Obviously, they did not take into account the warning about that Shao Banxian, and there may be a riot at that time.

Whether you can keep this strange cargo is another matter.

At the same time, ordinary people naturally disdain the big moves of those Chinatowns, and even some people who were originally more inclined to Shao Banxian have lost their preparation to deal with the disaster because they have lost their preparation for disaster between hesitations, so now they can only go one way to the dark.

So some people instead showed more hysteria to oppose Shao Banxian’s warning, which seemed very ironic.

In short, there are a lot of mocking remarks on the Internet.

Even under the first starting point of this information source, that is, the news commentary under the official website of the Niuyo Times, basically the top to the top is with a bit of disdain and mockery.

“To be honest, they have a few blind obedience to Shao Banxian, they are not willing to listen to the opinions of professionals, and they waste their funds so much, they are really speechless”

“That’s why these people can only be trapped in Chinatown, and cannot integrate with the local residents, and their thinking is still too similar to the ancient countries of the East.”

“How to say, if the reserve materials are fine, but such a large-scale construction and military base is a little unnecessary, this is really almost no benefit, super solar storms are really not so much of a threat.”

“How to say it, I think these Orientals really lack a rational and logical thinking of dialectical thinking, and they should not believe so brainlessly about Shao Banxian, and they should use the knowledge of those professional fields to judge.”

However, because of this, the topic of building a military base in Chinatown has been hotly searched.

The previous reporter was promoted and praised by the newspaper because he did bring great traffic and hot spots.

And under such circumstances, a shocking thing happened, that is, because all European and American media, whether print media or online media, are not to be outdone, and want to get a piece of the traffic dividend this time.

It was they who found that the overseas ethnic groups of the ancient oriental countries gathered in their own national cities found that a similar situation had occurred in seven or eight of them.

By the way, the rest of the one or two percent are almost the same as before, people go to the empty building, because that Shao Banxian predicted that there would be a disaster, so they simply moved away from this place.

Therefore, in the original situation of some shock among Europeans and Americans, they gradually became numb again, because one report after another came out.

[Post: At present, most of the ancient people in the East have all entered a similar private armed system, or withdrawn as much as possible. 】

[Prophet report: The people of the ancient eastern country seem to have a somewhat high trust index in Shao Banxian, and everyone heeded the warning of that person. ] 】

[Union of Europe: Maybe we are too loose, or those people in the ancient eastern countries are too nervous, and those people may have bought enough materials to use for more than a year. 】

And in the end, these original screen names that were affected by the rest of Europe, America and regions will be commented on one by one.

“Friends, you really don’t have to do this, the wealth you have worked hard to accumulate for so many years has been consumed by an incorrect warning that it is probably just excessive worry, what can you do in the future?”

“To be honest, we are all grateful to Shao Banxian for his dedication all the time, but there is really no need to do this because the myth completely believes everything about him, even if he knows that it is wrong.”

“Why, can’t you listen to what those experts say, but very stubbornly believe that Shao Banxian relies on personal assumptions to reach conclusions.”

“How to say it, to be honest, if Shao Banxian hadn’t saved us before, I wouldn’t be too lazy to bother with you fools in the East now.”

The words are full of superiority, but because the amount of related news is too much.

In the end, it changed for, a simple sentence.

These Orientals are simply crazy, so believe in that Shao Banxian, is it worth it?

However, there are also some good people who are a little curious after observing the behavior of the overseas ethnic groups of this ancient oriental country.

You must know that these people who can move to the lighthouse country and even Europe and the United States have slightly reduced their identification with Shao Banxian.

After all, many of them have given up their original nationality, and the level of trust must be insufficient compared to those who are really in the same position as Shao Banxian in the ancient eastern country.

So these Europeans and the United States are very curious about how the people of the ancient eastern country responded to this disaster and whether they will also make a big move.

After all, it seems that according to that Shao Banxian, the affected area of the ancient eastern country is only that plateau area.

And the Niu York Times, which had previously taken the lead to report on what happened in those Chinatowns, immediately asked their reporter who had already received a lot of rewards for knowing Chinese, that is, Don Juan. 、

Continue to look for some information, especially how the ancient eastern kingdom responded to the disaster as a new report to get more heat and traffic.

Of course, although it is an interview, this time it is very rare that the reporter shoulders a great responsibility, but he cannot directly go to the local area, that is, the ancient country of the East to conduct field research.

Because for now, almost all airlines are out of service before the solar storm is about to fall.

The bosses of those companies, naturally, had already run away early, and for these top capitalists, even if the disaster was not too serious, they did not mind fleeing and taking refuge.

Then in order to avoid the direct crash of those planes from the sky during the super solar storm and cause the loss of money, these capitalists also stopped all aviation operations to ensure the integrity of the main body of the aircraft.

In this way, even after being cleaned by that super solar storm, the worst result can be removed and sold, which is far more cost-effective than earning a ticket for the last day or so.

As for the question of how civilians escape, it is obviously not the focus of these characters, and they explain very comfortably, after all, everyone feels that the super solar storm is not serious and not worth escaping, so why should I do this?

At this time, Don Juan finally found a target, and he successfully contacted an entrepreneur who was willing to provide interview content to support some of the rescue facilities in the ancient eastern country.

Although Don Juan did not understand why this person was willing to donate his property for free.

You must know that the construction directly invested in this disaster cannot have any tax avoidance effect.

But without affecting the reporter when pretending to respect this person, he can only guess that he was also frightened by that Shao Banxian.

That’s why he made such a stupid act, but Don Juan naturally wouldn’t point it out, but was very clear and treated his special intelligence agent with respect and respect.

At this time, there are still 30 hours and 45 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeast hemisphere…

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