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Chapter 1386: Yuan Guang's Speculation

Chapter 1386: Yuan Guang's Speculation

The Taoist priests who were a little excited before all cooled down.

Daoist Yuan Guang's words are extremely frightening to think about carefully.

"Why would he do that?"

"What is his intention?"

The answer seems to be obvious.

"Could it be a bait and trick?"

"Or is it to cheat materials and seek our wealth?"


Gong Qing, who was sitting at the top, had to cough lightly.

"The chief of the Supreme Palace does not need to do such lowly things."

She narrowed her eyes slightly displeased.

"Malicious speculation about him, you are breaking the rules!"

All the Elders shut their mouths.

But no one can control what you think in your heart.

What's more, Taoist Yuan Guang didn't shut up.

He is like an old detective who has lived for hundreds of billions of years, discovering piles of suspicious points like peeling cocoons.

"Why did he choose to help the Outer Sect disciple pill refining?"

"Why don't you help Talent with a better inner discipline?"

"Why not help the true disciples of Sect's future pillars?"

His gaze moved across everyone's faces at a slow speed.

"Why... the Outer Sect?"

Someone 'reacted'.

"You mean...he can only refine emperor pills below the sixth rank?"

"That's why you chose the Outer Sect Dongji Institute?"

"Everything that is abnormal has an explanation."

"It turns out that this is the truth."

Yuan Guang looked at the nose and the heart with his eyes, as if retracting a sword and returning it to its sheath after making a move.

"I didn't say that, I just raised some questions."

As for how to diverge your thinking, that’s up to you.

The effect of his words was immediate.

Except for the Bone King Corpse King who doesn't need the Medicine Pill and is not interested in it, the other Dao Zun once again gave up the idea of ​​asking Jiang Cheng for pill refining.

They don't want to be 'baited'.

As for the Outer Sect disciples who have been 'deceived' of the materials of the East Pole Institute... they can only ask for blessings.

Jiang Cheng's fighting strength is right there, not to mention that he is the biggest Grand Master of the Ice Palace.

They could discuss it in private, but they didn't dare to go to him and ask him to return the materials.

They just lamented one by one. With such a move, the Outer Sect of the Ice Palace might cause people's hearts to disperse.

After these Daoist priests returned, they quickly rejected all the pill refining requests of the inner disciple and the Outer Sect Elders.

They didn't dare to publicize that Jiang Taishang was trying to deceive the material.

After all, the record of 'Invincible Taoist' is still very deterrent.

One by one was ambiguous, and said to wait and see, to see if the Supreme Palace Master could really refine the materials of more than 300,000 people.

As soon as they said it, others also felt a little unlikely.

In the past, there were so many alchemists in Tiandan Division who were too busy.

Now Mrs. Jiang is alone, how could she be so busy?

Or, wait and see?

In the end, the only materials sent to Jiang Cheng were the 320,000 Outer Sect disciples and deacon Elder materials of the Dongji Institute.

"Why so little."

Hearing his words, Gong Qing, who personally delivered the materials, didn't know what to say.

It is said that it is impossible for you to refine so many materials, but you still think there are too few?

Do you know what the concept of 320,000 people is?

"There are already a lot of these materials."

Don't look at it as just a storage ring, it can be opened enough to gather into a lake.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

"What about the rest?"

Brother Cheng knows the basic structure of own Sect no matter what, the Outer Sect has four major areas, what about the other three areas?

And what about the Inner Sect?

What about the Daoist Elders?

It's not easy for Gong Qing to say clearly that everyone suspects that you are deceiving the material, so I can only be more tactful.

"Everyone is afraid that you are overworked, so..."

Hearing this, Brother Cheng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

"You are coaxing me like a three-year-old child. When did the folk customs in the cultivation world become so humble and simple?"

He could actually guess what happened.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the system pill refining technique is true.

"Okay, you can go back first, and I will notify you to pick up these medicine pills after they are finished."

After finishing speaking, he closed the door of the palace and began to 'busy'.

Gong Qing outside was a little worried.

Can this batch of Medicine Pill really be finished?

Even with her understanding of Jiang Cheng, she couldn't judge the intention this time.

Back then, when she traveled the ice world with Lord Jiang, she saw many scenes of looting.

That's really all kinds of extortion, betting, and snatching. They use everything to the extreme, and they can almost publish a textbook for the evil Immortal World.

But on the other hand, he has always been the enemy, and it seems that he has never eaten the grass on the edge of the nest.

I just hope he can continue to maintain the principles of the year.

As for when the 320,000 materials will be refined?

In her mind, hundreds of millions of years are not enough.

The consumption of pill refining is nothing less than a fierce battle, and one has to rest for a period of time after one furnace is finished, and it is impossible to be uninterrupted.

This will be a long and big project!

And over time, certain suspicions within the Outer Sect will surface.

The finished Medicine Pill has not been seen for a long time, and the speculation that the majestic Grand Master cheated Outer Sect's disciples with materials will gradually be taken as true by everyone.

The bad effects are immeasurable.

At that time, even if everyone dare not seek justice from the Daoist face to face, the hearts of the people in the Ice Palace will definitely be scattered.

Gong Qing has always had a long-term vision.

Thinking of the scenes in the future, she couldn't help but feel a little headache.

The direction of the incident seemed to be exactly as she expected.

Once Jiang Cheng closed the palace door, there was no sign of opening it again.

The entire Ice Palace has been looking at the Great Hall at the top during this time, paying close attention to this big pill refining project.

For a full month, they didn't see a single bottle of the finished Medicine Pill delivered.

what does that mean?

Among the millions of disciples in the Outer Sect, some of them finally couldn't help but start discussing in private.

"It's not really a lie, is it?"

"It's a Taoist saint anyway, isn't it?"

"It is said that the master of the Supreme Palace has a very fast pill refining speed, and can refine a batch of sixth rank emperor pills in one day."

"Now that a month has passed, at least three or five bottles of the finished product can be produced."

"Yeah, even if you count the failure rate, it's impossible not to miss a bottle."

"There must be a bottle or two of Chengdan, there is nothing, what's the matter?"

"Those materials are like sinking into the sea."

"Poor Dongji Institute disciple..."

"They have been cheated miserably this time, and they lost everything!"

After these discussions sparked, they quickly burned up.

Even the hundreds of thousands of Outer Sect disciples who had seen Jiang Cheng that day were a little unsure.

Have you really been deceived?

Their anxiety did not last long.

Because on the 40th day after they sent in the materials, the Great Hall where Jiang Taishang was located finally opened its doors.

Gong Qing who got the notification rushed over immediately.

Before she could ask a question, Jiang Cheng handed her a storage ring.

"This batch has already been refined, and it's all inside. You will distribute it according to the number of registered lists."

(end of this chapter)

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