After finishing the interview with the seemingly wealthy rich man, Don Juan was very happy and walked towards the route home.

By this time, he basically got enough samples and remarks for the interview, which means that the original work content has been completed.

You can go back and sort it out in time to release it before the solar storm falls.

It’s just that Don Juan feels a little wrong while walking, that is, although the one who Fang Cai interviewed at the end is very reasonable, he should not be too vigilant about the idea of not being too vigilant.

But in terms of that person’s material reserves and protective forces, it seems that the strength of preparation is similar to that of some highly vigilant civilians.

Suddenly, a strange feeling rose in this person’s heart.

“Alas, I can only say that rich people are so good that they can basically ignore all disasters, so I have to continue to work hard.”

Helplessly, Don Juan could only sigh with emotion, especially when he looked at a fiery red supercar passing by.

Then he walked into the community in front of him, which was still a good facility environment, and walked in the direction of his home.


However, the reporter’s way home was not so smooth, and after swiping the key card to pass the door control, Don Juan unexpectedly found that the security guards had all left.

This is also normal, in fact, as a reporter, Don Juan’s instinctive ability to collect intelligence has made him very clear that those guards in his community should have run to his hometown to take refuge at the first time that Shao Banxian said that a disaster would occur.

These people with low education have an even more terrible blind obedience to the eastern god, of course, the latter half of the sentence was made up by Don Juan in his heart, and did not say it.

Then you can still see a lot of people swaying inside the community.

After all, when the super solar storm has not yet fallen, there is a blockade of access control, and everyone still does not have to worry about safety here.

But when the magnetic storm that can destroy some electronic devices is raging, it is estimated that even the people in the city, which is known for its low crime rate, will obediently choose to stay at home and stay closed.

However, it seems that the people in the ancient eastern country seem to be quite safe, perhaps because of the ban on guns, and people there generally do not consider the problem of community crime rate.

Don Juan somehow suddenly had such a strange idea, but his train of thought was immediately interrupted.

An old lady with gray hair who looked a little old walked over to him, looking like something was going on.

“Mrs. Wadson, good noon.” Don Juan was holding the notebook on the side, and then he deftly transferred it to the armpit on the left, and then bowed, looking very skillful.

This is the result of a etiquette class he has specially studied.

At least for this so-called middle class, especially middle-aged and elderly women, it has a lot of lethality.

The person on the other side originally had a bit of sadness on his face, and his expression immediately eased a lot, but the next moment he didn’t forget his original intention and hurriedly took a few steps forward——

Driving the vegetable basket he was holding, the ingredients that were extremely full of shaking almost fell a few down.

“Hey, that Don Juan, you should be a special reporter for the Niu York Times, maybe you can get a little inside information, I still wonder if those politicians and capitalists are fooling us, is this super solar storm really okay?”

“But that Shao Banxian has already made an extremely serious warning, I think people who don’t believe him will be unlucky sooner or later, you see that our supreme commander kicks the leather ball Dotsky, isn’t he already humiliated countless times.”

This old lady babbled for a good paragraph, and she looked a little panicked in her heart.

Obviously, this topic can attract the attention of people near this community, and many people immediately cast their eyes over, and there was a bit of surprise after seeing that it was Don Juan.

Perhaps from the income class, Don Juan was not particularly advantageous as a journalist in the original community.

But now everyone thinks that this person should be able to use his experience working at the most famous newspaper in the lighthouse country, the Niuyo Times, to get some special news and intelligence.

Immediately, many people surrounded him, and Don Juan’s plan to go home immediately to complete the update of his personal blog was frustrated.

“We still hope to hear you confirm it again, after all, the disaster predicted by Shao Banxian himself is extraordinary, and generally speaking, that oriental will only report some particularly large-scale disasters.”

A young mother holding her child, full of advantages, while asking, her hands are swinging up and down, soothing her child, the expression of the newborn life is very peaceful, intoxicated in the mother’s arms and sleeping soundly.

“After all, the only effective source of intelligence we can get is to rely on you.”

Someone on the side patted the reporter on the shoulder again.

Don Juan naturally looked back and found that it was his college classmate who was also a dead friend, although it was only once.

The latter is now a men’s rugby player, a national sport in the lighthouse country.

And this college classmate of mine is quite talented, and the income is already extremely high.

In other words, there is already a big gap between his social status and Don Juan.

But now it is as friendly as it used to be, without the slightest identity gap.

“You guy, you’ve become a lot stronger lately.”

Don Juan did not say anything about the utilitarianism of his former friends, but also made a good gesture.

At least if you need to interview in the future, the other party should not be able to push it off, no loss, the reporter thinks silently.

Then Don Juan quickly came back to his senses.

Seeing that it was a resident of the same community, showing such flattery and kindness to him, he was not too excited.

Quite simply, he felt he couldn’t make any money from these people.

As a journalist, he must serve those who dominate the world, that is, the common people.

As for these middle-class people, it is often much more difficult to get a few out of their pockets.

However, Don Juan did not mean to neglect.

He knew very well that these people might be the source of some of his big news in the future, so he showed enthusiasm.

In fact, this heart is maintained in a state of no sorrow and no joy, he just glanced at it casually, and then opened his mouth a little helplessly.

“Of course I’ve repeated it many times, haven’t you noticed that I do the same myself?”

Journalists are very talented at acting, and know what way to speak to better mobilize people’s emotions and increase their persuasiveness.

He spread his hands, seemed to show his crying and laughing, and then pointed in his direction very honestly.

“I just have more than a week’s worth of supplies plus some compressed biscuits and other food reserves.”

“Basically, it’s mostly handmade ink printers and all kinds of books, which are all things I need for my work, but not to deal with this disaster.”

“I repeat, we should trust the judgment of those professionals, not the excessive blind obedience to Shao Banxian, who does not know how to fight the disaster at all.”

After the reporter finished speaking, the people around nodded with deep understanding.

To be honest, they themselves adhered to such a concept, and they basically did it in the previous preparations.

At this time, because disaster was coming, I urgently sought the approval of this reporter who seemed to have more intelligence sources in order to seek peace of mind.

After getting a satisfactory answer, these people also gradually smiled, and then gradually spread out a few pleasantries, giving way to Don Juan’s way home.

“Doesn’t that still need you to come and confirm it one last time?” Otherwise, we are still a little worried. ”

“After all, with such an intelligence source as you, how could I be willing to give up, and I will invite you to dinner when I have time.”

“Of course thank you, buddy, I will introduce you to the girl I know.”

All the residents got out of the way one by one, and after the former dead friend got a satisfactory answer, he also left by himself, but before leaving, he patted Don Juan on the shoulder hard.

Let the latter be a stumbling and almost falling.

However, Don Juan looked at the other party’s smiling face, thought about it and didn’t say anything, he didn’t have time to entangle this little problem now, he was busy going back, and quickly updated the content of his interview.

This reporter is your feeling, this must be the first solid step of your personal account to explode.

Although this is a bit superstitious and fantastic, it’s okay, after all, the existence of that Shao Banxian is more mysterious, isn’t it?

Don Juan thought firmly.

At this time, there are still 25 hours and 2 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeast hemisphere…

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