

Time passes minute by minute.

The horrific nuclear leak in Florida is quietly expanding its scope.

If under the observation of a magnifying glass, you can see some plants in the radiation area, the cell wall is slowly rupturing, the tissue fluid is permeating and exposed, and the water loss is gradually drying up.

A small reptile, slowly moving its body on the green leaves.

Roll by roll.

Finally, suddenly the radioactive material quietly descended, enveloping the area, and then the green leaves began to shrink, and the little reptile seemed to feel discomfort.

The little reptile suddenly gave up eating and tried to escape.

However, in the face of this incomparably vast world, it does not even know where to run.

Harmful radiation materials will accumulate over time, becoming more and more numerous, and the invisible particles in the air are actually like bombs, which is extremely lethal.

Many creatures have a very short lifespan, so even a few minutes may actually be similar to a human few days for them.

Even months of effect!

So, under such a terrible radiation intensity, what are the consequences of staying for several months!

The little reptile, even before it had time to be at the root of the plant, had completely lost its vitality, fell from mid-air, fell into the dirt, and could not even raise dust.

In this vast world, these lives are too weak.

However, in reality.

Almost the same thing is also playing out in the human world, but for the longer life span of human beings, the speed of reflection will be slower.

At the hospital in Florida, the six members of the search team that first found the radiation affected area.


Countless reporters blocked the passage of the hospital, filming frantically.



The group of victims who were unconscious in the past have now become the most concerned object of everyone, because whether their condition is serious or not will represent an important symbol of this nuclear leakage incident.

If these people are within an acceptable range, then the impact of nuclear leakage must still be in a manageable situation.

“Doctor Doctor!”

“How is the patient?”

“Is it the impact of the nuclear leak?”

“Will they be able to recover?”

“Excuse me…”

The microphone for the interview almost hit the doctor’s mouth.

The nurses and other staff pushed these mortal reporters away with serious faces, and suddenly someone shouted: “The governor is here!” “

Suddenly, dozens of days rushed out towards the outside of the hospital.

At this moment, the governor of Florida is the object of attention, because this is his direct administration, and he is the one with the highest power.

The governor’s expression was solemn, and he raised his hand hoarsely: “Regarding the existence near the farm found this time, it is suspected of a nuclear leak!” ”

“I’m here to make a statement!”

“It will be seriously and thoroughly, and it will definitely give an explanation to all the citizens of Floda!”

“If it’s a disaster caused by a nuclear leak!”

“It cannot be ruled out that it is a man-made event!”

“Why is the predicted time of the disaster different from the actual time of the outbreak?”

“Why do Orientals know what we don’t know, I’m more curious about the truth behind this!”

The governor smiled mockingly and said, “I think, to borrow an oriental idiom, give it to our oriental friends!” ”

“If no one knows, unless he does nothing!”

As soon as these words came out, suddenly the whole world was completely boiling.

Various reporters showed shocked expressions, because this answer and this reply seemed to have found a new breakthrough for this catastrophic event.

And this breakthrough will even trigger more terrible contradictions and conflicts.

The swarming fishing boats finally let the world see the terrible conspiracy behind this catastrophic event!

[Florida State Current Affairs News]: “Governor Zach rushed to the hospital late at night to strongly condemn the murderer behind the conspiracy behind the accident disaster! ”

[Western Report]: “Behind the terrifying nuclear radiation, it is suspected of being artificially created, and the governor of Florida alludes to the ancient countries of the East behind the incident!” ”

[Old Jinshan Times]: “Shocking news, the source of the nuclear leakage is most likely the so-called disaster predictor!” ”

Wall Street Journal: “Disaster prediction? Or provocative retaliation? Relations between the Lighthouse Country and the Ancient Eastern Kingdom have entered a period of deterioration! ”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the entire lighthouse country was completely boiling.

Especially the citizens of Floda.

Their lives were threatened, of course, they were extremely angry, and at this time the murderer pointed at the ancient country in the east.

At this time they selectively believed in this matter.

Because they feel that such a major matter, it is impossible to make things up!

At six o’clock in the morning.

The whole country has regained its senses, and most of the people have risen to get ready for work.

At this time, there is even a large bias of the report content analysis.

A Florida television report sparked fishing boats around the world, headlined: “The Curse of the Orientals? Or is it a deliberate provocation of the ancient countries of the East for a long time? 】

On the TV station, several experts and scholars discussed with serious expressions.

