Of course, the reason why the news about Shao Banxian’s account being banned spread so quickly is also due to the boost of the hacker organization that has been cooperating with Gu Shaozhuang——

The same cannot be said, it should be said that it is directly violent promotion.

Naturally, in reality, the so-called hacker group is impossible to face the power of the state, but that’s under normal circumstances, and obviously the current situation is a little biased.

The previous one who helped Gu Shaozhuang was the head of a well-known European security company.

That is to say, there are many software maintenance and various security settings of large social media portals that are entrusted to this hacker group itself, so under such a collision, the results can be imagined.

In terms of technology, the talent reserve of those European and American countries is necessarily stronger, but this time they are facing an enemy who is completely aware of the bottom and knows all the backdoors and loopholes.

In a short period of time, it must have collapsed for thousands of miles, without the slightest resistance.

This also means that the original blocking words about Shao Banxian have all been opened, and then almost everyone has been pushed these messages at the same time as they have opened the network.

So almost instantly, everything had been settled, even if the original technicians reacted, it was useless, and everyone received the news that Shao Banxian had been unfairly treated again.

A few minutes ago, fewer than a thousand people knew about these news, and in a few minutes it has become basically everyone in the world today.

And the time point chosen by the hacker group is also quite sophisticated, basically ensuring that no matter what time zone you are in, you now have the opportunity to access the network, rather than missing out on sleep.

And the cumulative result of such a carefully calculated program is that an angry storm has swept the world at a rapid pace.

“Fuck, my God, how dare they do this!” Dennis didn’t expect that he just casually flipped his phone while waiting for the plane to be delayed, and received such an amazing message.

Immediately, a nameless fire rose from the heart.

He hadn’t had time to say anything yet.

The man on the side had already spoken for him, and it was an Arab with a long beard.

“It seems that those politicians and capitalists have forced us to a desperate road, and they have done everything they can to suppress Shao Banxian.”

The instinctive Dennis cast a look in the direction from which the voice came, but it was not the only middle-aged man who was previously annoyed who was making a growl.

Due to the delay of the plane, the lounge in this hall is now occupied by many people from various countries, although they are not fully linguistically informed.

Even in the chaotic words around them, it seemed that people could not hear what was happening, but the anger in the tone and demeanor could not be hidden.

“Those bastards are doing this kind of thing again, if Shao Banxian is really angry, I must go and kill them first”

Immediately, another strong man who looked quite sturdy shot up and even kicked his luggage aside in annoyance.

However, compared to these unjust characters, more people actually feel a little fear in their hearts.

“Looking at it this way, the behavior of those upper echelons and capitalists is indeed a bit excessive, Shao Banxian will not really be angry, you must know that the credit that was only the most suppressed in the past, now it is directly provoked.”

A woman holding a child, shouting somewhat hysterically.

It was obvious that she was worried about something on another level, and Dennis also thought of something like a dream at this time.

Yes, in fact, whether Shao Banxian is banned or not is not a big question at all, because that mysterious half-immortal from the east has countless ways to make his language be transmitted.

For example, the previous few times European and American officials have intentionally or unintentionally downplayed the influence of Shao Banxian, but he still used an extremely eye-catching way to convey the news to everyone in the world.

Therefore, the important thing is not whether Shao Banxian has a channel to speak, but whether he has the will to inform the disaster of coming.

But even the most stupid person should be able to understand that a person’s good temper is definitely not limitless.

Who knows if that half-immortal will make such a series of provocations and initiatives, what irrationality under ridicule ….

No, it should be said that it is a natural act, stop the disaster prediction for those people in Europe and the United States who have done nothing but have been acquiescing to the provocative news at the top.

As those in the organization that fought for the reputation of the half-immortal have declared, the capitalists and politicians will not be affected, and can spend money to build shelters, and their side is miserable.

Dennis woke up like a dream.

“This group of bitches, we must not let them continue to do this stupid thing, otherwise we ordinary people will definitely be killed.”

He looked around at this time, most of the people had fallen into anger, and the people with calm expressions also took out their mobile phones to see what happened.

Soon, however, these calm people became part of a manic group.

Because at this time, Shao Banxian’s attitude can really decide the life and death of countless people.

Although the language may not be common at this time, this lounge is filled with different national scoldings from various countries.

Lai issued a sincere mockery and curse to the stupid upper echelons and capitalists who banned Shao Banxian’s account.

Of course, not only the story of a small airport here, in fact, as long as there is access to the Internet, it is basically wrapped in this anger like the spread of the virus.

Especially in Europe, which had just survived the shadow of a nuclear explosion, the entire continent was shaken up again and again, and all schools and factories were suspended for several minutes.

Apparently they were caught in the same anger and fear.

Even in those government agencies and large enterprises, the employees immediately put down their work.

After all, they are also very panicked.

“If Shao Banxian really stops predicting the disaster in Europe and the United States because of anger or excessive belittlement, as people speculate, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

You can hear people shouting like this in those office buildings.

After all, those who control the top wealth need to worry about Gu Shaozhuang’s excessive influence and are not afraid that this move may anger that half-immortal is very few.

Most of them prefer the Orientals who never failed in this prophecy than the politicians who have already had several years of deception.

And at this time on the other side.

“Although the anger of these people is still a little confusing, over time they will soon turn the real contradiction against the initiator of all this, at least, the initiator of these people deduced by their own logic.”

At the same time, Gu Shaozhuang also looked at the videos and messages that were constantly refreshed, and said firmly, it seems that his plan is currently very smooth.

In fact, he has an indifferent attitude towards personal reputation, but he just needs such tools.


Of course, for regions outside Europe and the United States, especially in Asia –

More especially for the people of the ancient eastern countries, this is an overly interesting farce.

First, they actually stood on the sidelines from a completely safe perspective and naturally felt that with Shao Banxian’s personality and moral character, it was impossible to make a prediction of the disaster in Europe and the United States because of the provocations of those European and American officials.

This is not quite in line with the image of the savior who has the world in his heart.

In fact, it makes these people in the East have this sense of superiority in their hearts, after all, compared to the stupid upper echelons in Europe and the United States, the officials on their side are much wiser.

From the beginning, he maintained a rather ambiguous and cordial relationship with Shao Banxian.

Therefore, even if the world destroys Shao Banxian, he will give priority to protecting the people on the side of the ancient country in the east, which should be a consensus, so——

They didn’t panic at all, and even wanted to have the mind to mock a few words.

At this time, there are still 3 days, 7 hours and 22 minutes before the solar storm that has swept the entire northeast hemisphere…

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