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Chapter 1308 It Was Just An Auditorium

Chapter 1308 It Was Just an Auditorium

"Liu Yuan?"

"Gold spot?"

"Old man Tianlin?"

Brother Cheng waved at his acquaintances, but he knew that these people couldn't see him.

Otherwise there would be no response at all.

"So we're not in the same space as them now?"

What he asked was Mingjia Daoist beside him.

The latter was originally listening to more than a dozen masters discussing the Tao.

Not only him, there are thousands of other people around these dozen or so masters.

Some of these people were deep in thought, some shook their heads, and some even closed their eyes and observed something.

Hearing Brother Cheng's question, Ming Jia hastily cut himself off from listening to the class seriously.

"Yeah, we didn't enter the main venue where it was our turn."

"It's just being able to pass through these special seats and watch the masters' discussions in person."

"But at the end of the day, we're not really next to the masters."

After saying this, he impatiently asked Brother Cheng for instructions.

"Do you have any questions?"

Judging by his posture, he was afraid of wasting a second of listening time.

It is extremely rare to be able to answer Jiang Cheng's questions patiently.


Brother Cheng didn't bother to embarrass him.

After waving his hand, the brother began to think for himself.

So just now I went to the arena with great effort, but just got a seat in the auditorium?

And the auditorium is not at the scene yet, it's just an AR-like movie-watching experience?

So what's the point?

I am the head of the Tian Dan Division, it would be too outrageous for me to wait in the auditorium so far away from the scene.

He felt that he couldn't go on like this.

At this time, the complaint of the three-eyed tiger came from his ears.

"Brother, there's nothing to do here."

"Just watching a group of pill refining old men chattering there, and they can't touch anything, isn't it too boring?"

Except for Jiang Cheng, only the tiger demon couldn't hear a word in the audience.

After wandering around the venue with the AR experience, he felt extremely bored.

The others, even the wolf girl Yan Yi, are already immersed in the state of listening to the sermon.

What she listened to was a sermon given by an eighth-rank emperor alchemist.

Although she doesn't know pill refining and doesn't plan to develop in Alchemy, as Lian Xiao said before, the road to the extreme leads to the same goal.

From the pill refining method explained by the emperor alchemist, she heard some fine manipulation methods for the source.

That made her realize something, and she was addicted to it and lingered.

Not to mention Fan Lei and Ming Jia, they even felt that they had some new insights into pill refining, so they were naturally reluctant to leave.

And that's why those people outside want to squeeze in.

In the eyes of countless alchemists, the remote auditorium that Brother Cheng despises is the throne.

"It's really boring, or let's find a way to get in."

He intends to go directly to the venue of the Alchemy exchange conference.

The three-eyed tiger quickly agreed with both hands.

But a new problem emerged in front of them.

"How to get in?"

"There's always a way."

Jiang Cheng said indifferently: "It's really not possible, even if we break through this Fanhua Mountain, we can go up."

This brother didn't forget the others.

On the spot, Ming Jia, Fan Lei and Qian Yi were all woken up from the state of listening to the sermon.

Ming Jia was fine, but Fan Lei was furious on the spot.

"Boy, what are you doing? This seat is at the critical moment of comprehension, and you actually ruined my chance?"

Yan Yi also looked unhappy.

In her eyes, this is indeed an opportunity.

And Jiang Cheng interrupted, which made them very upset.

Brother Cheng shrugged.

"I plan to leave here and find a way to enter the venue, do you want to go together?"

Fan Lei spit back angrily on the spot.

"If you enter your head, you can't get there at all, let alone this seat is doing well here, why do you need to go in?"

Yan Yi also rejected the proposal on the spot.

"Are you guys going to mess around again?"

"This opportunity is rare, I don't want to mess around with you."

After saying this, she directly gave Brother Cheng the back of the head, and once again immersed herself in the master's sermon.

And Taoist Mingjia had a troubled look on his face.

He really didn't want to leave the auditorium and miss this opportunity to hear the sermon.

But it was not easy for him to object to Sect Leader Jiang's order.

Seeing his hesitation, Brother Cheng no longer insisted.

"Forget it, just keep listening, the Three-Eyed Tiger and I are going out for a walk."

Afterwards, Brother Cheng and the Three-Eyed Tiger quit their seats at the same time.

Looking at the immortals from all walks of life who were all immersed in the alchemy and talisman formations in the seats, he shook his head slightly.

Only then did he take a closer look at the surrounding corners of the hall.

Soon, he discovered that there was a huge arch in the shape of a pill furnace on one side of the hall.

Beneath that arch, a dozen or so disciples dressed in Sect sat guarding it.

Brother Cheng and the Three-Eyed Tiger flew over immediately.

He stepped forward and asked, "Brother, is this the entrance to the main venue?"

The Elder who was the leader of the Nine Cycles Dan sect gave him a slight sideways glance, and said indifferently, "So what?"

Brother Cheng expected that if he wanted to enter the arena, the other party would definitely not let him in.

However, the procedures that should be followed still need to be followed.

"I am the first ginger city of Tiandan Division..."

"All right, all right, so much nonsense."

The Elder also disapproved of his status as the head of Dan Si this day, thinking it was just a fabrication.

"If you want to go in, then just please, why make up any reason?"

After speaking, he directly stepped out of the way.

Not only him, but the other goalkeeper disciples stepped aside as well, and looked at Jiang Cheng and the Three-Eyed Tiger meaningfully.

This surprised the two brothers.

Brother Cheng originally planned that if they blocked the way, he would directly call in.

Anyway, he is an eighth-rank emperor alchemist, and even in this practice of mind training, his combat power is among the top batch.

As a result, the opponent didn't stop at all.

He wasn't stupid either. Judging from the mocking expressions of these disciples, he knew that this venue might not be that easy to enter.

But on the surface, he remained calm.

He even turned around and bragged to the three-eyed tiger: "See, brother's face is just this big."

The Three-Eyed Tiger was not to be outdone: "That is also due to my contribution."

After finishing speaking, the two brothers really swaggered into the arch.

In an instant, the figure disappeared into a blinding white light.

They didn't know, just after they went in, the Outer Sect Elders of Nine Cycles Danzong sneered.

"It's another two idiots who don't know it. Even we are not qualified to enter the venue. They really dare to think."

The disciples of various sects next to him were gloating.

"After this kind of lunatic goes in, not only will he be hit, but he will also lose the precious opportunity to listen to the sermon. This is a profound lesson."

"Hmph, you should teach them a lesson!"

They didn't think at all that Jiang Cheng and the Three-Eyed Tiger would be able to enter the arena.

Because if you want to enter the venue, you need a fairy talisman.

Without the special jade talisman, one would be hit by the rules of heaven and earth inside the Fanhua Mountain after entering the arch.

Even the Great Master of the eighth rank, it is impossible to carry it down.

(end of this chapter)

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