Although he was very worried about the other three, he was still very reliable in his heart if he compared the lives of others with his own.

The three of them do not have the slightest understanding of everything on the snow, they go out like this, it is very likely that they will reach the name, but these five people are different, they stay together and the probability of being able to live is very large, after all, there is a very experienced person inside, and there is a person who can predict and calculate.

No matter how much they say, the odds of winning are much better than the other three, so if he is not a fool, he also knows who to follow to get out.

Soon they encountered the problem they needed to face this time, that is, it was snowing now, and you must know that the already cold snow was not the coldest after the snow, and it began to be cold when it did not fall.

And the equipment on their bodies is limited no matter how it can be said, and it is impossible to keep them going blindly and blindly like this.

“Let’s find a hole to hide in first, and wait until the snow is over, fortunately, we have self-help natural things on us, and we can also rely on us to keep warm.”

Then Pan Qiangsheng found a hole, didn’t know what to do outside, and then came over and said to a few people.

“I just confirmed that there is nothing in this hole, we can hide in it for a while, but I see that this snow should not stop for a while, I guess we will stay in it for a long time.”

After speaking, he led the way towards the entrance of the cave, and several other people looked at each other, and then followed.

When they reached the cave, they quickly lit their torches and then felt warm.

And the tsuyu is the closest to the torch.

It may be because he is a child, and everyone takes care of him very much.

Mock knows that even if he tries to find his father now, he will have to follow everyone now.

So he didn’t yell and make a fuss.

At this time, Fu Huadong slowly reacted, why did Gu Shaozhuang take this child?

Although this child did not have any bright performance along the way, he had also discovered the difference between this child and ordinary children, other children in the face of this danger, either crying to find their parents, or all kinds of restlessness, but this child has never said a word from the beginning to now, just quietly follow them, and when necessary, he will say a very surprising word.

Then because they had been on the road for too long, several people were sleepy, so they fell asleep against the fire.

Gu Shaozhuang was the last to sleep.

He has been observing the news in everyone’s heads, for fear of accidentally missing it.

And until a second before he went to sleep, he was still watching, and after finding that there was nothing unusual, he fell asleep on the side.

And after the other three people they didn’t know left, there was a slight altercation in one place, some people thought that they should go directly to the south, but another person thought that their current direction was off the normal track, so even if they went south now, they might not be able to walk out.

Because of this dispute, their voices are getting louder and louder, and then they answered Gu Shaozhuang’s words, because their voices were too loud, resulting in the snow on the already loose snow mountain, and the snow on it directly collapsed, causing a very huge avalanche.

And this avalanche covers a very wide area.

Even Tsuda, who was on the side, suffered the impact of this avalanche, because they were in the cave, so there was no big accident, and Gu Shao on the other side let them wake up because of this avalanche.

“What’s going on? Why is it just an avalanche? ”

Because they have just woken up, they are still very vague about the situation in front of them.

But only Gu Shaozhuang reacted in an instant, and the three people had already been killed.

However, the few of them are not much better now, because the snow caused by the avalanche has collapsed, and all their holes have been blocked.

If they want to go out now, they must get all the blood that has accumulated at the mouth of the cave.

And there is also a problem that if they keep pulling blood from the bottom, if there is too much, it will cause a small area of secondary collapse, and because they have been in the hole, they have no way to find other places to hide.

So for a while, they can’t start.

Several people had a little swelling in their eyes.

“Oh my God, how do you sleep and there is an avalanche, how can we get out underneath like this?”

That person thought that they were not in any danger, but who knew that they would face such a dilemma when they slept, and the firewood they brought with them was actually not much, and if they wanted to continue now, they had to go out to collect a little firewood and use it, but how could they go out in this situation now?

“What are we going to do now?” Fu Huadong obviously for such a situation, he has only seen it on TV, but he has never experienced it personally, and he has no way to directly give advice or what kind of situation he has, he can only listen to the words of Pan Qiangsheng, the most experienced person brought by his side.

Pan Qiangsheng is not in a hurry, although their current situation seems to be very dangerous, but their situation is actually not very bad, as long as this blood stops, he has a way to take their group out of here, but before that they have to wait a little longer.

Then I saw Pan Qiangsheng take out all kinds of things from his backpack, and these things are very familiar to others, there will be a special instrument for receiving signals, if this thing can be used, then it means that they can contact the outside world, if this looks, then the chance that they can get rescue will be much greater.

“Why do you carry this thing with you?”

Gu Shaozhuang is a little incredible.

“Didn’t you say it all? I am professional, I have a very familiar adaptability for such a situation, this kind of thing I will bring every time I come to the snow, I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, this is not although I have not used it so many times, but this time I still brought and encountered. ”

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