Sniping at a country’s economy?

There is no doubt that if someone else said this, Fu Huadong would find it extremely ridiculous!

But on the other side.

At this moment, the shock in his heart far exceeded his astonishment and astonishment!

Because he knows very well that this person in front of him is probably not joking, but coming for real!

That’s pretty scary!!!

How much faith and confidence is there to be able to think of sniping a world power that can rank high!

Although today’s cherry blossom country has faded into its former prosperity and strength.

But that was once in its heyday, the country that claimed that the total value of real estate could buy the entire lighthouse country, and the world was amazed by the economic explosion at that time.

Of course, it is after the bubble will burst and the high housing prices will collapse.

The rest is a field of chicken feathers.

The current country of cherry blossoms can be called a skinny camel, whether it is from cutting-edge technology, education and medical care, etc., it is directly against the world’s top countries.

However, the people are generally facing great pressure, the suicide rate is high every year, the aging is serious, and young people are reluctant to get married!

But even so.

This is still a power that cannot be underestimated in the world!

Fu Huadong took a deep breath, his eyes became more and more deep, he eased up for a while before calming his mood, and asked in shock: “2 days and 2 hours?” ”

“What do you mean?”

“After this time, what will happen?”

Gu Shaozhuang smiled and did not speak, he did not say it in a hurry, but calmly pointed to the desktop.

Signal to eat breakfast first and talk after eating.

Fu Huadong was also hooked by the other party, and his heart itched, so he could only shake his head with a bitter smile.

For a moment.

The two of them ate almost seven or eight percent full.

They walked in the small garden outside the Royal International Hotel, breathing the fresh air to make people feel comfortable!

Only then did Gu Shaozhuang speak: “The first thing that can be determined is that I saw not only the wonderful cherry blossoms on the mountain that day, but also the death hidden in the deepest place!” ”

Fu Huadong did not speak, because he knew how significant this matter was.

Gu Shaozhuang stretched his waist and smiled: “Give me the lighter!” ”

Then he took the other party’s lighter and held it in his hand, and said, “You see, this is the highest peak in the country of cherry blossoms, and countless people go to see the beautiful scenery every year, and it is a place that countless travelers must pass.” ”

“It is also a symbol of the country of cherry blossoms!”

“And just yesterday, suddenly a plane landed here!”

He gently pressed his finger against the ignition button on the edge of the lighter, and then clicked down hard!

The lighter is lit!

Gu Shaozhuang said with a smile: “That’s right, just like this, yesterday’s fireworks are just the opening ceremony of this big event!” ”

“The real raging fire is still gathering momentum in the underground abyss!”

“And the real outbreak period is just around the corner!”

“Two days later, the brilliant fireworks began to erupt, like this raging fire, shocking the world!”

Fu Huadong’s whole body suddenly froze, and his pupils dilated slightly.

Everyone is smart.

He quickly realized what this so-called lighter, and the so-called fireworks explosion, meant.

His pores all over his body opened, and his voice was hoarse and his eyes were shocked: “You mean, this plane exploded on the mountain, causing this sleeping active volcano to wake up?” ”

“And, just two days later? Fire about to erupt? ”

The news was quite shocking, and the volcanic eruption was not in some deserted place.

But in that holy mountain where people come and go, are extremely famous, and are even known as a spiritual symbol of a country!

Even as far as he knew.

The Sakura Fuji Sacred Mountain is actually different from most people’s perceptions, everyone mistakenly thinks that it is the territory of the country, but in fact it is the private property of a powerful family hundreds of years ago!

At present, it is just renting out to the country to develop tourism!

In the country of cherry blossoms, there are several huge conglomerates with extremely terrifying financial resources, and even those in power have to give in, affecting the economic lifeline of the entire country.

Among them is the owner of this sacred mountain of Fuji cherry blossoms, the Tokugawa family!

Of course.

Fu Huadong’s understanding of this is definitely not deep, just because he has rich experience in gaming in the financial market, so that his vision pattern and even his understanding of the world will far exceed other ordinary people.

He knows what an unimaginable economic chain is behind such a consortium.

From people’s livelihood, diet, accommodation, transportation.

In these seemingly extremely ordinary lives, there are hidden figures of these terrible consortiums.

This is what is really feared and looked up to.

Fu Huadong swallowed a mouthful of water, his eyes became more and more complicated, and he had a lot of behaviors in his mind about the operation that could be started after the volcanic eruption.

But precisely because there are too many places to shoot, it is dazzling.

He gritted his teeth and asked in an extremely serious and affirmative tone: “This is a real gamble on life, 600 million and then on the leverage, if I lose, don’t talk about my life!” ”

“Your life will be ruined too!”

“Stop now, you still have hundreds of millions of funds, do you squander it for a lifetime!”

The reason why he said this is to see how much confidence and determination the other party has!

Yet the next second.

The corners of Fu Huadong’s mouth lifted a trace of arc, as if he heard something that made people’s blood boil.

Gu Shaozhuang smiled slightly, and said with a very sincere and serious attitude: “Is there anything more challenging and meaningful than sniping at the economic lifeline of a country?” ”

“I’ll just ask you!”

“Do it!”

“Still don’t do it!”

Fu Huadong clenched his fists desperately, his nails inserted into the gaps in his palms, and he even felt a tingling pain.

His eyes slowly changed from determination to burning, to excitement and fanaticism.

Then he blurted out: “Then fuck his mother!” ”

I’m afraid no one can imagine that in this small hotel, these two extremely crazy people are planning to use this volcanic eruption to snipe at the economy of a country!

There is no doubt that this is crazy and suffocating.

But on the other side.

Whether it is Gu Shaozhuang or Fu Huadong.

They are all the kind of people who are bolder than the sky and dare to do anything!!!

The corners of Gu Shaozhuang’s mouth rose slightly, subconsciously glanced down at the watch time, and then smiled: “In that case, then you have to start preparing right now!” ”

“Because there are less than fifty hours before the splendid fireworks display!”


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