The famous professor Justin George said with a serious expression: “Regarding Governor Zach’s mention that the nuclear leakage incident may be a conspiracy of the Orientals, I must reiterate that the location of the recent disaster accident is indeed very suspicious!” ”

“Especially the country of cherry blossoms with volcanic eruptions!”

“Everyone knows that the country of cherry blossoms is our friendlies!”

“Before that, the country of cherry blossoms also had a deep grudge with the ancient country of the East!”

The host next to him said nervously: “Oh! Oh, my God? Do you think? These so-called disaster prophecies are actually conspiracies of the ancient countries of the East? ”

Professor Justin George smiled and shook his head: “I don’t know, but I believe that all disasters come too suddenly.” ”


“Why is that?”

“Why can’t people all over the world predict it, only that person named Shao Banxian, he can know?”

“We call it the curse of the Orientals!”

“Perhaps, that’s their curse, and it’s not just verbal words.”

“It may also be a deliberate conspiracy behind it!”

The host exclaimed: “Oh! my! god! ”

“You mean, they are actually using all kinds of despicable means to cause natural disasters in other countries!”

“And that so-called Shao Banxian is just a puppet deliberately created by the Orientals?”

“This is simply terrible!”

Professor Justin George gritted his teeth and shook his head after a moment of silence: “I don’t know, this is just a guess, we need more intelligence to confirm this matter!” ”

“Perhaps, the investigation of this nuclear leakage incident can reveal the truth to us!”

Although it is said that the program professor has spoken all over the place, the truth is not clear.

But in fact, the sound of the fishing boat has been completely channeled.

People have begun to shift the disaster of nuclear leakage from this vent to a conflict at the national level.

After the content of this program was broadcast, it suddenly caused a world-class shock!!!


After the news came out.

Dozens of countries were shocked, and the most intense of the emotions was the ancient country of the East.

Rush to report like big news.

[Nuclear leakage again suspected of being man-made?] The vile lighthouse country begins to play tricks! 】

[Florida governor declared that the accident disaster was a conspiracy of the Orientals? Many countries around the world are alert! 】

[Explosion big news, disaster was dumped again, the truth became confusing! ] 】

[Is it a man-made disaster, or a faceless slander?] Shao Banxian got into big trouble again! 】

Netizens all exploded, bursting into foul language and crazy scolding!

“It’s really disgusting! This pot actually fell on us! ”

“Damn, I bet that this nuclear leak must have gone wrong with their secret experiment, so they didn’t dare to make it public, so they deliberately framed Shao Banxian!”

“It’s so fucking faceless!”

“Don’t say anything, this little brain knows, how can we do such a dangerous thing in other people’s countries, it is clear that they have their own problems!”

“It’s funny, nuclear leakage, big brother, we must be able to drop the nuclear bomb!”

“One thing to say, this time the despicable and shameless face of the lighthouse country is completely exposed!”

“Grass his grandmother’s, we don’t take this pot!”

“I was really forced to jump the wall, and this time the lighthouse country has completely torn its face!”


This time, hundreds of millions of netizens on the Internet have funny voices with a unified position, and no one doubts the nature of the disaster.

Because everyone knows that Shao Banxian is really awesome!

At this moment, the article titled [Stupid people live in dreams, and Shao Banxian has saved tens of millions of people! ] 】Such a press release was frantically put on top again by netizens!

Extremely interesting.

At a time when everyone is talking about the enormous impact of nuclear radiation, this report seems to be original.

Another mistake and collision, standing in the position of the current wind outlet.

The person who released this news is Wang Chengyu, deputy editor-in-chief, and even he did not expect that his firm stance and boasting article would actually become the voice of countless netizens to vent their emotions at this moment!

Everyone sighed one after another: “If it weren’t for Shao Banxian, I don’t know how many people died in the earthquake, and millions of people escaped from the tsunami!” ”

“Isn’t that it, the country of cherry blossoms is just stupid and unprepared!”

“This time it was finally the turn of the lighthouse country, but I didn’t expect them to be so disgusting.”

“Advance warning, no preparation, disaster outbreak, bite back, two words, awesome!”

Under such an intense fishing vessel.

The three words of Shao Banxian have become a spiritual symbol in the hearts of the Chinese people, and they support the idol!

And the lighthouse country is just a vile and shameless villain, who is just getting away with the accusation!

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