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Chapter 1402 It Was You

Chapter 1402 It Was You

There are seven Taoist saints on one side and eight Taoist saints on the other side. The scene is really exciting.

After seeing each other's lineup, both sides were a little shocked.

Why did the ice palace call so many people?

At first I thought I had the advantage, but it turned out to be evenly matched.

"As promised, what do you want to do with so many masters here?"

"Aren't you too? I also asked what you want to do!"

The two sides did not immediately make a move.

Because the opposing lineup is a bit strong, there is no chance of winning.

If there is a fight, there is a high probability of damage to one's own side, and the price is too high.

As a result, they could only hold the Dao Item on guard, glaring at each other while fighting with each other.

"Breach of faith is really disgusting!"

"Are you talking about yourself?"

"I know you Ice Palace can't trust you!"

"Our Ice Palace? Ha, at this point, are you still confusing black and white?"

"Do you think we dare not do it?"

"You think we're easy to mess with?"

This scene is quite similar to the two sides yelling at each other, try to hit me if you have the ability.

In fact, neither side wanted to start a war, and both expressed that they did not dare to move.

Because there is no absolute chance of winning.

Even if there are multiple Taoist saints on the side of the evil Immortal World, the advantage is not obvious.

Dao Sheng is too difficult to kill. Under normal circumstances, none of them can be killed, and it will only waste energy in vain.

There is no point in going to war.

And after this stalemate lasted for half a quarter of an hour, Brother Cheng in the dark couldn't stand it anymore.

According to this rhythm, we won't be able to fight for another day, right?

"What are you doing?"

He took off his disguise and walked out swaggeringly.

"Hit and don't fight, go and don't go, why don't you stop traffic here?"

"Can you be a little civic-minded?"

The three-eyed tiger also followed out cursing.

"That's right, it's a waste of emotion."

"I thought I could watch a big show for free, but it turned out to be just a joke?"

"It's still Daoist, I'm bah!"

He looked contemptuous, as if these two Taoist saints had lost his face.

It's just that Yan Yi behind the two of them collapsed.

What are you two up to?

Can't you hide it well?

Tiangong and Xie Immortal World have a deep misunderstanding at first glance, and the conversations are all on different channels.

Wait patiently, as long as there is a slight opportunity, it is very possible to fight in the end.

Once the war starts, the sky will be dark and the sun and the moon will be dark.

Anyway, both sides are not good things, wouldn't it be nice to let them bite dogs?

Why do you have to expose yourself and make yourself a target?

Not only was she devastated, but Daosheng Yuanguang and the masters of the Ice Palace who were hiding in the distance behind and watching secretly with the fairy artifact were also devastated.

Grand Master, what are you doing here?

Why did you come out early?

This is not in line with the original plan!

Didn't you agree to let the other party kill each other first, and then kill them after both sides suffer?

"What shall we do now?"

They were a little confused, and could only look to Gong Qing for help.

The latter is also a bit helpless.

But fortunately, in the ice world back then, she had seen too many scenes where Brother Cheng didn't come according to her plan, so she got used to it.

"Continue to wait, every decision of the Supreme Palace Master is meaningful."

Yuan Guang secretly cursed in his heart.

What's the point of such a stupid decision?

The fifteen Taoist saints who were still arguing in the field all stopped.

Seeing Jiang Cheng and Yan Yi's Three-Eyed Tiger suddenly appear alive and kicking in front of them, they all stared wide-eyed.

Both sides wondered at the same time.

Didn't they say that Jiang Cheng and Yan Yi had already been killed?

How are you still alive?

King Shi jumped up first.

Pointing at Gu Qi Taoist opposite, he cursed.

"I know that your Ice Palace has no credibility!"

"Didn't you agree to kill them? What do you say now?"

He still thought that the opposite was the Ice Palace.

Here, the evil Immortal World's Daoist Sage Jue Jue was also furious.

"You're still kicking your ass!"

"What we want is a human head, but you actually keep them alive!"

"Could it be that you still expect us to kill them with our own hands?"

"It's fine if you don't have reputation, and you still say we are an ice palace?"

"What kind of bullshit Sect, do you have the guts to do it or not to admit it, what a scumbag!"

Even their evil spirits think this kind of behavior is disdainful, one can imagine how excessive it is.

Seeing that the two sides ignored him and started arguing again, Brother Cheng couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, okay, are you tired?"

"Take off all your disguises."

Both sides are still pretending, and want to hide their identities.

"What disguise?"


Brother Cheng pointed directly at King Shi's nose.

"Aren't you the King Shi of the Heavenly Palace?"

"And you, King Yi?"

"That's enough, it's all old acquaintances, what are you seeing!"

He turned around and looked at the eight Taoist saints behind him.

"Evil Immortal World, right?"

"Don't hide it. Could it be that you grow up ugly and ashamed?"

He directly revealed the identities of both sides, and the atmosphere on the scene immediately became more exciting.

"What? You are actually from Tiangong?"

"Are you from the evil Immortal World?"

King Shi angrily changed back to his original face, pointing at the evil fairy opposite and cursing.

"Good guy, it's Gu Qi, you old bastard!"

"So it's you Tiangong hypocrites!"

"Ha, didn't you say that you can't attack the parties involved in the bet? What are you guys doing?"

"Aren't you too?"

"I bother!"

Buying a murderer to kill someone is originally shady.

Once the other party finds out, they will be sentenced to lose the bet.

But the problem is, the other party also paid for murder.

And also bought the same service.

Who is to lose?

I really can't tell.

"You pay murder to kill, this is against the rules, you lose the bet!"

"It's as if you didn't buy it."

The two sides taunted each other again, ignoring the two parties concerned, Brother Cheng and Yan Yi.

During this passionate abuse, they themselves were secretly wondering.

We will lose that bet, and the other party will win.

Why do they want to buy murder?

It doesn't matter, anyway, the opponent is not clean this time, so let's take advantage of this opportunity to occupy the commanding heights.

"You guys lost!"

"It's clear that you guys lost!"

"Okay, okay, stop everything!"

The three-eyed tiger was also agitated by their quarrel.

"Anyway, they are all Daoist saints. I am embarrassed to be on the same side with you if it is so ugly and depreciated."

"You are not wanting face, I still want face."

When he came up, he scolded him all the time, and raised his own status to the same level as a Daoist saint.

"You don't have to quarrel, I have experienced the whole incident, and I was the middleman from the beginning, and I have the most right to speak!"

"Why don't I judge you guys."

The two sides were taken aback by what he said, and they forgot to refute for a while, and just looked at him in a daze.

It seemed that he really regarded him as a referee.

"Then who do you think wins and who loses?"

"Yes, who do you think will win?"

Shi Wang sternly shouted: "You tiger demon, you better be acquainted, otherwise our Tiangong will not let you go!"

The three-eyed tiger immediately took out a yellow card and gave the old man a warning.

"Dare to intimidate the referee, deduct 20 points!"

(end of this chapter)

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