideas.

For example, men should be "strong and powerful," "stronger, stronger, harder, and bigger."

Aoki established the core guiding ideology and lit the guiding light for these confused masters.

After that, Aoki became their thought leader, holding high the "strong and powerful" sledgehammer of thought and leading them forward.


Aoki lay on the bed and clicked on the system panel.

After the transformation of the system, the system upgraded by the adventurer has been completely integrated into the system.

Aoki doesn't have skill points, and he doesn't have upgrades, but he has life coins and soul coins.

The skills he learns can be learned through Soul Coins and Life Coins.


Character: Aoki

HP: 25/25

Spirit Value: 18/18

Mana Value: 30/30

Remaining Currency: Life Coin 103, Soul Coin 76

Skill 1: Inexplicable Swordsmanship - Inexplicable, a style of swordsmanship created by Nameless, this style of swordsmanship highlights an inexplicable one.

Skill 2: Eight Extreme Fists, Eight Great Spear Skills. Just punched without two hits, the spear Li Shuwen.

Skill 3: Slippery skin, passive ability.

Skill 4: Meditation (not mastered) Illumination (not mastered) Skill 5: One-handed sword

(not mastered) Two-handed sword (not mastered) Skill 6: Body strengthening (not mastered)


Frog legs × 40, 304,000 Eris, 3 taels of silver, bearskin × 1, crocodile teeth× 43 、...


clicked on the [Body Enhancement] skill, and the text of the body enhancement began to appear with a silver streamer.

The three life coins turned into green energy and flowed into Aoki's body, and some kind of strange energy circuit formed in his body, and the musculoskeletal blood was hot and trembling.

After the energy was consumed, Aoki felt that his physical strength had increased a lot, but that energy circuit had disappeared.


got up and sat down cross-legged, running the Qi in his body, flowing according to the energy circuit he had just had.

Aoki's heartbeat begins to accelerate and his body temperature gradually rises, and Aoki seals his pores to prevent the loss of vitality in his body.

When more than two-thirds of the Qi in his body was consumed, Aoki stopped.

He felt a visible increase in the strength of his body, but the yang fire was lacking, the yin and yang were out of balance, and the five elements were unbalanced.

Draw the energy circuit and mark the human body's veins and acupuncture points.

I see!

Aoki revised and changed a basic body forging technique of five internal organs and five qi.


in the morning, Aoki set up his horse in the backyard of the hotel, adjusted his breathing, and a large number of magical elements poured into his nostrils and entered his lungs, and were digested by the Five Organs and Five Qi Body Forging Technique, and the indigestible waste Qi was spit out of his mouth.

The so-called magic element seems to be no different from the heaven and earth aura of the Fengyun world.

After a night of results, Aoki's body strengthening skills turned into a body forging technique of practicing the Qi school.



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