“Wait a minute, don’t go to debunk rumors.”

“At that time, if the ancient countries of the East still make a move, but affect our prestige among the people, just use the original method.”

“Just ban those over-the-top remarks.”

The supreme commander thought for a moment before resuming his instructions.

Although there is a feeling of uncertain future now, what if? If the lighthouse country had not been annihilated, it was completely possible for its side to operate one or two to avoid the alienation after the disaster.

“I see.” The other person also showed a bit of a thoughtful look and respectfully retreated.


So on the Internet in Europe and the United States, an interesting thing suddenly happened, and people suddenly found that the social accounts of some of the people who had the most fierce accusations against the ancient countries of the East were actually silent and silent at the same time.

But this is something that some more professional people can only realize, and most people just feel a little strange –

Under the push of big data, only those professional engineers need to randomly type a few characters to change quite a few things.

“Perhaps the disaster relief measures of the ancient eastern country also reflect a little warmth of that Asian country?”

A young man was lying on the bed at home, after all, it was only a few tens of minutes before the disaster befell him, and he would not doubt the truth of what Shao Banxian said.

So the only thing to do is to lie back and wait for the final judgment to come, and then enjoy the last time when the power system is still running.

After all, after a solar storm, it is estimated that the standard of living will be much lower for a long time.

So this young man discovered a series of unpleasant contents that made him sweat fly.

Obviously, the content that was still pushing before to attack the ancient country in the East has now become praising the people over there.

“What the hell is this doing?” The young man frowned and only felt very embarrassed, and he was about to face a big disaster, and as a result, he couldn’t find some fun?

Originally, I was still ready to mock a few words with those like-minded partners on the Internet to vent the pressure in my heart, but now I have no chance to look at the situation.

The young man flipped through it and found that most of the angry bloggers he had previously followed had emptied a lot of content, and some were even directly banned.

“How dare those people do this!” But he just slightly complained about it.

Originally, he got up angrily and wanted to lash out, but he quickly calmed down.

Because the sunrise outside the window should obviously be the nascent sunrise, but it gives people an extremely dazzling feeling, because everyone knows that the disaster of destruction is about to come, even if there is no resentment, now there is an inexplicable numbness.

No matter how much you talk about your disdain for this super solar storm, you will feel uneasy and space in the face of this kind of disaster that may affect half the world.

Moreover, what Shao Banxian said was still vividly remembered, even though everyone was sure that it was a lie and unprofessional remark, but the young man realized that he was in a state of uneasiness at the last moment.

“In the future, I will go to find trouble with those people, and now it is too late.”

At this time, there are still 40 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeast hemisphere…

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