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Chapter 1486 The Strongest Person

Chapter 1486 The Strongest Person

In front of Jiang Cheng's more than 30 original law spaces, Star Lord Bai Nirvana is like a broken leaf swept by a strong wind.

It didn't even last half a second.

He didn't have time to sacrifice his legal realm at all.

The whole person was swept away by the horrific dragon-like attack.

And the others on the sidelines didn't even react.

Jiang Cheng had already jumped over the residue that had been crushed into powder by himself, and roared to kill Mogan Daosheng in front of him.


The latter never dreamed that a Daoist would dare to kill him on his own initiative.

Not to mention that it all came so suddenly.

Frightened and angry, he was not prepared to fight at all.

But when he was going to prepare, he found that the space of own law could no longer be mobilized.

In that space, Jiang Cheng's legal realm completely obliterated him.

The Ten Third Stage Kendo World with Life and Death Sword Heart gave him the baptism of purgatory over and over again.

Mogan Daosheng was beaten.

He had never encountered such a fierce offensive in his life, which made him unable to organize any effective counterattack.

He was out of breath from the beginning, struggling to display his own immortal power and holy soul power.

Hope to take the opportunity to open up the law.

However, it was useless. In these two aspects, Jiang Cheng was not weaker than him at all.

He pinned his hope on the holy power again.

However, this is just a drop in the bucket...

The gap between the two in other aspects is too big, so big that this little amount of holy power can't reverse the decline at all.

In terms of strength, Daosheng Mogan was stronger than Daosheng Fulang who died at the hands of Jiang Cheng before.

But Daosheng Fulang started the war with the help of the law space.

And Daosheng Mogan was beaten so badly that he couldn't use up his law space from the very beginning.

As long as there is any sign of his original origin, he will be forcibly crushed by Jiang Cheng's legal realm immediately.

In this case, he couldn't get the support of the law on both ends of the offense and defense, and his performance was far worse than that of the previous Daosheng Fulang.


Daoist Yun Ting finally couldn't bear it anymore.

After the two Taoist saints, Dou Li and Ji Feng, were killed, his remaining teammates became fewer and fewer.

If Mogan is beheaded again, it will be very bad for him.

In this case, he must take action to keep Mogan.

"Jiang Cheng, how dare you!"

Brother Cheng certainly dares, there is nothing in this world that he dare not do.

The brilliance of the law realm shone across the entire Heavenly Dao secret realm, firmly blocking the attacks of Yun Ting and the other three Taoist saints.

"Do not……"

Mogan Daosheng, who had been completely swallowed by the ocean of swordsmanship, screamed shrilly.

He is so close to the position of God Sovereign, as long as it takes a while, he should be able to succeed.

How can you be willing to fail here?

At this dying moment, a deep regret finally surged in his heart.

After Qiu Yuxuan left, he felt that there should be no accidental factors this time.

I didn't put Jiangcheng To put in one's eyes at all.

And now he finally understands that the ceiling of the power of the Tongshen Conference is not them, nor Qiu Yuxuan, but Jiang Cheng, who was regarded as a "cheating master" at the beginning.

They Taoist saints were not the protagonists in the first three games, and in the fourth game, they were still not!

I kicked the iron board once at Qiu Yuxuan, and ran to Jiang Cheng to kick the iron board again.

This is simply asking for death.

If he had known this before, he would win them over with good words, so how could he end up like this now?

He still doesn't know that being killed by Jiang Cheng is not as simple as being eliminated.

Eternal darkness hit his sea of ​​souls, and this strong man who had been through for 50 billion years came to the end of his life.

Yun Ting failed to save him.

The other three Taoist saints also failed to save him.

This scene deeply shocked everyone on and off the field.

It also gave them a new understanding of Jiang Cheng's overall strength.

Under the siege of four Taoist saints, he forcibly beheaded a veteran Taoist...

A daoist can actually do this step?

"Birth and death!"

Countless immortals outside boiled up again.

"It turns out that Jiang Shouzuo will also birth and destroy Jianxin!"

"Oh my god, he has mastered two ten third stage swordsmanship, it's terrible."

"Is he the one who was recognized by the origin of the sword a while ago?"

"How strong is he?"

"Daoist Yunting should not be his opponent..."

At this moment, Jiang Cheng's has become the most veritable candidate for a god in everyone's minds.

No one ever said he cheated anymore.

Because this is the hard power without fakes.

"If there is a first name in this year's Tongshen Conference, it will be him."

"Indeed, although Qiu Yuxuan's sword was terrifying, it was ineffective against him..."

"Powerful in all directions without dead ends!"

Countless discussions were overwhelming, resounding in every corner of Lantai.

The faces of the three Heavenly Emperors in Zi Xiaodian were gloomy.

This is the last scene they want to see.

Jiang Cheng did not die in the competition, but instead won the support and admiration of countless immortals.

Qiu Yuxuan, who had just appeared on the stage, was staring fixedly at the picture on the teleportation array, her heart was already overwhelmed.

She had already guessed that Jiang Cheng's overall strength would be very strong, and she was the most optimistic about Jiang Cheng among the people present.

However, until this moment, she realized that she had still far underestimated him.

It does not lose the soul and immortal power of Taoist saints at all, far surpasses the law space of ordinary Taoist saints, and there are two sets of ten third stage kendo artistic concepts!

It was beyond her imagination.

If she hadn't used the 'Wu Dao Sword' in the confrontation with Jiang Cheng just now, then she would have been beaten so hard that she couldn't breathe, and she might not have the chance to use it at all later.

Daosheng Yunting and the others stopped.

Looking at the shattered corpse of Mogan Daosheng on the ground, several people felt chills in their hearts.

Can't be resurrected?

How could this be?

At this time, they even really began to believe that the title of "Tiangong Shuangjiao" was destined by heaven.

Because both of them have done things that break the iron law.

Facing Brother Cheng who was surrounded by a mysterious aura, he had no chance of winning at all, so he could only choose to back down again.

"Jiang Cheng, we recognize your strength."

"You have a share of the remaining six places, and then you and I will not interfere with each other and let it go, how about it?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone sighed.

Not long ago, how powerful those eight Taoist saints were!

Now I am forced to compromise again and again.

The so-called Taoist sage dominated the audience, and Qiu Yuxuan and Jiang Cheng beat him to pieces, like a joke.

However, Jiang Cheng shook his head.

"No way."

"What do you mean?"

Yun Ting's complexion changed, "Are you going to fight the five of us with your own strength?"

"You think we're really afraid of you?"

"No no no, you misunderstood."

Brother Cheng turned his head and pointed to Ling behind him.

"I still have a teammate to take with me, and the position of a god is obviously not enough."

"What did you say?"

Not only Yunting, but the expressions of the other Taoist saints also changed immediately.

"What are you kidding?"

"She is also worthy to be a god?"

"It's simply a ridiculous absurdity!"

(end of this chapter)

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