“I’m going to reveal a truth.”

In fact, even more panicked than the supreme commander of Uklan was the torturer, the young gentleman who had escorted Visconsin earlier.

Although their request was simple, it was just for this hacker to refute the previous prophecy about the disaster, which was not first issued by the mysterious Shao Banxian of the East.

It was just a demonstration of the hacker’s tricks, and now it’s time to take the initiative to stand up and repent for your mistakes.

Just a few points, in fact, gave a rough rehearsal script, lest this person be nervous when facing hundreds of millions of people live broadcast.

Even if they are coerced, people will be nervous, this is the common situation.

However, he did not consider the possibility of Wisconsin’s regret.

But this opening statement is definitely not what they asked for in the first place.

So the young gentleman still panicked from the place where he had already entered the passage, and hurried out as fast as possible.

I wanted to save the situation, but it was obviously too late.

Because that hacker naturally wouldn’t make such a low-level mistake.

Of course, Wisconsin thought that even if the live signal was stuck, it would be easy to stop those who wanted to reveal the truth.

This is almost an unsolvable problem, because it is completely in the enemy’s base camp, even in the powerful heroes have no room to use.

But the way to solve this dilemma is also very simple, that is, to complete what you have to do before those people react.

In fact, all he had to do was say a few words, and the speed of speech was almost unresponsive.

So Wisconsin thought that as long as he was on this live stage, everything was done, and his accomplices assured that the signal would not be cut off.

Of course, this is not to say that this improvised team of nuclear disaster detection agencies would be stupid enough to put no protective wall on this live channel at all.

But those hackers who are the vandal side only need to achieve a result of less than ten seconds, so it is a completely unequal confrontation.

And now in front of the technicians in the live broadcast band that are being controlled, it is such a desperate picture.

“Why are there suddenly nearly a million broilers, sending a lot of spam, attacking our servers?”

A staff member in an indigo suit cried out in despair.

“As long as I fight for five seconds, I can handle this attack, and the strength of the other party is not very strong.” The other one was almost dressed like him and was sweaty.

“It’s over, there’s no chance, the other party doesn’t need that long at all, and the time difference between our reaction to being attacked and then attacking for maintenance is enough for them to complete everything.”

This key point was quickly pointed out.

And Visconsin is actually a blur in his mind now, he doesn’t even feel what he is doing, and his feet are just soft, like stepping on cotton.

The soul has flown out of Cloud Nine, but his muscular instinct still allows him to smoothly say the lines that he has practiced thousands of times in his heart.

“It’s not about the previous viral text message, it’s a pure front, a rumor, a hoax, a hoax.”

Don’t get me wrong, although time is very limited, he has been practicing this manuscript for a long time, taking into account the urgency of time, the brevity of quick completion and the satisfaction of his desire to pretend.

After all, if the details of the previous implementation plan are not dealt with, you can make up your own nonsense when the time comes, and then write passionately in your autobiography or memoir how heroic and fearless you are.

But now this picture broadcast to the world cannot be processed and retouched with art, so it must be perfect.

In fact, this hacker is similar to those politicians, that is, although he feels that he is saving the people of all of Europe, it does not rule out that he will use this process to seek a little personal gain for himself.

“But I tell you, you have all been deceived, those capitalists and politicians do not care about your life or death, they demand that you ignore this disaster purely for the sake of economic stability, and they hope that you will wait for death.”

“The previous text message was indeed conveyed to me by that Shao Banxian in the Eastern legend, who predicted that disaster was about to break out.”

“Originally, I was going to flee to that ancient eastern country to escape the disaster, until I realized this government, until it was when the public was about to face the disaster.”

Wiscon was overjoyed, and he felt like a god under the earth

“I couldn’t stand it by choosing to hide it to satisfy my own selfish desires, so I stood up.”

At this time, the torturer had already run to the podium at a very high speed, directly took off and pressed the hacker to the ground.

“You liar, be honest.” And it is an attempt to salvage the bad results caused by the news that came out of the previous live broadcast.

But in fact, this is also in Wisconsin’s calculations, after all, the live broadcast signal has not been cut off, so his posture of being attacked will definitely become a part of the heroic feat.

He had deliberately slowed down his speech just now, waiting for someone to rush up to subdue him.

He shouted the last line of the predetermined line.

“We all must get the truth, because freedom guides the people.”

Perfect performance, perfect in line with political correctness.

The perfect hero image.

Visconsin silently praised himself in his heart.

Then I passed out very relievedly.


“This guy is crazy enough.”

And Gu Shaozhuang naturally witnessed this live broadcast that was about to cause a huge sensation in Europe or had already caused a huge sensation in Europe.

To be honest, he frowned slightly, not very happy, although it was true that he passed the truth to those people in Europe who could not escape, but the consequences were also huge and devastating.

“I didn’t expect that fan to really make a big event.”

Fu Huadong stood beside Gu Shaozhuang, and he naturally saw the whole picture.

They also say with concern, although they do not agree with the deliberate manipulation of European capitalists and politicians to blind the truth.

But in fact, those who can escape have all fled, and the rest are people who really can’t leave their hometowns, and what they can do is to wait for death or wait to be saved by the tide, even if they know the truth, it is useless.

Therefore, as the slandered Shao Banxian himself, Gu Shaozhuang would rather not speak, and hope to reduce some casualties and chaos as much as possible before the disaster breaks out, because what if there is really a reversal?

The most important thing is how to keep more people alive.

But now the plan has been sabotaged, but he has nothing to blame for the hacker who helped him earlier.”

In fact, this is a complete collision of different values, and for most Europeans and even Americans, they will definitely recognize Wisconsin’s operation more.

In the end, those who suffered the consequences of the disclosure of this truth were also such Europeans who shared these values.

Therefore, Visconshin’s behavior cannot be called a sin, it can only be said that it makes Gu Shaozhuang a little upset, but he is acceptable to this result and benevolent.

It’s just a bit of a pity.

More people are going to die.


At this time, the whole of Europe was completely plunged into a vortex of despair.

One thing has to be admitted is that group thinking tends to slip from one extreme to another.

Their firm belief from the beginning that the prophecy issued by Gu Shaozhuang would definitely come true was chaotic.

Then one by one, they returned home, believing that the disaster promised by the government would not happen, but now that hope was shattered, they naturally fell into hysteria that was even more horrible than before.

Although the whole of Europe did not react in the minutes after the end of the live broadcast, in fact, it was nothing more than those who could not leave silently digesting the news.

And soon everyone will fall into the abyss of despair.

At this time, there are only 17 hours and 23 minutes left before the devastating nuclear explosion disaster…

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