Therefore, he did not believe that the other party would show any kindness to his side, and he was more convinced that the professionals on his side were stronger than the ancient eastern country in the field of disaster relief.

After all, the other party was just a rising star to catch up, so it did not change Don Juan’s opinion, and as for the recording, it almost made the reporter wonder if he was doing something wrong now.

At home, I was still panicking for a while, afraid that I would not have enough materials in reserve, whether I would die in the disaster or even write a suicide note.

It was also the ancient eastern kingdom that jumped out later, and then gave Don Juan a chance to convince himself, because it would be nonsensical to falsely accuse the Asian country of being a ghost from the beginning.

Don Juan’s logic is much better than those on the Internet, and he has always based his rational judgment on the assumption that superstorms are not a concern.

So when there was doubt in fact, he had no idea of deceiving himself at all, and almost defected on the spot.

On the contrary, it was after the Eastern countries took the initiative to stand up in response to the provocation, so that the reporter finally found a closed loop logically, and it must be because Asian countries have made a ghost, so they stood up and continued to exert pressure.

So now Don Juan’s mood is still relatively stable, but he is also hesitant to follow the past to specifically shoot the behavior of the four villains.

Because he felt that this was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, he had previously taken some pictures of the city after the disaster, which had already allowed him to gather a group of followers in his blog.

If you can get the first time of such a disaster that causes people to change wildly, it is also a good big news.

It must be explosive.

The reporter hesitated and felt himself excited.

Soon, I felt that I had nothing to hesitate, and the reason why I came to this city and worked so hard was not to be able to become a truly well-known journalist?

Although he has now entered the top media of Beacon Lake such as the Niuyo Times, he is still a foot in the door, and all his current glory is brought to him by the newspaper itself, not his own ability.

If you can capture such a news, you really have a chance to win those unattainable awards, after all, after this super solar storm, it touches the minds of people all over the world.

Gritting his teeth, he turned around and took out a pinhole camera and pasted it in the upper right corner of his clothes, this extremely tiny mechanical creation was almost integrated with the black textile fabric on his dress, and it was completely invisible.

Don Juan took a deep breath: “Man, you can, you know, those famous reporters come here like this, and even some people go deep into the battlefield, which is nothing.” ”

“Get this news, this is your God-given opportunity before the disaster strikes, don’t let it down.”

Prepare to sneak out the door and shoot next door.

He now regrets why he didn’t buy the particularly famous drone in the ancient eastern country a few days ago, so that he wouldn’t have to take risks himself.

Although he prides himself as a public figure, he believes that in the current situation of depression between the two countries, he should not buy products from the ancient oriental countries to enhance his interview work, and it is not worth the loss.

But now he really regrets it, after all, there is a big news, and it is very likely to slip away at his hand, so he can only go to physical danger.

However, Don Juan was about to open the door when suddenly there was a knock in front of his door.

It seems to be the same black man who committed the evil act earlier.

“Hello, anyone? We are the staff of the emergency repair circuit, is it convenient to open the door? ”

At this time, there are still 6 hours and 47 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeast hemisphere…

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