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Chapter 1443 Embarrassing Heavenly Emperors

Chapter 1443 Embarrassing Heavenly Emperors

While Daoist Jutao rushed in, the other few people were not far behind.

Anyway, the giant gate is very big, and it is still spacious for dozens of people to enter together.

In the blink of an eye, they swarmed into the giant gate.

And behind them, there are more people who want to catch this luxury train.

That's a huge black gate. After passing, the second round must be the first place.

And inside is the real Heavenly Dao, maybe you can get a great opportunity, such as increasing your understanding of Heavenly Dao.

They had just rushed to the door when they saw six figures flying back inside.

Several people had no time to react, and were knocked and flew out together.


The dull landing sound hit everyone's ears.

Those people who were still planning to rush in all stopped.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"It's Daoist Jutao!"

Seeing those figures lying in disorder on the ground, someone immediately recognized them.

It was the Daoist priests who were the first batch of people who were against Jiang Cheng just now to break in.

"Fuck, what happened to them?"

"No, they are hopeless."

With a quick sweep of everyone's spiritual thoughts, they can see the current state of these people.

It is completely a replica of Xiaoduan Daoist before.

"They all became the living dead."

"They were directly destroyed by the Heavenly Dao inside the giant black gate."

"It's useless, it's completely useless."

"I'm not even as good as a mortal in this life, and I don't even have consciousness..."

"This is too scary..."

Seeing the tragic situation of the six Taoist priests including Ju Tao Taoist priest, many people felt lingering fear.

Especially those who almost rushed in just now, felt chills down their spines.

It turned out that the black giant door was not as simple as they imagined.

This is not picking up leaks, this is going to die!

"You, how dare you lie to us!"

Everyone looked at the instigator, Head Jiang, in unison, all of them were furious.

"It's too despicable, with sinister intentions!"

"It's a murder!"

If Brother Cheng hadn't said something about the giant black gate, turning right is the trick, they wouldn't try the black gate even if they were killed.

Many people also recalled it at this time.

This guy did it on purpose just now.

To say there was a problem with Heimen was to lure those people into taking the bait, and he succeeded in the end.

"Aren't you too cunning?"

"Damn it, it's fine if you cheated them to death, you almost cheated us too!"

"This guy is just scary..."

Facing the accusations from everyone, Brother Cheng spread his hands innocently.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Can this be my fault too?"

"I just said that I made it up, just joking, so don't believe it."

"How did I know that you are deaf on one side, you can only hear the first half, and you don't hear the second half at all?"

He looked around the crowd, and began to count with earnestness.

"I've said several times that the black gate is dangerous."

"And in the end I stopped them myself, but I didn't stop them."

"In order to save everyone and avoid a tragedy, buddy has done his best, okay?"

"You don't need to say any words of thanks, just keep your gratitude in your heart."

Everyone rolled their eyes when they heard it.

You have killed several people, and finally thank you?

This is cheap and good!

They are not stupid, and they have already come to their senses at this time.

Jiang Cheng's subsequent words were also acting on purpose.

People are like this, if he didn't suddenly change his words later, maybe everyone would still question whether Heimen is really all right.

In the end, seeing Brother Cheng 'doing his best to cover up', he immediately decided that this was the truth, so hurry up!

This guy is simply the best, digging holes everywhere.

After cheating people, you have to sell it well.

Even Ling said it was an eye-opener.

She found that this person was not as inconspicuous as he appeared on the surface.

On the other side of Zi Xiaodian, Emperor Xiu's complexion was ashen, so sinking that he was about to drip water.

The six people who died just now were all his direct subordinates.

Especially Daoist Jutao, who has followed him since before the Tiangong was founded, can be regarded as one of his confidantes.

As a result, it fell so strangely in the mere competition.

"That damn thing!"

If possible, he really wanted to rush in regardless of his status and tear Cheng Ge into pieces.

Yet he cannot do that.

Not only because Ling was standing beside Jiang Cheng, but also because he was in the middle of a competition at this time, and he had no excuses at all.

Jiang Cheng made a vow with those few people before, life and death are fate, this was witnessed by everyone present.

Obviously everyone knew that those people were killed by Jiang Cheng.

But I couldn't find a single fault in him.

"just wait!"

"Waiting for the fourth round!"

His subordinates are not limited to those of Taoist Master Jutao, and there are even Taoist saints among them.

At this time, several gods in Zi Xiaodian looked at me and I looked at you, and then the leader, King Fu, asked for instructions.

"Then now...what about Qiu Yuxuan?"

"Do you still want to canonize her as a divine monarch immediately?"

When Qiu Yuxuan passed through the white gate before, the three Heavenly Emperors were full of praise, boasting that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on earth.

What is the posture of Heavenly Emperor, just skip the next two competitions...

They all still remember it.

After being reminded by him, the expressions of the three Heavenly Emperors became a little subtle.

How can it be sealed now?

Oh, we ran over and said that Qiu Yuxuan was exceptionally outstanding through the white gate and could be promoted exceptionally.

What about Jiang Cheng?

Jiang Cheng passed through the black gate which is higher than the white gate.

Even though everyone thought he took advantage of the loopholes, there was no evidence that his results were valid.

So what should you give him?

Could it be that he canonized a Heavenly Emperor?

No matter how bad it is, you canonized Qiu Yuxuan, you can't leave him out on purpose, right?

There are so many people watching outside.

"This matter... is still inappropriate." Emperor Yuan slowly closed his eyes.

They were very happy to promote Qiu Yuxuan exceptionally.

But if they want to bring Brother Cheng, they will absolutely not accept it.

Emperor Kong also said indifferently: "Let her pass the four rounds of competition normally."

"It's not against the rules to make an exception."

Just pretend that the previous proposal never happened.

Especially Emperor Xiu, who waited angrily for King Fu.

"No wink, which pot is not open and which pot to lift!"

Poor girl Qiu, she didn't even know that she once stepped onto the position of god with one foot, and was dragged down again only because of Jiang Cheng.

In the hall, after Brother Cheng's operation, the black and white gates turned into terrifying giant mouths that could eat people again.

Before, there was only one Daoist Xiaoduan, but now there are six more living dead.

It's so frightening.

Everyone didn't even want to look at those two doors.

It's better to try the green door and green door honestly.

In this way, the subsequent competition became orderly and calm.

Many Taoist saints and high-ranking star masters also passed through the green gate, and several purple gates even came out.

But there were no more ripples.

In front of those three wonderful black doors and white doors, their grades seem so ordinary.

(end of this chapter)

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