At this time, most people in the world expressed great enthusiasm and praise for the disaster relief.

Basically, those videos about planes going to the rescue, the comments below are like this.

“I felt a power rushing through my heart, and that was the potential that all people can unite in the face of disaster.”

“If you think about it this way, it feels as if as long as there is a sound disaster prediction agency, coupled with the ability to make decisions in an efficient stage, and the will and determination to work together, most disasters must be able to be solved by us.”

“Although this disaster was almost catastrophic, in the end, with the active and courageous efforts of those experts and heroes, the losses were actually minimized.”

At the same time, the media is also righteous rhetoric.

[Post: The world’s nearly 30,000 crew members and more than 2,000 planes carried out a vigorous rescue operation. 】

[The Sun: Although this nuclear explosion almost devastated the whole of Europe, in the end, we won with a united resistance. 】

[Hua Er Street Daily: Due to the success of the disaster fight, the entire European stock market has successfully risen sharply, and has led to a large-scale economic recovery in the lighthouse country. 】

Then, one by one, those dignitaries of various countries came to the fore.

First of all, the supreme commander of the lighthouse country kicked the leather ball Dotsky naturally began another round of speeches, after all, he faced an upcoming general election.

Therefore, it is necessary to actively move around and move around in all aspects in exchange for the approval of the voters, although he seems to be slightly uncomfortable recently, but still cannot resist his enthusiasm.

“I understand that we are delighted to be able to continue to gather here and to announce that we, the lighthouse nation, have played a pivotal role in this catastrophe in Europe, successfully rescuing a large number of victims.”

“And even more commendably, we did not take advantage of this to lose our own interests, but sent such rescue teams when the economy was about to recover.”

“In such a vigorous operation, countless people have become heroes, not only helping those allies in Europe, but also conveying the spirit of the lighthouse country.”


All in all, it is a boast about how wise he was in this rescue operation, and the silence in the early stage has also turned into a far-sighted thing.

After all, if the whole of Europe is affected by the disaster, then the lighthouse country will naturally be countered, but if it is only a state in Uklan, even if the people there are dead, it is not important to the lighthouse country at all.

So playing football Dotsky is not ashamed, just think –

He deliberately suppressed those domestic voices in the early stage in order to allow the lighthouse country to preserve its strength well.

Although most people think that this is nothing more than a crazy maniac, his basic voters are quite eaten by this.

Of course, there is another purpose of Kicking Leather Dotsky’s speech is to over-advocate the efficacy of rescue results in the solidarity of people around the world.

This aside, the unlucky top commanders on the other side who set up a temporary nuclear disaster detection agency were also lucky to get out.

Previously, because the people around them were in a state of self-sufficiency, the natural administrative ability and control power were reduced.

But after the disaster alarm was basically lifted, they smoothly used some agents and personnel trained within the government to create a stand-in to let themselves run safely from that basement.

This was followed by speeches and instructions one by one.

Except for the supreme commander of Uklan, who was a little unlucky, because after all, the nuclear explosion was in his own territory and it was estimated that he would lose his post helplessly, and the rest of the people enjoyed the success and did not suffer particularly large losses at all.

The various speeches of these people here will not be repeated one by one, in short, so that people all over the world are in a state of rejoicing, repeatedly emphasizing that this disaster has basically been eliminated under people’s efforts.

After all, the only victims, the people of Zaporozhye Oblast, were already dead.

Other people naturally mistakenly believed that in the vigorous global rescue, all the losses in this disaster were basically avoided under the communication between the upper echelons and the media.

It is also normal for them to have such misunderstandings, after all, not everyone knows something about the profession of rescue.

So it’s basically the above remarks that seem to be very proud.

However, the people of the ancient countries of the East and even some parts of Asia couldn’t help but sigh.

“But it’s true that these people are a little shameless.”

People have left messages on various social networking sites, and they don’t really know about the rescue.

But one thing is clear.

“It’s really disgusting enough to desperately dilute Shao Banxian’s influence for a little selfish gain.”

“In fact, you can guess that those people are nothing more than wanting to avoid Shao Banxian’s influence from continuing to expand, and affect their authority.”

“I can only say that I hope Shao Banxian that the next time a disaster occurs in their places, it is best not to tell them.”

Then a lot of criticism and spit remarks appeared some somewhat different ideas.

“But in fact, those people have not forgotten who played a key role in this disaster, and they seem to be dissatisfied with the media’s approach, should we organize it.”

“And then give a ruthless one to take down capitalists and politicians?”

Coincidentally, on the other side of the world.

At the same time, there are also such activity initiatives in the individual communities of websites in Europe and the United States.

[We should help Shao Banxian get back his true reputation]

At least nearly 10 million people left messages.

“I’m really fed up, aren’t those upper echelons and capitalists satisfied with the destruction of Zaporozhye?”

“Although they said that they should believe them more, Shao Banxian is obviously more reliable.”

“We should join forces and teach a lesson to those who are shameless.”

Of course, it is not enough to break through the shackles of speech from the top and the media.

However, given that most people are still intoxicated with the joy of successfully resisting the disaster, although this momentum is not yet obvious, it is still growing rapidly and accumulating strength.

It is conceivable that soon such a suppressed wave will suddenly break out at some point.

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