At night, the Extreme Cloud Daoist came to the room of the master and the heavenly master.

Contemporary Heavenly Master, Zhang Zhiwei.

The "Zhang" of "arrogance", the "Zhi" of "covering the sky with one hand", and the "dimension" of "doing whatever you want".

To be happy is to be under one person, and to be unhappy is to be alone.

The pinnacle of the entire Inhuman world.

The old heavenly master is more than 100 years old, his beard and hair are all white, his spirit is introverted, and his crane hair is childish.

Jiyun: "Master, I'm here to report to you about Aoki's situation. "

Old Celestial Master: "Jiyun, sit down and speak slowly."

"After a day's work today, Aoki has prepared the things to repair the walls of the house, and the ruins have been cleaned up, so that work can continue tomorrow."

"According to his progress, it will be all built in three or four days.

Celestial Master: "Yes."

Jiyun: "Master...""

Something to say.

"That collapsed house was collapsed by the uncles, let's count it on Aoki's head... Isn't it not good..."

Celestial Master: "It's just delaying time, I didn't expect this kid to move so fast, but three or four days is enough."

"I've seen that kid, and the cultivation method on his body is indeed different from the cultivation method of all sects.

"Walking the path of refining the body with Qi, hiding Qi in the five organs, not entering the dantian, showing the image of the five Qi Dynasty.

"Practice the five organs first, then strengthen the body, from the inside out." The strength of his five organs even exceeds that of muscles and bones.

"If the opponent attacks his five internal organs with Qi, it is basically useless, unless the attack can directly destroy him.

"For ordinary strangers, the five internal organs are weaknesses, but for him they are advantages.

"Although the flaws are obvious, if it is really his own cultivation method, then this child is indeed amazing.

"I asked someone to help check the details of this child, and the results should be available in the next two days." Jiyun

: "..."I

understand, the master is planning to accept a disciple who closes the window.

There is no reason not to eat the fat meat in the mouth.

It seems that Uncle Zhang Lingyu's position is not guaranteed...

Jiyun: "I understand, if the master has nothing else to explain, Jiyun will go back first." The

Celestial Master nodded, and Jiyun turned to leave, but the Celestial Master stopped him.

"Jiyun, if that Aoki is too quick to work, you can find a way to delay it. Jiyun

: "Okay, master." The

next evening

, Jiyun looked at the houses and walls that had been erected by the main body, and was silent.

It's too neat to do it...

I thought I didn't need to put in a lot of trouble to delay time, but now it seems that I have to think about it.

Aoki clapped his palms: "What's the matter, this job is beautiful, isn't it?"

Jiyun twitched the corners of his mouth and raised his fingers: "Professional!"

Jiyun smiled on the surface, thinking that he would wreak havoc tonight.

Aoki: "It's a pity, it takes time for the cement to solidify and solidify, and you won't be able to do any work tomorrow, so let it dry for a day, and then you can paste the wall and make it old."

Jiyun thought he had misheard

: "Do you want to be old?" Aoki: "Of course you have to be old, otherwise it will be too out of place, don't question my professionalism." Jiyun

was speechless in his heart, but it would take at least a day to do something old, plus he wouldn't work tomorrow.

In this case, there is no need to wreak havoc yourself.

Why do I think that, why do I have to sabotage?

Just take him to Longhu Mountain for a walk, and the day will pass.

Aoki: "Let's go, let's do some dinner!"

Jiyun: "Yes." On

the third day

, Aoki stretched his waist, and there was nothing to do today, so he listened to the music.

Well, there is no tick bar.

After Aoki finished breakfast, he went to see those Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain to do morning classes.

Practice, chanting, and labor.

Aoki found a place where no one was there to practice Bajiquan by himself, and it was easy to get rusty if he didn't practice for too long.

What he didn't know was that the Celestial Master was watching him from afar.

"The dragon walks and walks vigorously, and it is a piece of jade.

"It's just this heel..."

, I can't find out the trajectory at all, not only Aoki's real name "Gu Qingcheng", but also face recognition.


suddenly appeared in the Heavenly Master's Mansion, which family's spy is so stupid.

It can't be someone from outside the world...

There is a high probability that it is a little doll from the deep mountains and old forests, otherwise no information can be found.

"Senior brother, if you really think this kid is good, you will be admitted to Longhu Mountain first.

"Look at the bottom of your nose, you're still afraid that he can make some waves. A

small Taoist boy came over with a wheelchair, and sitting in the wheelchair was the younger brother of the old heavenly master, Tian Jinzhong.

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