Gu Shaozhuang frowned a little and felt a little uneasy as he looked at the statement issued by this so-called global disaster cooperation and prediction organization.

In fact, the early situation of the disaster prediction this time is quite good.

Since the success of previous predictions was simply too numerous and sufficient, and the fact that a nuclear explosion would be a catastrophe that threatened the whole of Europe, –

“Your prestige is already known to everyone, but it’s still a little, uh, easy to be used.” Fu Huadong on the side saw that the gods around him were unhappy, and considered the words.

Obviously, he is well aware of the current instructions and results, which does not satisfy this Mr. Gu, and even it is very reasonable for the other party to be a little angry.

The reason, naturally, is an announcement broadcast on the computer screen.

[We must believe the advice given by Shao Banxian, just stay at home, do not do anything that may disrupt social order, and suggest that all people store certain materials as much as possible before the disaster, and the government’s rescue team will arrive soon. ] 】

[Again, this time the super solar storm is not terrible, it can only destroy some electronic products, and there is no damage to people, so don’t panic and fear too much.] 】

[Although we have taken measures in the trust of Shao Banxian, we must remind you that according to the exact astronomical observations, there will be no signs of a super solar storm, so you people do not have to worry too much. ] 】

[Finally, as long as we maintain restraint through our own efforts, we can easily face this heavenly calamity, which must be the most relaxed and comfortable of all the disasters facing mankind in the recent period. 】

[And there is no need for forced pressure from the government or the upper echelons and all kinds of strict control measures, as long as everyone controls their emotions, they can simply avoid all disasters.] 】

This is the intelligence message that people in Europe and the Americas can now push.

To be honest, not to mention Gu Shaozhuang, it is Fu Huadong, who was also laughed at angrily after studying the effects of a super solar storm recently.

It was simply not human words, although it was to mention Mr. Gu beside him, affirming his role and expressing his gratitude to him, but it was useless.

The core idea is exactly the same as the previous ones that fooled the people several times.

And this is pure nonsense, okay?

“I don’t believe that those real elites and capitals will not understand how much of a regression the super solar storm will cause to the entire social order!”

“They just need manpower to do the reconstruction, so they deliberately lie to them, keep these people in their homes, and then hope to reduce their own costs.

Gu Shaozhuang endured for a long time, and finally said a few serious words.

“In fact, the question is very simple, at least for many months after the solar storm, the government may not be able to effectively control the city by mobilizing the army, this quick rescue is calculated in years!”

“And it is useless to maintain restraint, the people I mean to calm them down, but it does not mean that the upper echelons can do nothing!!!

“Without the government taking advantage of these two days to make some preparations on a large scale, it will only cause countless casualties.”

“Just starving to death will starve a lot of people.”

God was furious, although he had long realized that the so-called European and American countries could not really put out all their old money to help all the inhabitants who could not escape to store all kinds of resources in their homes.

But it is not enough to directly persuade residents to ignore the future of super solar storms and wait for the so-called government to rescue.

Although the disaster is predicted in advance, this can ensure that some high-precision instruments and important electronic components are not damaged.

But that’s it, the rescue may not have to be measured in years, but it is also necessary for people to stay in their homes for more than a month before they can be helped.

If you do not prepare in advance, just do the so-called calm and restraint, in the lack of water, food, electricity and other extremely harsh conditions, how serious the tragedy and events will occur, even this god is not willing to think about it.

“It’s just that I’m very puzzled, they don’t have much to gain by doing this, it is true that they can wait for some money to be used to establish various rescue measures, but in the end…. The benefits are not much. Gu Shaozhuang felt that he had a headache.

He really didn’t understand that even if there were various considerations, it seemed relatively cold-blooded and ruthless, but the benefits were not so high that those upper echelons and capitalists made such heartless moves.

I’d rather have people stuck at home than show them a clear way.

For example, you can forcibly establish some rescue points for storing materials in the early stage of this disaster, and then let those people reasonably consume resources under a certain management site.

There was every chance that the government would have relented a little after this catastrophe and sent out a rescue, but it turned out that they didn’t seem to want to do anything at all.

“Even if it is to ensure the resources needed for post-disaster reconstruction, the problem is that many people will die and human resources will be consumed in this way?”

“Those professional economists are not dry cooks, it is impossible not to calculate this, right?”

From beginning to end, neither Gu Shaozhuang nor Fu Huadong discussed any question about whether the people would be deceived again.

Because obviously this time, although those capitalists and politicians did not clearly fool them that there would be no disaster, they actually used very clever words.

It is to induce everyone to believe that this super solar storm will not necessarily happen in the first place, and even if it does, there is no harm, which is undoubtedly extremely irresponsible.

But there is no doubt that the people are very eaten, and as the supreme commander of the lighthouse country said, they will lie to themselves.


At this time, the statement that was just released has set off a very high degree of heat and discussion on the Internet.

After all, although Shao Banxian now gives people the feeling that he can be absolutely trusted, in a sense, the government’s conclusion is more acceptable to some, especially older people.

And even ordinary people who have criticized the government’s inaction in previous disasters will be infected by such a positive and optimistic attitude.

This is human nature, after all, the government and Shao Banxian are a great authority, even if the former, which has been damaged one after another in the past events, it still has a lot of credibility.

It’s just that it can’t be compared with the latter.

And it is different from the performance of Gu Shaozhuang and the asset predator beside him.

The attitude of the people is basically positive and cheerful.

Although they do still feel that they are probably going to be hit by this super solar storm.

But from the beginning of the feeling that it is not until the destruction of the world to the present, it has been certified by many authorities, as long as it is calm and restrained, there will be no damage, which undoubtedly makes people’s mood more and more excited.

Well, from thinking that he would definitely die, now it seems that he can sit back and relax, even no matter how calm people are, they will feel that they are too lucky.

So much so that this statement seems particularly sincere to most ordinary people, and even those voices that have been blaming the disaster prediction organization have restrained a lot.

At this time, there are still 39 hours and 12 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeast hemisphere…

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