Even if there is only one last day left, there are always people who are not willing to be lonely and want to continue to do a big thing, such as Don Juan.

He suddenly felt like he had found a brilliant idea.

Of course, in a strict sense, it was not based on his own discovery, but also thanks to those-

“You netizens who insult my ancient eastern country, soon I will make you regret it…”

The reporter put a harsh word, but apparently also revealed that his inspiration was precisely some content on the screen.

As we all know, netizens in ancient eastern countries –

Or that there will never be a shortage of such good and exploratory people, plus the superpower in Asia does not have to worry about the impact of any super solar storm at present, after all, all the victims have been moved.

It is also in such a relatively idle situation that the residents there have a new pleasure, that is, in addition to whipping corpses, those who have previously accused the ancient eastern country of disaster relief measures on the Internet.

Even chased the main position of those people, that is, social media on the European and American networks.

And Don Juan is the unlucky egg who was washed the most by them.

The internal reasons are not complicated, not because what the journalist said is so infuriating.

Even what this reporter thought in his heart, his tone was relatively moderate and friendly, and it was also recognized by netizens in the ancient eastern countries.

It’s just that it was obviously overlooked by this reporter, because he exposed himself, and it is indeed a backstory that will Chinese, then it is embarrassing.

If you go to directly attack other bloggers, netizens in the ancient eastern country are still afraid that their efforts will be in vain.

But directly attacking this famous reporter of the Niu York Times does not have to worry about such worries.

His own message must have conveyed his heart 100% –

Well, that’s a strange description, but in short, the journalist was subjected to the most severe shelling and attack.

Don Juan’s original blog was limited by the number of followers, but there were very few people who left messages, almost only three or two kittens of cold interaction.

Even Don Juan paid some trolls to barely maintain a look that was still a little hot, but now it can be regarded as a big change, almost densely filled with all kinds of messages, or frankly, insults.

That is naturally a good place for netizens in the ancient eastern country to vent their emotions or play memes, after all, who makes this unlucky reporter seem to understand Chinese quite deeply, and there is no need to worry about the problem that he does not understand.

In fact, these netizens in the ancient eastern countries really have a powerful feeling when they face those bloggers, especially those blacks and ethnic minorities, when they go on the march.

Obviously, he has considered very intimately that the other party cannot understand Chinese this matter, and he used the language of the lighthouse country to abuse, but he also had to worry about too complex sentences to make the other party understand.

You can only use dry words like “fuck”.

Conciseness is concise, but it is impossible to express emotions at all, but in the face of this high-achieving student who graduated from the Chinese department, they have exerted their high-intensity ability to reorganize.

“Our advice to you is to quit your job as a journalist as soon as possible, otherwise you will be responsible for any deviations in the future reports.”

“I heard that you yourself are in the very center of the solar storm cleansing in Niuyo City, and you seem to be very firm and think that your theory is correct.

Then I hope you don’t die in despair in the disaster when the time comes, and we hope that you can struggle embarrassingly and live to the end so that we laugh at you.”

“Maybe you still look like you think you have the truth, but it won’t be long before you regret bitterly why you didn’t heed that Shao Banxian’s warning in the first place, you fool.”

“You mentally retarded beast, why didn’t I give you away when I was with your mother…”

Don Juan expressionlessly closed the page on his blog.

“There is no need to watch the back, it is all meaningless emotional venting.”

Although the mouth is calm.

But this reporter is indeed a little embarrassed and angry and even wants to have the idea of spraying with those netizens in the ancient oriental country.

After all, his Chinese skills and attainments are not bad.

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