Chapter 1399


"You are simply dreaming!"

Many Elders could no longer hear it.

Is it over?

He kept talking in front of us that he wanted to kill the Supreme Palace Master.

Stepping on the face and provoking it belongs to yes.

Can this be tolerated?

"I think you are crazy."

"You actually expect us to help kill..."

Before Jiang Taishang could utter three words, Gong Qing raised her hand to stop her.

"We can take this business."


All the Elders were startled, and they all looked at Gong Qing.

"But we have a condition."

"What conditions?"

Gong Qing said calmly: "After the matter is completed, the handover location will still be in our ice palace."

King Shi and King Yi's hearts froze, and the warning signs rose sharply.

The two words were said almost at the same time.


When they bought Qingxiong Valley before, they thought that after the matter was completed, they would kill Daoist Qingxiong's mouth.

This time the ice palace is too strong, and it cannot be destroyed.

But they are very familiar with this rhythm.

Judging others by themselves, they feel that this ice palace may have evil intentions.

What if the other party doesn't pay attention to credibility after everything is done, and intends to do nothing but kill himself to seek property?

If it is handed over on the other side's land, isn't it at the mercy of others?

"Not only can't be in the ice palace, Yun Midao can't do it either."

"At that time, we will hand over in other lands, otherwise the transaction will be suspended!"

There is no Yun Midao's rule of "many people are powerful" in other realms. As Taoist saints with great supernatural powers, they can easily break through even if they are besieged.

Next, around the handover location, the two sides began negotiations.

On the ice palace side are mainly Gong Qing and Yuan Guang Dao Sheng.

"Then it's impossible for us to go to your territory!"

"You don't worry, why should we worry?"

"If that's the case, then choose a neutral area handover that neither side is familiar with!"

After rounds of elimination and opposition, the place of handover was placed on Yuanjidao.

That is the fringe area of ​​Dao Jue Land, which is a full 30 realms away from Yun Mi Dao.

Even if they were in danger there, it would be easy for Shi Wang and Yi Wang to rush back to Tiangong, and the journey was quite short.

And the special rules of heaven and earth over there are also 'ordinary', which is to amplify the effect of any immortal power attack.

They are treated equally, regardless of the number of people, let alone professional attributes.

There, neither side suffers, which can be said to be fair.

After the agreement was made, King Shi and King Yi bid farewell and left.

After they left, some Elders expressed strong incomprehension.

"Palace Master, how can you really promise them?"

"The Supreme Palace Mistress treats you too well, how can you help outsiders attack him?"

"This is simply absurd!"

"They are enemies with Jiang Taishang, they should have been killed just now!"

"That's right, they actually let them go."

However, more Elders were not surprised, but smiled knowingly.

Daosheng Yuanguang said indifferently: "If my guess is correct, is the palace master planning to put a long line to catch big fish?"

Miyagi nodded.

"Yes, of course I can't kill Jiang Taishang."

"Just now, it was to use the plan to stabilize them."

She glanced at the more than 300 Taoist priests present.

"In order to kill Jiang Taishang, the other party sent two Taoist saints to come forward. One can imagine the strength hidden behind it!"

"It's easy to kill them now, but other enemies won't be able to take the bait."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

It turned out that Gong Qing wanted to lure the snakes out of their holes and catch them all.

"However, they may not send many masters when they hand over, how can they catch them all?"

"They will."

Daoist Yuan Guang took over the conversation.

"Just now, the Palace Master proposed to hand over in the Ice Palace, just to scare them on purpose and make them suspect that we have evil intentions."

"After the other party has this idea, they will naturally be on guard."

"So in the next handover, the opponent will send a strong enough lineup to ensure the safety of the handover."

When he said this, he couldn't help giving Gong Qing an appreciative look.

Although this ice girl's strength is not outstanding, her mind is too terrifying.

On the surface, her request for trading in the Ice Palace was not met, and she lost.

But in fact her purpose is not at all.

The moment she made this request, the other party had already been tricked.

The elders were almost speechless.

Is this a horse or a human?

Fortunately, they belonged to one's own camp. If they were enemies, they wouldn't even know they were being plotted against.

But then, the next question arose.

"But the handover location is not in Yun Mi Dao."

"That's right, Yuanji Dao is not our territory, and we have no advantage there."

If you do this, you may be swallowed by the snake if you lead the snake out of the hole.

"With the strength of the opponent's lineup, we are likely to be counter-killed by then."

"Yeah, this is a long-term plan!"

Regarding this, Gong Qing was not panicked at all.

"Don't worry, we will definitely win."

"Don't forget, we still have Jiang Taishang!"

Lord Jiang's Shengyuan Hongyun can take effect outside of Yun Mi Dao, the entire Dao Jue Land is our home field, should I say it proudly?

Everyone didn't know her cards.

However, considering Brother Cheng's record of killing Daoist Yiming before, he immediately regained his confidence.

On the other side, King Yi and King Shi also discussed after leaving Yun Midao.

"The Ice Palace must be harboring evil intentions, we have to guard against it!"

"Defense? Do we still need to defend?"

Shi Wang smiled coldly.

"I wish they would have more people."

Yi Wang was taken aback: "Why?"

"That way we can catch them all!"

King Shi proudly said: "In terms of strength, how can a Sect, a local snake, be qualified to compare with our Tiangong?"

"Out of Yun Mi Dao, they are nothing!"

Hearing his words, King Yi finally reacted.

"Do you plan to call a few more gods to come over and destroy them in Yuanji Dao?"


There was a strong murderous intent in King Shi's eyes.

"The Land of Absolute Dao is the potential enemy of our Heavenly Palace, and it is only one that can destroy one!"

"I just hope that when the next handover happens, their Supreme Palace Master will also be present."

"That way, we've caught a big fish!"

The two looked at each other, and laughed long and loudly.

When they returned to Tiangong to shake people, Gong Qing also rushed to Taiyuan Hall.

Jiang Cheng has been taking medicine at Closed Door Training recently, but this time the matter is related to him, Gong Qing must still report it.

But before she arrived, another message came.

"Another Daoist came to the door?"

"And there are still three?"

Not to mention the other Elders, even she was puzzled.

"What day is it?"

Daosheng cannot be neglected at this level, so she can only go back and summon the Elder Association to contact the other party.

Appearing in front of them this time were Daoist Guqi, Daoist Jiejue and Daoist Chenxiao from the evil Immortal World.

As if they had made an appointment in advance, the three of them also changed their appearances, temporarily changed their special aura, and pretended to be immortals from other realms in the Land of Absolute Dao.

(end of this chapter)

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