Before I realized that it had been spread by people, it caused a viral spread all over the world, so it could not be deleted, everyone backed up, what is the point of deleting the Internet?

As for forcibly dumping the pot to the Eastern Empire, it is simply because some people in Europe and the United States cannot accept that they are being fooled, because in a sense, they have deceived themselves, so they forcibly found a reason.

There are simply no politicians and capitalists in Europe and the United States behind the waves, although it sounds psychedelic, but that’s it.

Of course, in the final analysis, they cannot escape this pot, because if it were not for the brainwashing and anti-intellectual education of their own residents for decades, they would not have done such ironic things.

Therefore, the anger and resentment of the ancient countries of the East are not without reason.

It’s just that those people are too pitted.

Of course, as a big country, they will not spray back directly without grace, but made a very detailed popular science fragment, and then frantically posted it on those websites in Europe and the United States.

Although in order to ensure fairness as a country, so they do not have any hacking methods, purely relying on manual continuous uploading, those vigilant reviewers easily choose to delete them all.

But no way, there are too many ancient people in the East.

Ever since a state media outlet accidentally slipped his mouth, things have gotten out of hand.

There are countless netizens who have nothing to do, so they frantically run to those places in Europe and the United States to re-upload the good popular science video repeatedly.

What’s even more terrifying is that these people do not pay attention to fairness, forge addresses or insert popular science videos into the middle of movies, and there are countless means/

Under such a back and forth tug-of-war, there are many Europeans and Americans, even if they have been wrapped in information cocoons.

But he can always see one or two similar video clips, after all, there are too many uploads.

At that time, Gu Shaozhuang himself was surprised.

“I originally thought that I would use our account to help them add fire, but now it seems that I am completely amorous, and there is no need for this.”

He stared at the tablet with some interest.

“Maybe this is caught in the sea of Wang Yang of the people.”

Fu Huadong spoke coldly.

“I just checked about tens of millions of residents of the ancient eastern country, of course, including some good people from other countries to repeatedly upload popular science fragments made by that ancient eastern country.”

“Now it’s no exaggeration to say that 60% of the videos uploaded by YouTube today are duplicate images, and the name has been changed in various ways, and they can’t block them if they want to block keywords.”

Fu Huadong also looked at the show with an expression, which is indeed a great achievement, after all, the popular science video has only been born in the world of the Internet for a few hours.

Gu Shaozhuang also took a look at the video content, which is actually very simple, just constantly stacking and listing data.

However, the accompanying pictures seem a little terrifying, although after the gods calculated and communicated with those experts who confiscated the money, it was still clear that these pictures were indeed real scenes that would happen, not the intimidation of the ancient eastern countries.

[All electronic products, except for instruments protected by the use of certain high-end technical coatings——

However, the output of such a unique industrial product is extremely low, because in related fields due to insufficient research funds, there are not many results. 】

[At present, the lighthouse country and even the ancient eastern country can only ensure that some of the more important areas, such as nuclear bomb launches, will not have errors and problems. ] 】

[And under a very large solar storm, in the case of the lighthouse country, the agricultural states will suffer heavy losses, and more than 90% of their crops will rot in the ground.] 】

[For other states, the people will suffer the devastation, because more than 40% of the resources of their daily lives come from the products of the agricultural states that are transported every day, as well as products imported from abroad.] 】

[Once the super solar storm falls, the limit that any city can support is about a week at most, and all residents are extremely calculating to the extreme.] 】

[Even in some industrial areas, they may not be able to last a week because locals can’t use their polluted water sources.] 】

These few paragraphs are followed by countless people wailing and dying, which is to adopt a certain documentary of the lighthouse country.

“But these images are used quite cleverly, aren’t they?”

Gu Shaozhuang asked his partner, and naturally got a positive answer.

“I also think so, although this documentary was used to accuse us of the ancient country of the East, but now it is absolutely appropriate to describe the lighthouse country.”

Obviously, Fu Huadong was much more emotional.

He and the god around him know the historical allusions, and now looking at the picture in this video, there is an inexplicable feeling of revenge.

[The prediction of our ancient eastern kingdom is that in this catastrophe, if you do not consider the power of non-domestic countries, Niuyo City will lose more than 30% of its population. 】

[Even if the situation is better, their residents in agricultural production areas may be able to last for more than half a year, but the pain caused by the lack of electrical appliances is undoubted.] 】

[And in the middle of these two extremes, there will be countless cities suffering hundreds of thousands of casualties.] 】

Then the accompanying picture is a picture of the lighthouse country during the Great Depression, although this image is not so appropriate, but it does think about one thing.

After this super solar storm, these countries must have such a great depression in society, but it will obviously be much more terrifying than the one before.

[Of course, the impact of a super solar storm is only momentary, or it is inappropriate to describe it this way, and the painful economic wounds left after leaving may not heal so easily in a short time.] 】

[We have reason to believe that the number of people who will die in the subsequent financial crisis and the impact of the disaster itself will be equal to or even more than the former.] 】

Finally, the video is spoken in one of these objective tones with an announced voice.

[The role of this program is only used for discussion and communication, and does not represent official views, but is only the result of the rational deduction of citizen scientists through logic.] 】

On a certain level, it is true that this officially released popular science short film has an extremely amazing effect, at least Gu Shaozhuang visited many astronomers, but he could not perfectly deduce such a fine result prediction.

“Is that exaggerated? It seems that many people will die, but I do have a way to live a little longer, such as Niuyo City, they may not have enough food and supplies. ”

“But if you think about it, isn’t there something to eat all around?”

Fu Huadong showed a bit of anger and made fun of it coldly.

Then Gu Shaozhuang only nodded slightly, of course, he was a little unhappy with the lighthouse country.

But he knew better, so he took a neutral attitude towards the misery of the people in Europe and the United States, and if possible, he would do his best to save them, and if he couldn’t do anything, he didn’t bother to ridicule them.

Who knows if there will be a day when the fire of mankind needs to be maintained, although Gu Shaozhuang hopes that if there is really that day, it will be the people of the ancient eastern country who will survive in the end.

At this time, there are still 10 hours and 54 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire Northeast Hemisphere…

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